Saturday, March 16, 2013

Wash. state drug dealer still receiving welfare after $40K in cocaine discovered - Seattle Political Buzz |

Wash. state drug dealer still receiving welfare after $40K in cocaine discovered - Seattle Political Buzz | "A Snohomish, Wash. man who was arrested after being accused of running a large-scale drug operation was found to also be collecting welfare from the state."

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Victoria’s Secret is coming for your Middle Schooler – Patriot Update

Victoria’s Secret is coming for your Middle Schooler – Patriot Update: " should have seen this one coming. My first red flag went up last November when Justin Beiber, the teen icon that’s worshiped by nearly every American girl under the age of 14, tweeted that he was getting ready to sing at the highly provocative Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show."

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Colorado Rep Didn’t Know Her Bill Would Outlaw Nearly All Existing Magazines – Patriot Update

Colorado Rep Didn’t Know Her Bill Would Outlaw Nearly All Existing Magazines – Patriot Update: "Colorado Democratic Rep. Rhonda Fields, whose bill to ban ammunition magazines that hold more than 15 rounds ignited an ongoing firestorm of protest and which could cost the state jobs if a manufacturer of such equipment makes good on its promise to move to another state, didn’t realize that her bill would outlaw practically every magazine currently for sale in the state."

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U.S. Spending $227,437 to Study How National Geographic Depicted Animals | CNS News

U.S. Spending $227,437 to Study How National Geographic Depicted Animals | CNS News: "The federal government is spending $227,437 to investigate how animals have been depicted in National Geographic magazine over a span of 120 years, which federal officials say is an “innovative study” that will examine “images of animals to see how people have changed their view of the natural world.”"

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Barack Obama Blame Shifting on White House Tours Cancellations

Barack Obama Blame Shifting on White House Tours Cancellations: "Last week I reported that the White House announced that they were taking cost-cutting measures in response to the sequestration in that all tours would be canceled starting Saturday, March 9.  The White House even sent emails to members of Congress telling them that if any of their constituents wanted White House tours that it was up to the members of Congress to provide them or turn them away."

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Military Cuts and the North Korea Threat | Conservative Byte

Military Cuts and the North Korea Threat | Conservative Byte: Do you remember…? I think this was in 2008, presidential campaign. It might have been a debate. Not totally sure about that. President Obama, candidate Obama, Senator Obama said, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, these countries, they’re tiny compared to the Soviet Union.

LA Times: Illegal Immigration Can Reduce Global Warming | Conservative Byte

LA Times: Illegal Immigration Can Reduce Global Warming | Conservative Byte: The Los Angeles Times ran a Thursday editorial by Middlebury College Professor Bill McKibben arguing that allowing millions of illegal immigrants into America will reduce global warming.

ICE Admits It Released More Than 2,000 Illegal Aliens, Including Serious Offenders – Patriot Update

ICE Admits It Released More Than 2,000 Illegal Aliens, Including Serious Offenders – Patriot Update: "After weeks of denials, the Obama administration acknowledged Thursday that it had, in fact, released more than 2,000 illegal immigrants from immigration jails due to budget concerns during three weeks in February. Four of the most serious offenders have been put back in detention."

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Allen West: Nothing a Liberal Fears More Than a Black Conservative – Patriot Update

Allen West: Nothing a Liberal Fears More Than a Black Conservative – Patriot Update: "Former Rep. Allen West (R-FL) told the CPAC audience on Thursday that there is nothing a liberal fears more than black conservatives."

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