Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Trump Tweets Christmas Message to Supporters, Look How Muslims Respond - Patriot Update

Trump Tweets Christmas Message to Supporters, Look How Muslims Respond - Patriot Update: "Trump tweeted a Christmas post wishing all his followers a Merry Christmas…and that’s all it took to pull the crazies out from the woodwork with stupid responses"

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HORRIBLE: MUSLIM Students At Public School Walk Out When NATIONAL ANTHEM Plays - Patriot Update

HORRIBLE: MUSLIM Students At Public School Walk Out When NATIONAL ANTHEM Plays - Patriot Update: "There are many who fear that Muslims NEVER assimilate anything that differs from their own beliefs, standards, and ways of life. This story is just another example to file away into the box of evidence that tells us why…

via DAILYMAIL: A primary school has been slammed for allowing young Muslim pupils to walk out of assembly when the national anthem is played."

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Sunday, December 20, 2015

Taya Kyle, Widow of Chris Kyle, Defeats Champion Marksman in Shootout - OutdoorHub

Taya Kyle won her first major shooting competition with a perfect score.

Taya Kyle, Widow of Chris Kyle, Defeats Champion Marksman in Shootout - OutdoorHub: "Taya Kyle, the widow of legendary Navy SEAL sniper Chris Kyle, shocked onlookers at the American Sniper Shootout when she beat champion marksman Bruce Piatt, one of the top professional shooters in the world, with a perfect score. The competition not only marked Kyle’s first foray into professional shooting, but also pitted TrackingPoint’s Precision-guided Firearm (PGF) technology against the skill and experience of an expert shooter. The result was noticeably one-sided."

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Parents Outraged After Students Are Given Arabic-Themed Assignment. It’s the Translation That Has Them Infuriated. | TheBlaze.com

Parents Outraged After Students Are Given Arabic-Themed Assignment. It’s the Translation That Has Them Infuriated. | TheBlaze.com:

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Thursday, December 17, 2015

NOAA: Earth’s Hottest Period was Before Man Existed | The Last Resistance

NOAA: Earth’s Hottest Period was Before Man Existed | The Last Resistance: "People’s main disagreement over global warming was never regarding whether the climate changes. No one argues that. The main contention was over whether humans are the main cause of that change"

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Paul Ryan Hands Everything Obama Wants in $1 Trillion Omnibus Bill – Including Funding Refugee Plan and CISA - Freedom Outpost

Paul Ryan Hands Everything Obama Wants in $1 Trillion Omnibus Bill – Including Funding Refugee Plan and CISA - Freedom Outpost: "Well, I'm glad people who supported the Romney/Ryan ticket are seeing exactly what some of us tried to warn about, and that is that House Speaker Paul Ryan is neither Constitutional nor is he a small government representative. The $1 trillion, 2000 page plus Omnibus bill that is passing the House is sure to pass the Senate and with it will not only go funding for Obama's Muslim invasion, but also the tyrannical internet privacy bill known as the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (CISA)"

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Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Regime Turns Away Christian Refugees - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Regime Turns Away Christian Refugees - The Rush Limbaugh Show: "RUSH: May I remind everybody, the United States of America shut down the immigration of everybody from 1924 to 1965.  Everybody.  Everybody!  It didn't matter who; nobody legally got in, 1924 to 1965.  A, we've done it. There's precedent."

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Sunday, December 6, 2015

SHOCK: 72 'Homeland Security' Employees on Terrorist Watch List | Conservative Byte

SHOCK: 72 'Homeland Security' Employees on Terrorist Watch List | Conservative Byte: "Rep. Stephen Lynch (D., Mass.) disclosed that a congressional investigation recently found that at least 72 people working at DHS also “were on the terrorist watch list.”"

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Friday, November 13, 2015

Mass gains of Antarctic Ice Sheet greater than losses -- ScienceDaily

Mass gains of Antarctic Ice Sheet greater than losses -- ScienceDaily: "A new study says that an increase in Antarctic snow accumulation that began 10,000 years ago is currently adding enough ice to the continent to outweigh the increased losses from its thinning glaciers."

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Saturday, November 7, 2015

NASA Debunks Global Warming: Ice Sheets Growing

Image: NASA Debunks Global Warming: Ice Sheets Growing

NASA Debunks Global Warming: Ice Sheets Growing: "Recent NASA studies show the Anarctic ice sheet is gaining more mass than it is losing, ScienceDaily.com reports. In 2013, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change said the Antarctic ice sheet had lost large amounts of mass with little or no gain, but new NASA studies say the opposite. "

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Wednesday, November 4, 2015

NASA: Antarctic ice sheet is...wait, showing gains?

NASA: Antarctic ice sheet is...wait, showing gains?: "Anyone who questions the bizarre cult totally infallible science behind global warming cooling climate change is supporting junk science, so sayeth the Church of Liberalism. So we can totally dismiss this latest report from the right wing extremists at…wait, NASA?"

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Monday, November 2, 2015

NASA: Antarctic ice sheet is...wait, showing gains?

NASA: Antarctic ice sheet is...wait, showing gains?: "NASA REPORT: Antarctic Ice Sheet is Actually… Growing By Billions of Tons?

Anyone who questions the bizarre cult totally infallible science behind global warming cooling climate change is supporting junk science, so sayeth the Church of Liberalism. So we can totally dismiss this latest report from the right wing extremists at…wait, NASA?"

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Monday, October 5, 2015

Watch: Oregon Town Rocked By Shooting Sends Obama A Blistering Message

Watch: Oregon Town Rocked By Shooting Sends Obama A Blistering Message: "The publisher of a local paper in Roseburg, Oregon, where last Thursday’s Umpqua Community College mass shooting took place, said President Obama would not be welcome in their town."

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BREAKING: Obama Makes Huge Move to go After Guns...

BREAKING: Obama Makes Huge Move to go After Guns...: "Well, our lawless president is once again seeking to usurp power from the legislative branch and consolidate it in the executive by concocting more executive orders to work around Congress.

This time it’s on gun control.

Once again, he’s taking full advantage of a horrific situation — the Oregon community college shooting — in order to justify violating the Constitution and doing whatever the heck he wants without caring a bit about assaulting the God-given rights of American citizens."

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Stop and Think About This Headline - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Stop and Think About This Headline - The Rush Limbaugh Show: "Try this headline in The Politico: "Illegal Immigrants Could Elect Hillary." Now, stop and think about that: "Illegal Immigrants Could Elect Hillary -- How non-citizens decrease Republican chances of winning the White House next year." "

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Friday, September 25, 2015

BOOM: Tim Allen Just Made an Announcement That Will Have Liberal Hollywood FUMING

BOOM: Tim Allen Just Made an Announcement That Will Have Liberal Hollywood FUMING: "“I like problem-solving. And problem-solving usually originates from my family. There were nine kids and a single mom for a while and a lot of it was, ‘How are you going to pay for this?’ My family is all about that. ‘How you going to pay for that? Any idea?'” he said."

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While the Media Was Busy Adoring the Pope, Obama Just Made a VERY Sinister Move

While the Media Was Busy Adoring the Pope, Obama Just Made a VERY Sinister Move: "Never let a good crisis — or a good distraction — go to waste. That’s the Obama administration’s modus operandi, and they’re certainly not going to change it now.

As America goes crazy for all things papal, President Barack Obama’s Department of Defense quietly released Osama bin Laden’s former bodyguard from detention at Guantanamo Bay and shipped him off to one of the world’s largest sponsors of terrorism, Saudi Arabia"

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BOOM: Trump BLASTS the Pope With Blunt Statement No One Else Has the Guts to Say

BOOM: Trump BLASTS the Pope With Blunt Statement No One Else Has the Guts to Say: "In an interview on CNN’s “New Day” Thursday, Trump responded in his typical blunt fashion to Pope Francis’ statements about climate change."

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Is Pope Francis a Leftist? These 22 Statements Point to Yes

Is Pope Francis a Leftist? These 22 Statements Point to Yes: "Pope Francis upset many conservatives when he released his encyclical on climate change this summer, but it's certainly not the first time he's raised eyebrows. The pontiff's past comments on homosexuality, capitalism, and international geopolitics have also ruffled those on the right."

