Tuesday, October 1, 2013

More Than 26,000 Fish to Become Fertilizer Following Hawaii Molasses Spill | OutdoorHub

More Than 26,000 Fish to Become Fertilizer Following Hawaii Molasses Spill | OutdoorHub: "Officials say that the molasses spill that occurred in Honolulu Harbor earlier this month has resulted in at least 26,000 fish killed so far. The circumstances of the spill are now under investigation by the US Environmental Protection Agency in what many call one of the worst marine disasters in the state’s history"

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Obamacare Exchanges Crash Minutes After Launch - Conservative Byte

Obamacare Exchanges Crash Minutes After Launch - Conservative Byte: "And here we thought it would take at least a little bit before the whole thing came tumbling down.
Check it out:

Congressman Tim Huelskamp (R-KS) tweeted out a photo at 12:09 AM EST showing the Obamcare exchanges website was down, nine minutes after various federal government offices shut down and the Affordable Care Act exchanges went into effect."

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Doctor Shocker: Patients Might Have to Pay for Their Own Prescriptions! - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Doctor Shocker: Patients Might Have to Pay for Their Own Prescriptions! - The Rush Limbaugh Show: "RUSH: Martin in Cadillac, Michigan, as we start on the phones.  I promised we'd go to the phones and we're gonna do it.  Hi, Martin. Glad to have you here.

CALLER:  Thank you for taking my phone call, Rush."

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