Monday, November 10, 2014

Huffington Post’s Latest Accusation against Mia Love Will Have You Scratching Your Head

Huffington Post’s Latest Accusation against Mia Love Will Have You Scratching Your Head: "The election of Utah’s Mia Love to Congress has individuals on the Left in a tizzy with spinning and exploding heads. After all, as a black woman, Democrats expect that she would be on their team. To them, she doesn’t really have a choice. One look in the mirror should remind her that she is ‘supposed’ to be a Democrat. But, she’s not, she’s a staunch conservative and proud of it"

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The REAL reason Mia Love and Tim Scott aren’t supported by the NAACP | Young Conservatives

The REAL reason Mia Love and Tim Scott aren’t supported by the NAACP | Young Conservatives: "Democrats claim to be the party of “equality” and “tolerance,” yet when black conservatives are elected to office, their true racist roots start showing.

Take the NAACP for example. They’ve refused to accept and embrace recently elected Sen. Tim Scott and Rep. Mia Love, despite being strong, independent black leaders who are now going to play a prominent role in shaping the future of the country.

Believe it or not, Geraldo Rivera has nailed why the NAACP isn’t showing these two much love."

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ALERT: 15 Benghazi Eyewitnesses "Unable" to Testify... The Reason Why Is Horrifying

ALERT: 15 Benghazi Eyewitnesses "Unable" to Testify... The Reason Why Is Horrifying: "Now that Trey Gowdy’s special House Select Committee investigating the Sept. 11, 2012 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya has gotten into full swing, we finally have a chance to get some answers and see justice served.

However, as the investigation unfolds, the committee has run into a very big problem regarding witnesses."

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NFL Legend makes controversial statement against evolution and liberals absolutely lose their minds | Young Conservatives

NFL Legend makes controversial statement against evolution and liberals absolutely lose their minds | Young Conservatives: "Being a professional athlete and a Christian is a pretty tough gig, especially as modern culture continues to grow ever more hostile to those who hold a Christian worldview and are vocal about their beliefs. Of courses, if a pro-athlete is a Muslim or a homosexual, it’s cause for a celebration. It’s a pretty clear double standard."

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NRA’s Stunning Election Success a Big Win For 2nd Amendment Advocates | MRCTV

NRA’s Stunning Election Success a Big Win For 2nd Amendment Advocates | MRCTV: "According to The Hill, more than 90-percent of congressional candidates endorsed by the National Rifle Association won their races in the 2014 midterm elections.

"More than 90-percent of National Rifle Association-backed congressional candidates prevailed on Tuesday, bolstering the ranks of gun rights advocates in both chambers.”"

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Sarah Palin Makes a Huge Announcement We've All Been Waiting to Hear

Sarah Palin Makes a Huge Announcement We've All Been Waiting to Hear: "In spite of being one of the most followed politicians in America, Sarah Palin flies under the radar of the mainstream news outlets, unless they pause to misquote or attack her.

Apparently, most of what the former governor of Alaska and vice presidential nominee calls the “lamestream media” doesn’t like the image of a strong, traditionally conservative woman doing well in politics."

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Obamacare Headed to Supreme Court Again; Could Be Deathblow | Vision to America

Obamacare Headed to Supreme Court Again; Could Be Deathblow | Vision to America: "Reeling from staggering Democrat losses in the midterm elections, the Obama White House has just been served another heaping helping of bad news — word that the U.S. Supreme Court will take a second close and critical look at the constitutionality of ObamaCare."

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Couple fined for refusing to host same-sex wedding on their farm | Vision to America

Couple fined for refusing to host same-sex wedding on their farm | Vision to America: "Cynthia and Robert Gifford are caught in a same-sex nightmare. They’ve been forced to defend themselves against claims that they’re lesbian-hating homophobes."

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Real-life sticker shock: I’m getting reamed by Obamacare - Allen B. West -

Real-life sticker shock: I’m getting reamed by Obamacare - Allen B. West - "You know how it is when you read about bad news happening to other people, and you think, yeah, but that’s not going to happen to me?"

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The MASSIVE difference concealed carry makes in Houston vs Chicago is staggering | Young Conservatives

The MASSIVE difference concealed carry makes in Houston vs Chicago is staggering | Young Conservatives: "Liberals are under the delusion that passing strict legislation making it more difficult to purchase firearms will some how magically make bad guys start behaving more nicely.

The problem, of course, is that bad guys don’t buy guns from legal dealers, they buy them on the black market so they’re untraceable. Gun control legislation only takes guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens, making them easier targets for whack job criminals."

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