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Sunday, September 20, 2015

BOOM: Antarctic Scientists' Latest Discovery Is Absolute Nightmare for "Climate Change" Fanatics

BOOM: Antarctic Scientists' Latest Discovery Is Absolute Nightmare for "Climate Change" Fanatics: "On Saturday, the ice extent reached 19.51 million square kilometers, according to data posted on the National Snow and Ice Data Center Web site. That number bested record high levels set earlier this month and in 2012 (of 19.48 million square kilometers). Records date back to October 1978,” reported The Post.

Scientists who have been reporting the earth getting warmer and a global apocalypse right around the corner have so far been been unable to explain this."

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Friday, August 14, 2015

Hillary Might Be in Real Trouble - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Hillary Might Be in Real Trouble - The Rush Limbaugh Show: "Everybody who knows me is asking, "What is with this Hillary e-mail stuff? Top-secret stuff, Rush? What's going on here?" The New York Times has a story that says she's under investigation by virtue of leaks, and then the Department of Justice says, "No, it's not true," and the New York Times walks it back. But it was true. I tell you what I think. I think this is big. I think this is problematic for her. I think she's got two problems today."

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Major Airport's New "Special Room" Will Make You Physically ILL

Major Airport's New "Special Room" Will Make You Physically ILL: "Orlando International Airport has apparently decided that Muslims need a room of their own for the prayer required by the tenants of Islam and has designated a special space to do it."

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Swimmers Outraged After Lifeguard Sees Drowning Girl and Then Does THIS

Swimmers Outraged After Lifeguard Sees Drowning Girl and Then Does THIS: "A Dubai man described as an “Asian expat” has been prosecuted after doing the unthinkable and allowing his own daughter to drown rather than letting lifeguards save her."

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Sunday, August 2, 2015

Sarah Palin Just Made an EPIC Announcement About Trump : PatriotUpdate.com #patriotupdate @patriotupdate

Sarah Palin Just Made an EPIC Announcement About Trump : PatriotUpdate.com #patriotupdate @patriotupdate: "Palin tells America why Trump is winning in no uncertain terms. If you want prosperity, follow the guy with the gold. Business seminars for decades have preached, if you want to get rich, hang out with the rich people. If you want jobs, hang out with those who create them. You will become like the people you hang with. I don’t want to hang with the snakes and the promise breakers – the losers. I want to hang out with the bold, successful job makers. And so does the rest of America. The Donald is an expert at jobs and wealth."

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Sunday, July 12, 2015

Rape Deniers: 9 Facts About Illegal Alien Crime The Media Covers Up | Independent Film, News and Media

Rape Deniers: 9 Facts About Illegal Alien Crime The Media Covers Up | Independent Film, News and Media: "They’re not sending you, they’re sending people that have lots of problems and they’re bringing those problems. They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime. They’re rapists and some, I assume, are good people, but I speak to border guards and they’re telling us what we’re getting.” — Donald Trump"

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Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Joyce Carol Oates Condemns Steven Spielberg for Dinosaur Kill - Breitbart

Joyce Carol Oates Condemns Steven Spielberg for Dinosaur Kill - Breitbart: "Joyce Carol Oates, the 77 year-old author, professor, and Twitter-genius, condemned Oscar-winning director Steven Spielberg Tuesday for hunting down and killing a dinosaur. “So barbaric that this should still be allowed,” the feminist wrote. “No conservation laws in effect wherever this is?”"

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Monday, July 6, 2015

Franklin Graham Goes NUCLEAR on Obama Over His Rainbow White House, And It's Going Viral

Franklin Graham Goes NUCLEAR on Obama Over His Rainbow White House, And It's Going Viral: "Unless one has been living under a rock for the past few days, you are no doubt aware of the society-changing decision made on Friday by the Supreme Court to grant marriage rights to same-sex couples."

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Sunday, June 28, 2015

I've Never Said This – But It's Time For You To Start Buying Guns and Ammo » Louder With Crowder

I've Never Said This – But It's Time For You To Start Buying Guns and Ammo » Louder With Crowder: "Now before you label this as a “crazy” post, I’m not talking about, nor am I predicting some doomsday scenario. Don’t expect me to be selling you seeds, food preserves or bomb shelters anytime soon. That is not what I am suggesting here."

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Bundy Ranch 2.0: Obama Seizes Farmer’s Crop, Won't Give It Back… Supreme Court Issues Decision

Bundy Ranch 2.0: Obama Seizes Farmer’s Crop, Won't Give It Back… Supreme Court Issues Decision: "The United States Supreme Court on Monday ruled in favor of California farmers Marvin and Laura Horne in their efforts to keep the Obama administration from seizing a large share of their crop in accordance with an antiquated federal law used to keep crop prices high."

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Tuesday, June 16, 2015

The Obama Administration Declares That Muslim Jihadists Can Join American Military Forces To Be Trained By US Soldiers - Freedom Outpost

The Obama Administration Declares That Muslim Jihadists Can Join American Military Forces To Be Trained By US Soldiers - Freedom Outpost: "The Obama administration has now given an invitation to jihadists to join military forces in the Middle East to be trained by US troops so that they can learn how to fight against Bashar al-Assad. Middle East analyst Robert Olson reports on the story:"

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Monday, June 15, 2015

Advanced Climate Station Data Shows U.S. In A Cooling Trend | The Daily Caller

Advanced Climate Station Data Shows U.S. In A Cooling Trend | The Daily Caller: "Data from America’s most advanced climate monitoring system shows the U.S. has undergone a cooling trend over the last decade, despite recent claims by government scientists that warming has accelerated worldwide during that time."

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Sunday, June 14, 2015

Mid-level DWI change in state could put many in handcuffs - StarTribune.com

Mid-level DWI change in state could put many in handcuffs - StarTribune.com: "The penalties for driving sloppy drunk in Minnesota get substantially tougher in August, a change that could affect thousands of drivers each year.

The Legislature this year lowered the threshold for a gross misdemeanor drunken driving offense to a blood-alcohol concentration (BAC) of .16 percent. That’s still twice the legal limit for misdemeanor DWIs, but it’s four percentage points lower than the previous trigger for seriously impaired driving violations."

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COMMON CORE: “Who Are The Idiots Who Designed This” Asks Professor

COMMON CORE: “Who Are The Idiots Who Designed This” Asks Professor: "tudents are turning to their parents for help but finding that their parents, in spite of advanced education, have no idea how to help their children with their homework. The Common Core Math component is particularly troublesome as it appears that the program has taken what were once simple math problems and turned them into some sort of abstract thinking exercise that eludes even the best of us."

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What Does These Two Homes Say About the Presidential Candidates Who Live There?

What Does These Two Homes Say About the Presidential Candidates Who Live There?: "The home circled in red in the picture on the left belongs to Marco Rubio. The castle on the right belongs to Hillary Clinton. You can see how close she is with the neighbors."

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Wednesday, June 10, 2015

State Dept says Muslim Ramadan More Important than 4th of July? » Liberty Alliance

State Dept says Muslim Ramadan More Important than 4th of July? » Liberty Alliance: "Over the past couple of decades, liberals have been downplaying American patriotism in favor of globalism and other countries. A number of schools, especially in the southwest, have discriminated against displaying the American flag for fear it offends Hispanics. Some students have been suspended for wearing t-shirts with the American flag on May 5 (Cinco de Mayo – a Mexican holiday that has nothing to do with Mexican independence as so many think)."

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Friday, June 5, 2015

VIDEO: John Wayne Mops the Floor With Liberal Lady Spouting Off About How Great Socialism Is

VIDEO: John Wayne Mops the Floor With Liberal Lady Spouting Off About How Great Socialism Is: "On screen, the Duke was legendary for taking down legions of bandits and desperadoes. Off screen, Wayne was known for taking down progressives and communists as one of Hollywood’s most outspoken conservatives."

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Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Baltimore Rioters Now Want Back The Police They Hated... » Louder With Crowder

Baltimore Rioters Now Want Back The Police They Hated... » Louder With Crowder: "How does the adage go? Be careful what you wished for, for wishes may come true? Well… meet Baltimore. When the Baltimore mayor said she wanted to “give those who wished to destroy space to do that” she clearly meant it. Because the city of Baltimore has done just that. Baltimore has suffered from its most violent on record in a long, long time."

