Thursday, March 21, 2013


COMMUNISM VS. DEMOCRACY: A LOOK AT WHERE AMERICA IS HEADED – Patriot Update: "If you visit the Korean War Memorial in Washington, D. C. you will see the following words inscribed there: “Freedom is not free.” This inscription is prophetic. Indeed freedom is not free, and the cost of freedom is increasing everyday as President Obama and his fellow travelers on the left do their best to shackle Americans in the chains of government regulations, government control, and government coercion."

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Big Sis Refuses To Answer Congress On Bullet Purchases – Patriot Update

Big Sis Refuses To Answer Congress On Bullet Purchases – Patriot Update: "Speaking at CPAC with Infowars and We Are Change reporter, Luke Rudkowski, Congressman Timothy Huelscamp revealed this week that the Department of Homeland Security has refused to answer questions from “multiple” members of Congress regarding its recent purchase of huge amounts of weapons and ammunition."

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80% of New York City Graduates Can’t Read – Patriot Update

80% of New York City Graduates Can’t Read – Patriot Update: "New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg touted about his huge investment in education during his most recent State of the City address — but his bragging may be all talk."

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Microsoft opens up on law enforcement requests | Microsoft - CNET News

Microsoft opens up on law enforcement requests | Microsoft - CNET News: "Microsoft said today it received 75,378 law enforcement requests worldwide last year for customer information, but disclosed "content" in only 2 percent of those cases.
Those are just a couple of the details laid out in Microsoft's "2012 Law Enforcement Requests Report," the first-ever such disclosure from the software giant."

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White House Destroys US-Israel Relations During Press Conference

White House Destroys US-Israel Relations During Press Conference: "With President Obama’s trip to Israel this week, I expect tensions and contempt to be running high on the side of the Israeli’s.  Obama has not tried to hide his disdain for the Jewish nation, which only goes with his Muslim beliefs.  As president, Obama has done more to undermine US-Israel relations than any president in history."

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About 50 Chicago public schools to face closure: City Hall sources - Chicago Sun-Times

About 50 Chicago public schools to face closure: City Hall sources - Chicago Sun-Times: "Chicago Public Schools officials are expected to announce about 50 elementary schools will be closed — believed to be the largest number ever closed in one place at one time in the country, the Chicago Sun-Times has learned."

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PETA killed more than 1,600 cats and dogs at its Virginia headquarters last year - almost 90% of the animals handed over to the charity's American shelter | Mail Online

PETA killed more than 1,600 cats and dogs at its Virginia headquarters last year - almost 90% of the animals handed over to the charity's American shelter | Mail Online: "Animal rights charity PETA killed almost 90 per cent of dogs and cats placed in the care of the shelter at its Virginia headquarters last year, it has been revealed today. "

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Obama Middle East Trip and the Obama Doctrine

Obama Middle East Trip and the Obama Doctrine: "President Obama’s car came to a halt in Israel yesterday, reportedly because it had been filled with the wrong kind of gas.
“This is a metaphor for his Middle East policy—he’s been running on the wrong kind of fuel,” said Heritage expert James Phillips."

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