Sunday, November 2, 2014

White House: We Don’t Have to Explain Our Global Warming Claims to You

White House: We Don’t Have to Explain Our Global Warming Claims to You: "For many Americans, there exists a faith in the cult of global warming alarmism. Beyond all rational explanations and beyond the tainted “science” behind this multi-billion-dollar myth that has fostered a whole industry dedicated to the advancement of “green” technology, there remains some serious holes in the claims surrounding the existence of global warming and, more specifically, man-made global warming."

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English as a Second Language: Should we be alarmed over this development?

English as a Second Language: Should we be alarmed over this development?: "It appears that decades of open borders and political sensitivity has finally caught up with us. After sifting through the 2013 census data, the Center for Immigration Studies has found that 61.8 million U.S. residents, speak a foreign language at home. That is 1 in 5 people, and a 2.2 million increase since 2010. The data was compared to the 2010 statistics, and it was found that the largest increases were for Spanish, Chinese, and Arabic."

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Calling 911 On Your Cell? It's Harder To Find You Than You Think : All Tech Considered : NPR

Calling 911 On Your Cell? It's Harder To Find You Than You Think : All Tech Considered : NPR: "Today's mobile phones can do almost everything a computer can. But we still need them for their most basic purpose: making phone calls — especially in emergencies.

Yet existing technology can't always pinpoint a caller's location, particularly when a 911 caller is indoors.

The Federal Communications Commission has proposed new regulations for wireless carriers to help address the problem, but so far, wireless providers are resisting the changes."

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12 Frightening Facts About Milk - Nutrition Studies

12 Frightening Facts About Milk - Nutrition Studies: "A large observational cohort study[1] in Sweden found that women consuming more than 3 glasses of milk a day had almost twice the mortality over 20 years compared to those women consuming less than one glass a day. In addition, the high milk-drinkers did not have improved bone health. In fact, they had more fractures, particularly hip fractures."

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Final Decision Made on US Veteran Commanded to Stop Flying the Flag

Final Decision Made on US Veteran Commanded to Stop Flying the Flag: "Bob Willits never backed down when fighting in the bloody, hard-fought battles of Korea, so why did his Homeowners Association think he would stop flying the American flag and and MIA flag in his front yard just because they told him it was against regulation? (H/T OpposingViews)"

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This robotics company just released a machine that would CRUSH Democrats’ dreams to raise the minimum wage | Young Conservatives

This robotics company just released a machine that would CRUSH Democrats’ dreams to raise the minimum wage | Young Conservatives: "President Obama and his economically illiterate fellow Democrats love the idea of raising the minimum wage. This new machine ensures that restaurants will no longer have to worry about that threat from Democrats."

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Huge billboard in San Francisco shows what will happen if you increase the minimum wage | Young Conservatives

Huge billboard in San Francisco shows what will happen if you increase the minimum wage | Young Conservatives: "If you really want to help poor people, raising the minimum wage is one of the worst things you can do.  It kills jobs that poor people desperately need.

Thomas Sowell breaks down a minimum wage increase:"

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This KFC Banned Hand Wipes Because They Might Offend Muslim Customers

This KFC Banned Hand Wipes Because They Might Offend Muslim Customers: "his story has got to have Colonel Sanders rolling over in his grave. 

A KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) customer was told by restaurant that he could not have a wet hand wipe because they are soaked in alcohol and might offend Muslim customers. "

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IRS Seizing Bank Accounts of Innocent Americans - Minutemen News

IRS Seizing Bank Accounts of Innocent Americans - Minutemen News: "The Internal Revenue Service has been seizing money from the bank accounts of individuals and businesses with no proof of any crimes nor any charges filed.

Now, the IRS claims that it will stop — but will it?"

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Stone-throwing Muslims bloody Christians in Michigan

Stone-throwing Muslims bloody Christians in Michigan: "The case arose from the annual Arab International Festival in June 2012 when Wayne County sheriff’s deputies stood by while a Muslim mob threw rocks at Christians, bloodying them.

The officers then threatened the Christians with arrest if they didn’t leave the event."

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