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Saturday, May 30, 2015

Beer giant Anheuser-Busch provides water for storm victims - National News | Examiner.com

Beer giant Anheuser-Busch provides water for storm victims - National News | Examiner.com: "After the midwest was ravaged by severe weather, including devastating flooding and tornadoes, beer giant Anheuser-Busch helped to provide those impacted with a nice, refreshing can of … water."

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4 new cases push Minnesota bird flu toll to over 100 farms - StarTribune.com

4 new cases push Minnesota bird flu toll to over 100 farms - StarTribune.com: "ST. PAUL, Minn. — Four more Minnesota turkey farms have been struck by bird flu, pushing the state's total over 100."

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Friday, May 29, 2015

UNREAL: Baltimore Just Announced Who They're Sending the Bill for Riot Damage, And It's Sickening

UNREAL: Baltimore Just Announced Who They're Sending the Bill for Riot Damage, And It's Sickening: "In an absolutely sickening move, Baltimore city officials, including Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, are set to approve a staggering $20 million request of taxpayer funds to help pay for the recent violence and destruction brought on by racially motivated anti-police rioters."

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Monday, May 25, 2015

Alaska's Hubbard Glacier Is Doing the Unthinkable - weather.com

Alaska's Hubbard Glacier Is Doing the Unthinkable - weather.com: "For years, images of melting glaciers have been a big part of the climate change discussion. But there's one image released this week by NASA that shows one Alaskan glacier that might actually be growing."

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Get A Load of This Math Problem Using the "Old" Way and the "Common Core" Way, it's INSANE...

Get A Load of This Math Problem Using the "Old" Way and the "Common Core" Way, it's INSANE...: "This image was posted by NBC Washington:"

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Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Treasury Secretary: Don't Worry, 'Most' Of Money We Give Iran Won't Fund Terror - Minutemen News

Treasury Secretary: Don't Worry, 'Most' Of Money We Give Iran Won't Fund Terror - Minutemen News: "Treasury Secretary Jack Lew acknowledged that large sums of money will be given to Iran as part of the sanctions relief, adding that “most” of it won’t directly fund terrorist operations in the Middle East."

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Sunday, May 3, 2015

TRAGIC: Here's the Total Number of Businesses Destroyed By Baltimore Riots

TRAGIC: Here's the Total Number of Businesses Destroyed By Baltimore Riots: "Burning down your city, attacking the men and women who protect you on a daily basis, and looting stores is by far the best way to get attention for the justice you seek. Talk about victim mentality."

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Friday, May 1, 2015

This Guy Was Happy to Learn His Minimum Wage Went Up to $11... Then Reality Hits HARD

This Guy Was Happy to Learn His Minimum Wage Went Up to $11... Then Reality Hits HARD: "There has been a recent impassioned push by social justice warriors, labor unions and their useful idiots demanding a doubling of the minimum wage, setting it at $15 per hour.

What these people fail to take into account are the basic fundamentals of economics, or the simple fact that for every action there is a reaction — and for every action that is forced by the government, there are always unintended consequences."

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A Mass Shooting Was Just Stopped, Here's What The Media WON'T Tell You

A Mass Shooting Was Just Stopped, Here's What The Media WON'T Tell You: "Liberal gun grabbers attempt time after time to beat it into our heads that guns are bad, mmmkay — some of you might remember that from South Park ages ago, others of you will have no clue — and basically the Second Amendment is the root of all evil."

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Who Rush Limbaugh is Blaming for Baltimore Riots will Make Liberals FURIOUS

Who Rush Limbaugh is Blaming for Baltimore Riots will Make Liberals FURIOUS: "Limbaugh recently weighed in on the riots and unrest in Baltimore, laying the blame for all of the shenanigans at the feet of Democrats, right where it honestly belongs."

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Friday, April 24, 2015

Lesbian Coach Who Called For Burning Down ‘Memories Pizza’ Fired

Lesbian Coach Who Called For Burning Down ‘Memories Pizza’ Fired:

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Powers: ‘If Christians Threw 12 Muslims to Their Deaths Would Obama Have Been So Disinterested?’

Powers: ‘If Christians Threw 12 Muslims to Their Deaths Would Obama Have Been So Disinterested?’: "Last week, many were dismayed by the news that twelve Christians had been drowned to death in the Mediterranean Sea during an attempt to migrate to Italy."

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Guess the Date of This 'Climate Change' News Report (and it's not 1973)

Guess the Date of This 'Climate Change' News Report (and it's not 1973): "From the Washington Post: The Arctic Ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer and in some places the seals are finding the water too hot, according to a report to the Commerce Department yesterday from Consulafft, at Bergen, Norway."

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Hillary Says 'Religious Beliefs' Must Change For Sake Of Abortion Rights - Minutemen News

Hillary Says 'Religious Beliefs' Must Change For Sake Of Abortion Rights - Minutemen News: "Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton took a feminist tone on Thursday. She told attendees at the sixth annual Women in The World Summit that “deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed” for the sake of giving “access” to women for “reproductive healthcare and safe childbirth.”"

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Monday, April 20, 2015

Israel: Leaders Decline to Meet Carter - NYTimes.com

Israel: Leaders Decline to Meet Carter - NYTimes.com: "Israel’s president and prime minister have declined requests for meetings with former President Jimmy Carter, who has long been a harsh critic of Israel’s policy toward the Palestinians."

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Friday, April 17, 2015

California Water Crisis is a Man-Made Disaster

California Water Crisis is a Man-Made Disaster: "In December of 2014, NBC Nightly News reported on a massive amount of rainfall that fell in a 24-hour period. In Southern California it was 8” or more in spots."

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BREAKING: Here's the Sickening Amount Michelle Obama Just Spent on Her Luxury Hotel

BREAKING: Here's the Sickening Amount Michelle Obama Just Spent on Her Luxury Hotel: "First Lady Michelle Obama traveled to Cambodia on March 20 to promote a girls education initiative there. The trip required 85 single rooms, five office suites, five sleeping suites and a conference room for 14 nights at the Sofitel Angkor Phokeethra, a five-star luxury hotel."

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Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Pastor Asks for Cake, Bakery Refuses and Calls the Cops! - Eagle Rising

Pastor Asks for Cake, Bakery Refuses and Calls the Cops! - Eagle Rising: "euerstein then posted the video showing the entire exchange online, proving our point that a definite double standard does exist. At least Christians have a deeply held religious belief that they are pointing to when they refuse service for gay weddings; these pro-gay bakeries (there have been many other recent examples of similar situation) have no such closely held religious belief to point to."

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BREAKING: Shocking 1995 Video Surfaces of Barack Obama Revealing Who He REALLY Is [VIDEO]

BREAKING: Shocking 1995 Video Surfaces of Barack Obama Revealing Who He REALLY Is [VIDEO]: "President Barack Obama has long fought to minimize his association with his mentor during his teens, known communist Frank Marshall Davis.

In his book “Dreams From My Father,” the future president refused to refer to his mentor as anything other than “Frank.” In the audiobook version of “Dreams,” Obama went further and excised all references to “Frank.”"

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Monday, April 13, 2015

Police Couldn't Respond Fast Enough to Elderly Man's Call, What Happened Next Was Totally UNEXPECTED

Police Couldn't Respond Fast Enough to Elderly Man's Call, What Happened Next Was Totally UNEXPECTED: "Police response times in America are pretty horrendous, which is why it’s critical Americans exercise their Second Amendment right to own a firearm, because let’s face it, a lot can happen in eight minutes (the average response time for a call)."

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This "Test" PERFECTLY Explains the Difference Between a Democrat and a Republican

This "Test" PERFECTLY Explains the Difference Between a Democrat and a Republican: "Here is a PERFECT Explanation About the Difference Between Democrats and Republicans"

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Friday, April 3, 2015

What Are Your Chances of Getting Cancer? | Men's Health

What Are Your Chances of Getting Cancer? | Men's Health: "Hearing “you have cancer” from your doctor is something no one wants to experience at any point in life. But shockingly, half of all adults will get a cancer diagnosis, according to a new study from the British Journal of Cancer, which predicts that one out of every two U.K. adults born in 1960 will develop the disease during their lifetime."

