Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Rule of Law » Eric Holder Announces Opposition to Election Integrity Laws

Rule of Law » Eric Holder Announces Opposition to Election Integrity Laws: "On Tuesday night, I spoke in Austin, Texas, at a rally organized by True the Vote.  It took place on the grounds of the LBJ Library on the campus of the University of Texas.  The rally was in response to Eric Holder’s announcement at the same place two hours later of a concerted Justice Department effort to oppose virtually every electoral integrity measure promoted by Constitutional conservatives and Republicans."

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Taxpayers Get the Bill for Occupations: $22.2M (Updated 12/14) | Verum Serum

Taxpayers Get the Bill for Occupations: $22.2M (Updated 12/14) | Verum Serum: "This is a list of costs mentioned in the press. I’ve updated the totals as new figures have come in:"

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Exclusive: Regulators know where MF Global funds went | Reuters

Exclusive: Regulators know where MF Global funds went | Reuters: "Regulators now have a more complete picture of money transfers in the final days of bankrupt brokerage MF Global, but must sort out which transactions were legitimate before more money can be released to customers, a top official told Reuters on Wednesday."

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Israeli officials say Syria’s Assad is doomed - The Washington Post

Israeli officials say Syria’s Assad is doomed - The Washington Post: "In a shift, Israeli officials are welcoming the prospect that Syria’s embattled president, Bashar al-Assad, will be overthrown, an event Defense Minister Ehud Barak says could be weeks away."

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Black Widow Spiders Infest Navy Warship « CBS Connecticut

Black Widow Spiders Infest Navy Warship « CBS Connecticut: "A Navy shipbuilder in Maine says it had to fumigate a warehouse and part of a warship because a shipment of parts from the West Coast contained about two-dozen venomous black widow spiders."

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Russian TV struggles with Kremlin control | Reuters

Russian TV struggles with Kremlin control | Reuters: "MOSCOW, Dec 14 (Reuters) - For one evening last week, Fox News was among Russian television's best sources of information on the swell of protest in Moscow against alleged fraud in a parliamentary election that handed victory to Prime Minister Vladimir Putin's party."

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MSNBC Likens Romney To The KKK For Saying "Keep America America" | RealClearPolitics

MSNBC Likens Romney To The KKK For Saying "Keep America America" | RealClearPolitics: "MSNBC daytime anchor Thomas Roberts seizes on Mitt Romney's use of the phrase "Keep America America." The network claims the phrase plays homage to the Ku Klux Klan slogan of "Keep America American." According to left-leaning news outlets, the "Keep America American" expression was apparently used by the KKK in the early 1900s. "

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New Haven Asks State to Allow Non-Citizens to Vote | NBC Connecticut

New Haven Asks State to Allow Non-Citizens to Vote | NBC Connecticut: "New Haven Mayor John DeStefano plans to ask the state Legislature to allow illegal immigrants who live in the city to be able vote in municipal elections."

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Firearm Sales Way Up During Holiday Season « CBS Sacramento

Firearm Sales Way Up During Holiday Season « CBS Sacramento: " If you’ve pulled the trigger on a new firearm this holiday season, join the club.

As in your neighborhood shooting club, because faster than a speeding bullet, guns are going out the door."

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China set to tax US-made car imports -

China set to tax US-made car imports - "China will impose retaliatory duties on US car imports in the latest sign of trade friction between the world’s two largest economies."

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