Monday, November 17, 2014

Disgraceful! Washington National Cathedral Allows Islamic Worship - Eagle Rising

Disgraceful! Washington National Cathedral Allows Islamic Worship - Eagle Rising: "In what can only be described as a fitting example of the collapse of our Christian ethos – even within the church-going community – the most famous cathedral in America, the Washington National Cathedral, in Washington, D.C. hosted Muslim worship services on Friday November14th."

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Obama Takes 1st Step In 'Handcuffing' Successor - Conservative Byte

Obama Takes 1st Step In 'Handcuffing' Successor - Conservative Byte: "While the Obama administration trumpets a “historic” agreement on carbon emissions with China, a leading climate expert says the U.S. economy would have to collapse to comply with the terms of the deal, but President Obama’s main goal is to make it difficult for the next president, Congress and the courts to strike down his many environmental regulations."

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BOMBSHELL: Sarah Palin Was Mocked for Saying This... But It Came True

BOMBSHELL: Sarah Palin Was Mocked for Saying This... But It Came True: "“We need death panels,” the article read. “Well, maybe not death panels, exactly, but unless we start allocating health-care resources more prudently – rationing, by its proper name – the exploding cost of Medicare will swamp the federal budget.”"

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