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Why Have Americans Stopped Asking These 5 Vital Questions? - John Hawkins - Page full

Why Have Americans Stopped Asking These 5 Vital Questions? - John Hawkins - Page full: "Believing that America will continue to be strong, prosperous and free no matter what we do is just as foolish as believing that a human being will continue to be healthy, happy and free if he consumes nothing but vodka, crack and doughnuts."

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Look What Iran's Leader Just Tweeted.....We're SCREWED

Look What Iran's Leader Just Tweeted.....We're SCREWED: "Conservatives have been shouting from the rooftops for months about how the deal the Obama administration was negotiating with Iran was a bad idea, but delusional leftists shrugged off the warnings as “traitorous.”"

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URGENT: Black Lawmaker Calls for Segregation... Where's the Media?

URGENT: Black Lawmaker Calls for Segregation... Where's the Media?: "New York City councilwoman Laurie Cumbo, who is black and a Democrat, endorsed the benefits of segregating tenants by ethnic groups in the dilapidated Fort Greene housing neighborhood in Brooklyn. The mainstream media has remained silent."

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Saturday, March 28, 2015

You Won't Believe Why a University Deactivated a Christian Group

You Won't Believe Why a University Deactivated a Christian Group: "California State University has deactivated an on-campus Christian group because the group has insisted on installing Christians as leaders."

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Friday, March 27, 2015

Antarctic Sea Ice Reaches New Record Maximum | NASA

Antarctic Sea Ice Reaches New Record Maximum | NASA: "Sea ice surrounding Antarctica reached a new record high extent this year, covering more of the southern oceans than it has since scientists began a long-term satellite record to map sea ice extent in the late 1970s. The upward trend in the Antarctic, however, is only about a third of the magnitude of the rapid loss of sea ice in the Arctic Ocean."

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Tuesday, March 24, 2015

BREAKING: Hillary Clinton Tried to Hide These Emails That Were Just EXPOSED

BREAKING: Hillary Clinton Tried to Hide These Emails That Were Just EXPOSED: "New previously hidden emails turned over to the House Select Committee on Benghazi reveal that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton often obsessed about the fallout from the 2012 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi."

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Sunday, March 22, 2015

Dazzling supertide transforms France's Mont Saint-Michel into an island, delighting thousands | Fox News

Dazzling supertide transforms France's Mont Saint-Michel into an island, delighting thousands | Fox News: "MONT SAINT-MICHEL, France –  A supertide has turned France's famed Mont Saint-Michel into an island and then retreated out of sight, delighting thousands of visitors who came to see the rare phenomenon."

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Saturday, March 21, 2015

Alzheimer's Drug Shows Startling Promise

Alzheimer's Drug Shows Startling Promise: ""Encouraging" Alzheimer's news: Biogen Idec's drug aducanumab has been shown to slow mental decline in patients with early or mild Alzheimer's disease in a small drug trial, the full results of which were released today. The New York Times reports 166 patients were randomly given low to high doses of the drug (meant to eliminate amyloid plaque in the brain) or a placebo."

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Friday, March 20, 2015

BREAKING: 363 Congressmen Unite in Full Defiance of Obama's Treason

BREAKING: 363 Congressmen Unite in Full Defiance of Obama's Treason: "We’ve all heard the adage “better late than never” and there can hardly be a more appropriate situation to use it than when discussing attempts to stop Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.

As President Barack Obama appears to be reaching a deal with Iran on nuclear enrichment, more than 360 members of Congress finally decided it was time to remind him that he isn’t a dictator … yet."

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BREAKING: Obama Issues "Global Warming" Executive Order... Here's What's Now BANNED

BREAKING: Obama Issues "Global Warming" Executive Order... Here's What's Now BANNED:

President Barack Obama has once again wielded the power of his magic executive order pen and signed yet another order that will likely only serve to suppress American industry in an effort to advance his own political agenda concerning “climate change.”

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Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Report: John Boehner Set To Open Investigation Into Hillary Clinton Emails

Report: John Boehner Set To Open Investigation Into Hillary Clinton Emails: "According to reports, House Speaker John Boehner is expected to announce a new investigation later this week into Hillary Clinton’s email during her time in charge of the State Department.

ABC News first reported the news during the “This Week” Sunday news program. The former first lady is under fire after reports that she used personal email accounts on a private server based out of her Chappaqua, New York, home."

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Forgotten MLK Jr. Quotes That Ferguson Liberals Can't Handle... » Louder With Crowder

Forgotten MLK Jr. Quotes That Ferguson Liberals Can't Handle... » Louder With Crowder: "The City of Ferguson is back in the news as civil unrest has again gripped the community.  Two police officers were shot during a recent demonstration, and an investigation is ongoing as to who committed this crime."

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UPDATE: CONFIRMED WITH 99% OF VOTE — BOOM! Netanyahu win over Herzog NOT EVEN CLOSE! » The Right Scoop -

UPDATE: CONFIRMED WITH 99% OF VOTE — BOOM! Netanyahu win over Herzog NOT EVEN CLOSE! » The Right Scoop -: "All of the polling and exit poll data have showed a very close race between Netanyahu’s Likud party and Herzog’s Zionist Union party. It’s been said that it’s too close to call all night based on exit polling data, that it is neck and neck. Most Israeli outlets showed both Likud and Zionist Union winning around 27 seats each. But the actual election results show a very different story, it’s a blowout for Likud!"

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Sunday, March 15, 2015

Barbara Boxer: Republicans Going After Hillary Because 'She's Exciting the Public'

Barbara Boxer: Republicans Going After Hillary Because 'She's Exciting the Public': "Could you use some "Hill-arity" after a long day? On the Ed Show,  Barbara Boxer claimed Republicans are going after Hillary "because they know she's exciting the public."  Right.  For good measure, Boxer said that she "unequivocally" trusts Hillary.  

David Corn of way-left Mother Jones was surprisingly skeptical, saying that "whether Barbara Boxer trusts her or not," Hillary critics have a point because she "tainted the chain of custody.""

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Something really odd happened when Barack and Michelle flew to Los Angeles

Something really odd happened when Barack and Michelle flew to Los Angeles: "Obama had a very important meeting to strategize how to deal with ISIS with Jimmy Kimmel to “read mean tweets”.  Michelle Obama went to be on The Ellen Show.

The Ellen show tapes at Warner Bros. Studios in Burbank; the Kimmel show at a studio located at 6840 HollywoodBlvd. Distance between the two: 4.2 miles.

Barack and Michelle must be having trouble in paradise these days."

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Saturday, March 14, 2015

15 Moronic Things Liberals Call Racism Since Obama Was Elected - John Hawkins - Page full

15 Moronic Things Liberals Call Racism Since Obama Was Elected - John Hawkins - Page full: "
Bizarrely, racism in America is no longer mainly about race. Sure, race is involved in a peripheral manner, but racism has mainly become an excuse, a dodge, a way to escape responsibility."

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Friday, March 13, 2015

Megyn Kelly UNLOADS on MSM for coverage of Ferguson in epic rant

Megyn Kelly UNLOADS on MSM for coverage of Ferguson in epic rant: "Fox News host Megyn Kelly opened her program Thursday evening with a totally awesome rant about the media coverage surrounding the protests in Ferguson, completely unloading her full fury on her “colleagues” at other news outlets."

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Wednesday, March 11, 2015

10 Scandals Involving Hillary Clinton You May Have Forgotten | MRCTV

10 Scandals Involving Hillary Clinton You May Have Forgotten | MRCTV: "Hillary Clinton has been involved in scandals before. Here are some notable ones you may have forgotten."

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Sunday, March 8, 2015

Woman Complains to Major Gym About Transgender Person in Locker Room, Gets ‘Scary’ Response Back | Video | TheBlaze.com

Woman Complains to Major Gym About Transgender Person in Locker Room, Gets ‘Scary’ Response Back | Video | TheBlaze.com: "Planet Fitness canceled the membership of a woman who complained that a transgender person was using the women’s locker room — and their response has ignited debate in the small Michigan city.

