Thursday, September 5, 2013

Pocket : Liberals Get What They Wanted, Then Run Away

Pocket : Liberals Get What They Wanted, Then Run Away: "Like the denizens of Tokyo fleeing before the steady approach of Godzilla, former supporters of liberal policies are running as fast as they can from the results.

In California, where voters never met a socialist they didn’t like, at least seven cities have either filed or are planning on filing for bankruptcy because of the crushing debt brought on by union contracts, bloated pensions and excessive borrowing."

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Pocket : When Animals Attack: Feral Black Mob Beats Man to Death

Pocket : When Animals Attack: Feral Black Mob Beats Man to Death: "In Des Moines, Iowa, which has a 10.2% Black population, the Black-on-White murder streak was extended.  Of course, the mainstream media or Black press won't acknowledge this homicidal streak because it contradicts their false narrative of White-on-Black murder being a primary threat to Black males. Post Zimmerman verdict, Liberal news editors have been eagerly yearning for other exploitable, inter-racial scenarios. However, Black–on-White occurrences need not apply... you're simply not sexy enough for ratings."

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Pocket : 17 Reasons that Going to War with Syria is a Mistake – Even if Congress Declares War

Pocket : 17 Reasons that Going to War with Syria is a Mistake – Even if Congress Declares War: "Whether one or several nations should attack Syria for its use of chemical weapons is a matter of international law.  If the security of the United States were at issue, it would be a matter of domestic law.  Absent an emergency, military response by the United States would require a declaration of war by the Congress and implementation of the declaration by the president."

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What Do You Want to Know About Syria?

What Do You Want to Know About Syria?: "President Obama said last year that the use of chemical weapons in Syria was a “red line.” It wasn’t one that he rushed to enforce, but that’s what he called it."

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Sarah Palin – She’s Still Got it » Eagle Rising

Sarah Palin – She’s Still Got it » Eagle Rising: "Sarah Palin is often derided by the left because of her folksy charm, good looks, and no-nonsense style. When they attack her, they attack her intelligence, just as they did with President George W. Bush."

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