Friday, November 1, 2013

Richard Nixon Resigned Over a Lie Nowhere Near as Big as Obamacare — — Readability

Richard Nixon Resigned Over a Lie Nowhere Near as Big as Obamacare — — Readability: "RUSH:  The hell, you say.  Now they tell us.  Right there on Fox they got some Wall Street Journal editorial writer who says, "Guess what?  Americans are losing health coverage on purpose."  Really?  They just figured that out at the Wall Street Journal. This is exactly the kind of thing, I can't tell you how this frustrates me.  This has been known for three years.  It's been known for five years that that was the intent of Obamacare.  And now they're too late to the party.  Guess what the Journal says they figured out?  Happy-go-lucky."

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Millions hit by food stamp cuts — — Readability

Millions hit by food stamp cuts — — Readability: "Millions of American food stamp recipients saw their benefits cut on Friday as a scheduled across-the-board reduction was allowed to go into effect.

Both the House and Senate were out of town as the nation went over the so-called “food stamp cliff.”"

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The ten most terrifying things about the Obama Administration — — Readability

The ten most terrifying things about the Obama Administration — — Readability: "In honor of the year’s spookiest day, Human Events has compiled a list of ten monstrous things that prove why Obama and company have earned the title of “Scariest Presidential Administration.” If you have the guts, read on, but be forewarned that the following will strike fear into the hearts of men, women, children, and liberals everywhere:"

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U.S. Immigration Officers Give Frightening Warning — — Readability

U.S. Immigration Officers Give Frightening Warning — — Readability: "Laws don’t matter in the least to liberals. We need to act to rein in the liberal terror that is ruining our country.
Check it out:

Chris Crane, president of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Council, which represents immigration enforcement officers, recently called on Congress to resist immigration reforms that harm his officers’ ability to do their jobs:"

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Shooting reported at Los Angeles airport — — Readability

Shooting reported at Los Angeles airport — — Readability: "Several people have been wounded at Los Angeles International Airport after reports of gunshots.

The Transportation Security Administration confirmed one of its employees had been shot"

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