The controversy centers around an incident that happened in late February when Yvette Cormier complained over what she saw in the gym’s Midland location"

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Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Muslim sues Costco for not giving him a better job after he refused to work with pork as a cashier | John Hawkins' Right Wing News

Muslim sues Costco for not giving him a better job after he refused to work with pork as a cashier | John Hawkins' Right Wing News: "I’m sorry, your rights as a Muslim do not trump the rights of Costco. Camara’s argument is specious. He had to have known when he took the job as assistant cashier that it would involve ringing up pork products. Therefore, he took the job under false pretenses. Costco has every right in the world as a private business to place workers where they see fit. Camara is not stupid – he had to deduce being transferred to handling carts was because he refused to handle pork. As a Christian, if I had to ring up porn I would find it very offensive. But if I took a job in a store where I knew that was sold, I would either have to ring it up or find another job. Same for Camara."

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Saturday, February 28, 2015

U.S. Marines' Billboard Message to Radical Muslims Goes Viral [PHOTO]

U.S. Marines' Billboard Message to Radical Muslims Goes Viral [PHOTO]: "Terrorism, especially that of the Islamic variety, has been flourishing under the Obama administration. Aided by the president’s lackadaisical attitude towards the war on terror, lone wolves and terrorist groups have seen dangerous levels of growth"

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5 Things You Need to Know About the FCC's Net Neutrality Plan | News & Opinion | PCMag.com

5 Things You Need to Know About the FCC's Net Neutrality Plan | News & Opinion | PCMag.com: "Details about FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler's net neutrality plan emerged yesterday, and it left D.C. types all atwitter. But this is not just an inside-the-Beltway issue. It could impact how your ISP runs their network and what type of recourse you have if you think they're doing something shady."

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VIDEO: Islamist set fire at Florida church, write ‘Allahu Akbar’ | Wounded American Warrior

VIDEO: Islamist set fire at Florida church, write ‘Allahu Akbar’ | Wounded American Warrior:

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3 Thugs Try to Rob Convenience Store... Only 1 Makes It Out Alive

3 Thugs Try to Rob Convenience Store... Only 1 Makes It Out Alive:

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Group Claims Responsibility for American Blogger's Hacking Death

Group Claims Responsibility for American Blogger's Hacking Death: "An American blogger was murdered Thursday by machete-wielding attackers in Bangladesh.

Avijit Roy and his wife Rafida Ahmed were attacked as they were returning from a book fair, where Roy was launching his two latest books. Roy was killed, and Ahmed was seriously injured."

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McDonald’s is About to Destroy the Minimum Wage - Eagle Rising

McDonald’s is About to Destroy the Minimum Wage - Eagle Rising: "The end of the era of Minimum Wage may soon be at hand. McDonald’s has begun experimenting with automated cashiers as a way to eliminate some of the staff that would be necessary to run their restaurants."

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SEATTLE’S MINIMUM WAGE CRASH: $15 to ZERO! Profits Tumble!: "Seattle, Washington, one of the strongest remaining bastions of liberal philosophy left in the country, passed a phased-in $15 minimum wage law earlier this year. The highest minimum wage in the country. The vote was unanimous and the throng outside cheered, but for many this is a loss from which they will never recover. It is a blow to the profitability of businesses that they just can’t take."

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VIDEO: The Insanity of Common Core Math Revealed in Under Two Minutes

VIDEO: The Insanity of Common Core Math Revealed in Under Two Minutes: "This is an excellent video that demonstrates the absurd nature of Common Core Math in less than two minutes. (Watch Video Below) Caleb Bonham, from Campus Reform, goes to George Mason University for a type of ‘Man on the Street’ segment. With whiteboard in hand, he approaches various students and faculty to discuss how to solve a Math problem, 32 – 12. He first solves it the traditional way, then does so the Common Core way."

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John Quincy Adams Summed Up Islam Perfectly With This ONE Sentence Back In 1825 | American Overlook

John Quincy Adams Summed Up Islam Perfectly With This ONE Sentence Back In 1825 | American Overlook: "John Quincy Adams spoke out against slavery, even in a time when such a view was unheard of. He was always always promoting the rights of all humans, so it makes sense that he also spoke out against another form of injustice: the violence promoted in the Qua’ran, the holy book for Muslims everywhere."

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Friday, February 27, 2015

Save the Internet: FCC Net Neutrality rules worst example of government intervention... ever | Fox News

Save the Internet: FCC Net Neutrality rules worst example of government intervention... ever | Fox News: "Of all the government interventions by the Obama administration, the plan released Thursday by the Federal Communications Commission to regulate the Internet is the worst."

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WJ Exclusive - We Asked Donald Trump What Jobs He Would Offer ISIS

WJ Exclusive - We Asked Donald Trump What Jobs He Would Offer ISIS:

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You Won’t Believe What Obama Wants Us To Do For Muslims Now -

You Won’t Believe What Obama Wants Us To Do For Muslims Now -: "“Groups like al Qaeda and ISIL (Islamic State) promote a twisted interpretation of religion that is rejected by the overwhelming majority of the world’s Muslims. The world must continue to lift up the voices of Muslim clerics and scholars who teach the truly peaceful nature of Islam.. More broadly, groups like al Qaeda and ISIL exploit the anger that festers when people feel that injustice and corruption leave them with no chance of improving their lives.”"

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Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Another Hollywood Star Comes Out; And He’s Loud and Proud About It

Another Hollywood Star Comes Out; And He’s Loud and Proud About It: "Another big name in Hollywood has come out of the closet, the political closet that is, the brave new world where actors can come clean about their honest political beliefs and risk being ridiculed, demonized and forever putting their careers in jeopardy by bigoted and intolerant leftists for having the audacity to go against the norms in Hollywood society as NOT being a politically-correct, America-hating communist."

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Homeland Security Secretary: My Job is to “Give Voice to the Plight of Muslims” - Freedom Outpost

Homeland Security Secretary: My Job is to “Give Voice to the Plight of Muslims” - Freedom Outpost: "My goodness! When are Americans going to have enough of the federal government advancing the religion of pieces? "Homeland Security" Secretary Jeh Johnson sides with Barack Obama about not getting at the root of the terrorism taking place in the world today, Islam. In fact, recently, Johnson said that it was part of the administration's job to "give voice to the plight of Muslims.""

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Monday, February 23, 2015

Defend Freedom Tours

Defend Freedom Tours: "Patrick Henry once said, “The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave.” And for me, those special qualities have always been epitomized in our courageous men and women in uniform."

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Here's a History Lesson For Obama on How Our Founders REALLY Felt About Muslims

Here's a History Lesson For Obama on How Our Founders REALLY Felt About Muslims: "President Obama has repeatedly tried to affix Islam to the earliest reaches of our nation’s history. In fact, the president said that Islam is “woven into the fabric of our society.”

This may perhaps be true, although not necessarily in a good way. In fact, maybe Obama needs a history lesson as to just how the followers of Muhammad have integrated themselves into American society."

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You HAVE to See What Taya Kyle Was Holding At The Oscars

You HAVE to See What Taya Kyle Was Holding At The Oscars: "Taya Kyle, widow of American Sniper Chris Kyle attended the Academy Awards Sunday night to represent her husband and the film based on his life which was nominated for Best Picture.

When she showed up on the red carpet, Kyle was clutching something in her hand, and when you see what it was, it’ll hit you square in the heart."

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Sunday, February 22, 2015

Obamas' Separate Vacations Cost Taxpayers A Pretty Penny

Obamas' Separate Vacations Cost Taxpayers A Pretty Penny: "The Obama family’s separate vacations over the Valentine’s and Presidents Day weekend cost taxpayers a pretty penny. Just how much? It is estimated that the POTUS’s trip to California and the Obama girls’ ski vacation in Aspen cost a combined total of around $2.5 million."

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Saturday, February 21, 2015

Happy New Year! Stanford May Have Just Cured Alzheimer's

Happy New Year! Stanford May Have Just Cured Alzheimer's: "If indeed Stanford University researchers have discovered an Alzheimer’s cure, 2015 may be as great a year as 1915 was a catastrophe.
It turns out that solving one of man’s worst nightmares may be a simple matter of boosting the immune system. The Telegraph reports:"

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4 Armed Thugs Rob a Man at Sonic... But They Didn't Know What He Did for a Living

4 Armed Thugs Rob a Man at Sonic... But They Didn't Know What He Did for a Living: "It started as a boring Sunday night — but for one man, the evening quickly took a violent turn. Joseph Toombs was at a Sonic drive-through restaurant in Georgia, sitting in his car and waiting for his order.

