Thursday, April 19, 2012

» And Obama Calls Romney an Elitist? » Fresh Ink -- GOPUSA

» And Obama Calls Romney an Elitist? » Fresh Ink -- GOPUSA: "As you would guess, Barack Obama and his team are going after Mitt Romney for being successful (as if that is somehow a crime in America). But Romney is punching back, focusing on Obama's record-setting golf outings and frivilous travel. In reference to Obama's 90+ rounds of golf, Romney said, "I would think you could kind of suck it up for four years, particularly when the American people are out of work.""

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Obama Administration Courts the Muslim Brotherhood – Patriot Update

Obama Administration Courts the Muslim Brotherhood – Patriot Update: "Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood has a long history of deception, promotion of Sharia law, anti-Semitism, and anti-Western values. Yet this does not seem to concern the Obama White House. Recently the Obama Administration wholeheartedly welcomed a delegation from the Muslim Brotherhood to Washington."

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» Obama warns House not to cut spending » Fresh Ink -- GOPUSA

» Obama warns House not to cut spending » Fresh Ink -- GOPUSA: "Barack Obama is putting his foot down. He wants spending and debt regardless of the consequences. It turns out that the budget submitted by Rep. Paul Ryan is only 1.8% lower than Obama's target, yet the president is saying Ryans's budget is a deal breaker."

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