Saturday, January 12, 2013

Radio host Michael Savage calls for 'Nationalist' third party to challenge GOP |

Radio host Michael Savage calls for 'Nationalist' third party to challenge GOP | "Conservative radio host Michael Savage spoke out against Republicans and Democrats alike on Sunday for pulling a "charade" on the American people, and called for a third political party."

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Can Barack Obama Ban Guns By Executive Order?

Can Barack Obama Ban Guns By Executive Order?: "This week Vice President Joe Biden alluded to Barack Obama possibly using executive order to impose gun control. Biden said this during a meeting surrounded by several gun control groups and gun violence victims. The question on many people’s minds is, “Can this actually happen?”"

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Washington Will Be Seeing Red From Outraged Americans This Month

Washington Will Be Seeing Red From Outraged Americans This Month: "January 22, 2013 will be the fortieth memorial of the 1973 Supreme Court decision in the Roe v. Wade case that legalized the murder of the unborn"

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So What Is an ‘Assault Rifle’ Really? We Look at the Definitions and How the Term Is ‘Demonized’ | Video |

So What Is an ‘Assault Rifle’ Really? We Look at the Definitions and How the Term Is ‘Demonized’ | Video | "“Make a promise to yourself that you will stop calling rifles ‘assault weapons.’”

That’s what Glenn Beck said on his morning radio show Thursday as he discussed AR-15s. But why? Is an AR-15 not an assault rifle? Does the “AR” in AR-15 not stand for “assault rifle”?"

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Taxes Went Up Today. Paychecks Will be Smaller

Taxes Went Up Today. Paychecks Will be Smaller: "Gabriella Hoffman’s paycheck is a little lighter today, thanks to a payroll tax increase that is forcing millions of Americans to make the kind of tough budget cuts their representatives in Washington lawmakers seem unwilling to tackle."

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Obama Signs Law Giving Himself Armed Guards For Life | Conservative Byte

Obama Signs Law Giving Himself Armed Guards For Life | Conservative Byte: "President Barack Obama signed a bill into law on Thursday guaranteeing himself Secret Service protection for the rest of his life."

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Republicans Begin Gun Cave | Conservative Byte

Republicans Begin Gun Cave | Conservative Byte: "Right here it is, folks. It was Phil Gingrey, the Republican from Marietta, Georgia. He was speaking at the Smyrna area council of the Cobb Chamber of Commerce breakfast. It took place yesterday at the Smyrna Community Center."

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England’s Crime Rate Nearly Four Times Higher than United States

England’s Crime Rate Nearly Four Times Higher than United States: "I’ll give Piers Morgan credit for one thing: He’s not afraid to interview people who have strong disagreements with him. He’s giving them a platform for views that rarely see the light of day on liberal networks."

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Pharmacist Saves Mother, Store in Deadly Shootout

Pharmacist Saves Mother, Store in Deadly Shootout: "Pharmacist Bryan Lee used his gun to save himself and his mother after two men targeted his store after hours. After his last customer left, two men in masks stormed in through the back door and started shooting, hitting Mr. Lee’s mother in the leg."

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Armed Grandmother Stops Robbery, Knife Slashing at Grocery Store – Patriot Update

Armed Grandmother Stops Robbery, Knife Slashing at Grocery Store – Patriot Update: "When CNN’s Piers Morgan goes on his anti-Second Amendment rants, he never acknowledges the drop in the overall U.S. violent crime rate. In the past ten years, more people than ever have received concealed carry permits and are arming themselves in their homes and on their property. As a result, rape, murder and assault are down. Responsible armed citizens stop violent crimes from happening everyday. The latest news comes from Wisconsin where an armed grandmother stopped the robbery of a grocery story and saved herself from a knife slashing in the process."

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Illinois Wants To Know Who Owns Precious Metals

Illinois Wants To Know Who Owns Precious Metals: "Living in Saint Louis, I seem to be hearing a lot of local news stories about the gridlock in the Illinois legislature trying to fix their underfunded pensions. While they have proven failures in that area, I can only wonder if they will prove more effective in passing SB3341."

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