Suddenly, a gang of thugs surrounded his vehicle. They pulled out guns and demanded that the man hand over his money."

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Report: 1 in 5 Children Receive Food Stamps, Rate Higher than Before the Great Recession | MRCTV

Report: 1 in 5 Children Receive Food Stamps, Rate Higher than Before the Great Recession | MRCTV: "The Census Bureau reported Friday that one in five children in the United States receive food stamps.

According to the federal agency's annual Families and Living Arrangements report, the number of children receiving nutrition assistance is higher than before the start of the Great Recession in 2007."

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Friday, February 20, 2015

Reverend Franklin Graham Explains Why Obama is Protecting Islam | John Hawkins' Right Wing News

Reverend Franklin Graham Explains Why Obama is Protecting Islam | John Hawkins' Right Wing News: "Rev. Franklin Graham appeared with Greta Van Susteren on FOX News on Tuesday to discuss the Obama Regime’s latest Orwellian word games, this time refusing to identify the 21 beheaded Christians as “Christians,” but instead, referring to them as “citizens” and “innocents.”"

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Common Core Lesson Teaches that America is a Racist Nation

Common Core Lesson Teaches that America is a Racist Nation: "The United States Constitution gives no authority to the federal government over education. In fact, since education is not listed as an enumerated power within the authority of the federal government, by law, the authority of education is left in the hands of state and local governments. But, that has not stopped the federal government from attempting to get their grubby hands all over the education of youth."

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VIDEO: 4-Star Wartime Admiral Issues Dire Warning About "Pro-Islamic" Obama

VIDEO: 4-Star Wartime Admiral Issues Dire Warning About "Pro-Islamic" Obama: "A former deputy chief of naval operations said that President Barack Obama’s attempt to control radical Islam in the Middle East is just the latest in a string of White House failures to do so dating back to the Carter administration.

But retired Adm. James “Ace” Lyons, who commanded the U.S. Pacific Fleet during a number of Middle East conflicts, hit Obama’s strategy — if it can even be called that — the hardest, calling it “anti-American” and “pro-Islamic.”"

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What Walmart Just Did Shows How "Evil" They Really Are

What Walmart Just Did Shows How "Evil" They Really Are:

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TV Star Gives Prescription to Cure America’s Ills; Leftists Will Hate it; Americans Will Love it

TV Star Gives Prescription to Cure America’s Ills; Leftists Will Hate it; Americans Will Love it: "Counting Cars  star Danny Koker, aka: “The Count,” whose rise to stardom grew out of his passion to beautifully restore and customize classic cars and motorcycles out of his Las Vegas-based shop called Count’s Kustoms, was recently interviewed by Michael Stephens of Bending Reality TV,  and candidly discussed his beliefs regarding the wrong turn America has taken and his prescription for fixing it."

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"Offended" Muslim Neighbor Demands Texas Pig Farmer Move... Here's His Response

"Offended" Muslim Neighbor Demands Texas Pig Farmer Move... Here's His Response: "When a Muslim man approached a long-time Texas pig farmer about his intention to build a mosque on the adjoining property and told the farmer that he should move his operation because pigs are offensive to Muslims, the farmer came up with an epic response.

Craig Baker didn’t much appreciate Kamel Fotouh’s request to move his farm because Fatouh’s people are offended by pigs."

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Tuesday, February 17, 2015

When Muslims Started Attacking This Chain, They Had THIS Epic Response And Muslims Are Not Happy About It | American Overlook

When Muslims Started Attacking This Chain, They Had THIS Epic Response And Muslims Are Not Happy About It | American Overlook: "Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know that Muslim organizations and Islamic extremists have not only been making demands of our country and government, but also of business owners and American chain stores and corporations."

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Saturday, February 14, 2015

Arctic Weather Smacks Big Global Warming Rally | MRCTV

Arctic Weather Smacks Big Global Warming Rally | MRCTV: "On Friday and Saturday, activists will be holding rallies around the country in an effort that they are calling "Global Divestment Day."  The event is actually two days, but this is a group that obviously isn't going to let little facts like that get in the way of saving the world."

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Study Shows Warming Skeptics Know More Climate Science Than Believers | MRCTV

Study Shows Warming Skeptics Know More Climate Science Than Believers | MRCTV: "In order to cut off debate, believers of the global warming hypothesis disparage those who are skeptical of it by comparing them to people who say the Holocaust never happened, calling them "deniers." Some, like Secretary of State Kerry, say skeptics are like members of the "flat earth society." But, a study by Yale Professor Dan Kahan to be published in Advances in Political Psychology reports that skeptics score slightly better in a quiz about climate science than believers."

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Wednesday, February 11, 2015

BREAKING: King of Jordan Makes Announcement About What He's Done to ISIS

BREAKING: King of Jordan Makes Announcement About What He's Done to ISIS: "Given the outrage and the immediate retribution wrought upon the Islamic State group by the Kingdom of Jordan, I imagine the group wishes it had stuck to killing American hostages.

Mere weeks after they released a sickening video of the group immolating a captured Jordanian pilot, the country’s military has set about decimating the forces of the Islamic State savages."

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Atheist Kills Three Muslims In Cold Blood, Media Will NOT Mention His Politics

Atheist Kills Three Muslims In Cold Blood, Media Will NOT Mention His Politics: "Progressive mainstream media has a reputation for burying stories of corruption or acts of evil when they are carried out by someone who ascribes to their ideology, which is exactly what’s happening with the brutal slaying of three Muslims at the hands of a crazed atheist."

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Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The "I'm a Jew" and "I'm a Gazan" picture perfectly illustrates the Middle East situation -

The "I'm a Jew" and "I'm a Gazan" picture perfectly illustrates the Middle East situation -: "Obviously, this is photoshopped. Who knows what the real signs say. It doesn’t stop it from telling a simple, yet very important truth however."

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King of Jordan Determined To End ISIS - Sending More Hellfire Including Ground Troops - Freedom Outpost

King of Jordan Determined To End ISIS - Sending More Hellfire Including Ground Troops - Freedom Outpost: "Jordan is up in arms, demonstrations in the street calling out to completely annihilate ISIS while Queen Rania of Jordan led massive protests on the streets of the capital Amman this morning as thousands took to the streets after Friday prayers to urge King Abdullah II to step up airstrikes against the Islamic State to avenge the brutal murder of pilot Moaz al-Kasaesbeh. Even more shocking, Jordan is sending ground troops to fight ISIS in Iraq and videos surfaced showing the king in surprising footage unseen in western media."

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Lawmakers Introduce Bipartisan Sportsmen's Act of 2015 | OutdoorHub

Lawmakers Introduce Bipartisan Sportsmen's Act of 2015 | OutdoorHub: "On Thursday, US Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) and Senator Martin Heinrich (D-New Mexico) introduced the Bipartisan Sportsmen’s Act of 2015. Like previous versions, the act includes a number of provisions that will protect the rights of hunters and anglers and expand access in federal lands."

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BREAKING: Conservatives Launch Lawsuit Against Michelle Obama For...

BREAKING: Conservatives Launch Lawsuit Against Michelle Obama For...: "Ah, Spain. A European idyll, land of the matadors and the running of the bulls, where a young man’s fancy can turn to love over domestic wine as red and delicious as the lips of their beloved.

A visit to Spain is a must on every world traveler’s list. And you know what makes it even sweeter? Paying for it out of the threadbare pocket of the beleaguered American taxpayer!"

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Wow. Look Who's Attacking Chris Kyle Now

Wow. Look Who's Attacking Chris Kyle Now: "The First Lady of the United States has managed to reignite the anti-military liberals who went insane after the hit Clint Eastwood movie, “American Sniper,” was released in theaters.

We’re not even sure if she’s actually seen “American Sniper,” but she sure has had a lot to say about it. At the launch of another movie in the same genre called, “Got Your 6,” Michelle used her platform to make a dig at legendary sniper Chris Kyle by pulling the sex card."

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URGENT: John Kerry and Joe Biden Refuse to Meet Netanyahu, Instead Meet With...

URGENT: John Kerry and Joe Biden Refuse to Meet Netanyahu, Instead Meet With...: "Against the wishes of the American people, Congress, and numerous American allies, along with generally anyone with a realistic sense of rational logic, President Barack Obama has reached out to Iran with secret negotiations that will likely result in them obtaining nuclear weapons."

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Sunday, February 8, 2015

Ben Carson Placed on ‘Extremist’ Watch List

Ben Carson Placed on ‘Extremist’ Watch List: "The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), like so many liberal institutions started decades ago, began with noble intentions. Today, however, they serve as a partisan group dedicated to a brand of political extremism that they, ironically, purport to work against."

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BREAKING: Iran Releases Major News About Obama... This Means Treason

BREAKING: Iran Releases Major News About Obama... This Means Treason: "President Barack Obama and his administration have been reaching out to the theocratic regime in Iran and have been engaging in secret negotiations with them over their nuclear weapons program.

Unfortunately for Obama and his efforts at “friendship” with Iran, Congress is prepared to levy new sanctions on the tyrannical Islamic regime, a move that has overwhelming bipartisan support."

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Thursday, February 5, 2015

When You See the Flag that is Allowed to Fly on this Air Force Base, You’ll be Outraged

When You See the Flag that is Allowed to Fly on this Air Force Base, You’ll be Outraged: "Given these facts and regulations, why is the Air Force looking the other way and not demanding the removal of a perversion of the American flag that is being flown on Davis Monthan Air Force Base in Tucson, Arizona. On this particular flag, the blue and white stripes have been replaced by rainbow colors in a display of support of the ‘LGBT movement,’ which is what the rainbow has been used to represent."

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Sunday, February 1, 2015

BOOM: Here's the Perfect 3-Word Response a Sniper Just Issued to Michael Moore

BOOM: Here's the Perfect 3-Word Response a Sniper Just Issued to Michael Moore: "With the entire country talking about American Sniper and its opening weekend of success, it was to be expected that misguided idiots on the left would have something bad to say about America’s military.

Michael Moore took the lead and fired the first shot against the military – snipers in particular – when he labeled snipers as “cowards” in a tweet posted earlier this morning."

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Friday, January 30, 2015

So 3 Contractors Meet With Obama to Fix a Broken Fence at the White House...

So 3 Contractors Meet With Obama to Fix a Broken Fence at the White House...: "So three contractors are bidding to fix a broken fence at the White House. One is from Chicago, another is from Tennessee and the third is from Minnesota.

All three meet with Obama to examine the fence."

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Monday, January 26, 2015

ALERT: White House Threatens Netanyahu, Says "There Will Be a Price" for What He Just Did

ALERT: White House Threatens Netanyahu, Says "There Will Be a Price" for What He Just Did: "Apparently, if one of your top administration officials calls another world leader a “chickensh**,” said world leader might not be terribly happy with you. Who knew?

Not the Obama administration, who acted with unbelievable shock when Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu decided to speak before Congress without consulting the Obama administration. Apparently, amongst other things, Netanyahu took exception to an unnamed administration official calling him the aforementioned expletive."

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SWEDEN: Surging Scandinavian Rape Wave Attributed to Who?

SWEDEN: Surging Scandinavian Rape Wave Attributed to Who?: "According to 1onews.com, “A woman’s chance of being raped in Sweden during her lifetime is about one in four which is about the same as the chance of being raped in a war torn country such as Syria or Iraq"

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Sunday, January 25, 2015

Restaurant Announces New Obama "Surcharge"... And It's Brilliant [PHOTO]

Restaurant Announces New Obama "Surcharge"... And It's Brilliant [PHOTO]: "“Due to the Affordable Healthcare Act (sic) and its requirement of healthcare coverage to all full-time employees, our restaurant group has decided instead of cutting employee hours and raising food and beverage prices, to implement a two percent surcharge on all guest checks to offset the cost of the federally mandated employee healthcare with the least possible impact to the consumer,” the company said in a statement."

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BREAKING: Free Ride Comes to a Screeching Halt for 6,000 Welfare Leeches

BREAKING: Free Ride Comes to a Screeching Halt for 6,000 Welfare Leeches: "The State of Maine has given notice to around 6,000 welfare recipients. The gravy train is over.

Gov. Paul LePage is reinstating a law that says any single, able bodied person, between 18 and 50 must either work, volunteer, or enroll in an employment training program for 20 hours per week in order to continue to receive benefits."

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Saturday, January 24, 2015

ALERT: Muslim Appointed to Intel Panel Issued Horrifying Threat to Police About "Allah"

ALERT: Muslim Appointed to Intel Panel Issued Horrifying Threat to Police About "Allah": "Democrats are trying to prevent Americans from criticizing one of their most controversial members, but his words speak volumes. Rep. Andre Carson (D-Ind.) was recently appointed to a special intelligence committee that gives him access to many key secrets."

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Reporter Mystified to Find ISIS is Evil

Reporter Mystified to Find ISIS is Evil: "Jurgen Todenhofer, who is believed to be the first Western reporter to live among Islamic State fighters and survive to share the tale, told al-Jazeera that he was surprised by the violence of ISIS. "

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Fellow SEAL Sniper And Friend of Chris Kyle Obliterates Michael Moore For His 'Coward' Tweet

Fellow SEAL Sniper And Friend of Chris Kyle Obliterates Michael Moore For His 'Coward' Tweet: "Former Navy SEAL and close friend of Chris Kyle – the hero of Clint Eastwood’s American Sniper – Cade Courtley joined Don Lemon on CNN Tonight to discuss the box office smash hit and the insidious tweet from Michael Moore"

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Here Are the 6 Words Liberals say Are the "New N-Words"

Here Are the 6 Words Liberals say Are the "New N-Words": "Do you believe in cutting taxes? Do you think law and order is a good thing? Do you support the Tenth Amendment’s clause delegating rights to the individual states? You filthy, despicable racist!

Yes, according to Atlanta Blackstar, the poor man’s Upworthy (is “poor man’s” racist, too?), those are a few of the six terms that are apparently the “new n-word.” Consider yourself informed. [H/T The Comical Conservative.]"

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Kid Rock Blasts 'American Sniper' Critics

Kid Rock Blasts 'American Sniper' Critics: "As Western Journalism has reported, the record-breaking film American Sniper has attracted its share of vitriol from those – including certain celebrities – who feel the real-life protagonist does not deserve to be remembered as a hero."

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Ex-Muslim Confesses of Slaughterhouses Used to Harvest Organs of Christians for Profit | Vision to America

Ex-Muslim Confesses of Slaughterhouses Used to Harvest Organs of Christians for Profit | Vision to America: "This may be one of the most disgusting things I’ve ever had to report on. The intrepid and brave Walid and Theodore Shoebat are reporting on a story out of Albania that has been breaking over the last couple of months. Muslim Albanians in Kosovo are apparently kidnapping Christians in an effort to harvest and sell their organs before killing them."

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What Does the GOP Betrayal on Abortion Mean?

What Does the GOP Betrayal on Abortion Mean?: "Recently, the Republican-dominated Congress suddenly changed their minds about an abortion bill they had already passed. As the Federalist notes, this cannot be excused. It means the Republican Party is deliberately destroying the wishes of a majority of voters—especially in their own party:"

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Democrat Billionaire Lectures Americans to Live with Less

Democrat Billionaire Lectures Americans to Live with Less: "A Democrat billionaire politician has demanded that the middle class “have less things”? Why the outrage?

This editorial in the Denver Post seems really outraged: “Jeff Greene’s patronizing twaddle from Davos.”"

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Free book, learn to play disc golf and improve your game 1/24 and 1/25

Amazon.com: Disc golf: How to play, and how to play better eBook: Steven Pease: Kindle Store:

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Thursday, January 22, 2015

Wow. While Obama Attacked the Rich, Look What Michelle Wore to the SOTU [PHOTO]

Wow. While Obama Attacked the Rich, Look What Michelle Wore to the SOTU [PHOTO]: "“Do as I say, not as I do.” That’s the message that Barack and Michelle Obama apparently believe in — and a photo from the State of the Union Address proves it.

During the hour-long speech, the president tried to pretend that he identified with middle class Americans, despite the fact that they have been hit hard by his policies."

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Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Woman sitting next to Michelle Obama isn't exactly who they claimed she was

Woman sitting next to Michelle Obama isn't exactly who they claimed she was: "During the SOTU, the president often highlights a specific person and gives their background story to prove that his policies are having a positive impact on people across the country.  Last night, he chose to shine a light on Rebekah Erler, a woman who wrote Obama a letter back in March, detailing her economic struggles."

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In Afront To Obama, Boehner Invites Netanyahu To Speak To Congress

In Afront To Obama, Boehner Invites Netanyahu To Speak To Congress: "It’s no secret that our Dear Leader, President Obama, and the President of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, don’t like each other. (Obama famously was caught on a hot mic complaining to the French president that he had to spend time with Netanyahu.) The main reason is that Israel does not trust the Obama administration to effectively deal with the threat Iran poses to the Jewish State."

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Sarah Palin Defends 'American Sniper' With Facebook Post

Sarah Palin Defends 'American Sniper' With Facebook Post: "Sarah Palin has done it again. This time she has set her sights on Seth Rogan, Michael Moore, and other Hollywood elites who have been trashing American Sniper, the biopic about Navy SEAL Chris Kyle which enjoyed a record-breaking weekend at the box office."

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Man arrested after tackling shopper carrying gun - FOX 13 News

Man arrested after tackling shopper carrying gun - FOX 13 News: "RIVERVIEW (FOX 13) -
Hillsborough deputies arrested a man who spotted someone with a gun, followed him into a Walmart, and tackled him. The problem? The man with the gun had a concealed weapons permit, and the man who rushed him didn't call 911 or alert store security."

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John Boehner Kicks off House Session This Week With Islamic Opening Prayer to Allah (VIDEO) - Blogs & Discussions - Patriot Action Network

John Boehner Kicks off House Session This Week With Islamic Opening Prayer to Allah (VIDEO) - Blogs & Discussions - Patriot Action Network: "Thanks to our readers we've identified that this happened in November. This means it predates the Paris terror attacks, but doesn't make the event any less questionable."

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Monday, January 19, 2015

NASA Scientists Admit Only 38% Chance 2014 Was Hottest Year on Record

NASA Scientists Admit Only 38% Chance 2014 Was Hottest Year on Record: "Yahoo! Spike that climate change football! The mainstream media has spent the past few days doing a victory dance in the endzone because of the announcement that 2014 was the hottest year on record based on instrument observations that the earth's temperature might have increased by a factor of two-hundreths of a degree centrigrade with a margin of error of a tenth of a degree centigrade....meaning that a decrease in temperature was also well within the margin of error"

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Army Ranger Sniper Responds to Michael Moore’s ‘Snipers Were Cowards’ Tweet with Ultimate Class

Army Ranger Sniper Responds to Michael Moore’s ‘Snipers Were Cowards’ Tweet with Ultimate Class: "Michael Moore’s tweet on Sunday afternoon, in which he said that “snipers were cowards,” has earned the filmmaker heaps of negative attention from Twitter users."

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Sunday, January 18, 2015

BBC News - Ebola crisis: Mali says it has no more cases

BBC News - Ebola crisis: Mali says it has no more cases: ""I declare this day... the end of the epidemic of the Ebola virus in Mali," said Ousmane Kone.

The last Ebola-infected patient in Mali recovered and left hospital in early December."

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World Bank: India to Become Fastest-Growing Big Economy - India Real Time - WSJ

World Bank: India to Become Fastest-Growing Big Economy - India Real Time - WSJ: "India is on course to overtake China to claim the position as the world’s fastest growing, big economy in the next two years, the World Bank said Tuesday, the latest vote of confidence in the roadmap set out by the new leaders of the South Asian nation to revamp the economy."

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Company that makes guns for "Taken 3" responds to Liam Neeson's anti-gun comments, it's going VIRAL -

Company that makes guns for "Taken 3" responds to Liam Neeson's anti-gun comments, it's going VIRAL -: "Actor Liberal activist who happens to act Liam Neeson is disgusted by Americans’ love for guns. Ironically, nobody would know who Liam Neeson is if it weren’t for his role in action movies where he uses guns."

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Saturday, January 17, 2015

Papa John’s Makes Decision Regarding Female Employee Who Shot Armed Robber, Defying Company’s Gun Policy | TheBlaze.com

Papa John’s Makes Decision Regarding Female Employee Who Shot Armed Robber, Defying Company’s Gun Policy | TheBlaze.com: "A female Papa John’s delivery driver in Decatur, Georgia, feared she might lose her job after she opened fire on an armed robber on Sunday, defying a company policy that prohibits employees from carrying firearms on the job. But the major pizza chain is reportedly standing by the employee following the act of self defense."

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Canadian Man Gets 18 Months in Jail for Saying ‘Islam is Evil’ | Vision to America

Canadian Man Gets 18 Months in Jail for Saying ‘Islam is Evil’ | Vision to America: " guess it’s not just the Islamic terrorists who hate free speech. Apparently, it’s also the governments of free Western nations."

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Top 5 "free" things illegals get that you don't » Steven Crowder

Top 5 "free" things illegals get that you don't » Steven Crowder: ".  Free food!  The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), otherwise known as “food stamps” is widely utilized by the illegal immigrant community."

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Oxford University warns authors not to write about bacon, pork to avoid offending Muslims - Washington Times

Oxford University warns authors not to write about bacon, pork to avoid offending Muslims - Washington Times: "The largest university press in the world has warned its authors not to mention pigs or pork in their books to avoid offending Muslims and Jews."

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Doomed AirAsia Flight Pilot’s Last Words Were ‘Allahu Akbar!’ | Vision to America

Doomed AirAsia Flight Pilot’s Last Words Were ‘Allahu Akbar!’ | Vision to America: "The last words of AirAsia flight QZ8501 have finally been revealed and they are startling.

The doomed flight crashed into the Java sea on a trip from Surabaya to Singapore on Dec 28, 2014."

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Public School Board Forces Homeschoolers to Defend Their Religious Beliefs! | Vision to America

Public School Board Forces Homeschoolers to Defend Their Religious Beliefs! | Vision to America: "The Bible teaches that we, as Christians, should be ready to defend the things that we believe whenever we might happen to be called upon to do so. But most American parents (myself included) never considered that our children might have to do defend our faith before our own government! And as children, no less…"

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Trey Gowdy Just Gave a Speech for the Ages and the Democrats were Floored - Eagle Rising

Trey Gowdy Just Gave a Speech for the Ages and the Democrats were Floored - Eagle Rising: "We have grown used to the fiery speeches and powerful rhetoric that flow from South Carolina’s firebrand Congressman Trey Gowdy (R-SC). Even so, there are times when the former District Attorney speaks that we find ourselves holding our collective breath in anticipation of what he’ll say next. The man is exactly the kind of politician other politicians fear (even when they’re on his side) because he can change everything with the power of a few simple words"

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$412 Billion in Welfare Spending in 2013

$412 Billion in Welfare Spending in 2013: "America spent a whopping $412 billion in 2013 on federal welfare programs. That number is staggering, but especially so compared to welfare spending just 15 years earlier: in 1998, spending on federal welfare programs cost $225 billion in today's dollars. Between 1998 and 2013, the United States saw an 83 percent increase in federal welfare spending."

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Jimmy Carter: Terrorism Will Help People Understand What's Great About Islam - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Jimmy Carter: Terrorism Will Help People Understand What's Great About Islam - The Rush Limbaugh Show: "There's one guy on the Democrat side, and there may be more, but there's one guy who is not afraid of Obama's incompetence in foreign policy at all.  In fact, there's a guy out there that is not worried about much of anything here, except Israel.  Does that give you a hint as to who it might be?  The problem in Paris:  Israel.  Terror attacks around the world: Israel.  Because of their mistreatment of the Palestinians. "

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Target for Confiscation: Your Savings & Retirement

Target for Confiscation: Your Savings & Retirement: "The U.S. government and the Fed pumped trillions of dollars of YOUR money into the banks and stock market over the last several years, catapulting the U.S. debt to $28 trillion by 2018. "

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