Monday, February 17, 2014

Presidents' Day | When Presidents Upheld the Law

Presidents' Day | When Presidents Upheld the Law: "Today is known as “President’s Day,” a three-day weekend retailers use to lend an air of Founding-era seriousness to their sales. But its legal name is Washington’s birthday—and how appropriate to reflect on a President who took his bearings from the Constitution while serving in office."

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Chuck Schumer Calls for Violating the Constitution

Chuck Schumer Calls for Violating the Constitution: "The New York Times reported late last week that New York Sen. Chuck-U-Schumer is suggesting a “legislative maneuver known as a discharge petition, that would allow supporters of overhauling the nation’s immigration laws to circumvent the Republican majority in the House by bringing the measure directly to the house floor, bypassing the regular committee process.” Let's call this "maneuver" what it is -- a violation of the Constitution."

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Why Isn't Anyone Celebrating the Fifth Anniversary of the Great Obama Stimulus? - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Why Isn't Anyone Celebrating the Fifth Anniversary of the Great Obama Stimulus? - The Rush Limbaugh Show: "This is an anniversary. February 17th is an anniversary. You know what it is? This is the fifth anniversary of Obama's stimulus. Nobody noticed, did they? Nobody's out celebrating it. Nobody's reminding you of it. Nobody is calling your attention to it. Nobody is applauding it. Nobody's doing stories on how much it mattered. We're not getting any stories from the media about all the great things that happened as a result of the stimulus. We're getting a big, fat zero, goose egg. Nothing."

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Suit Filed to Protect 300 Million Americans Against the Government - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update

Suit Filed to Protect 300 Million Americans Against the Government - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update: "On February 12, 2014 a class action suit was filed by Rand Paul and Freedom Works against the NSA  of the United States Government and President Obama for the unconstitutional monitoring of every person who has used a phone in the last five years in behalf of 386,000 individuals, most of whom are members of Freedom works, and in the behalf of all American Citizens who use phones."

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Limbaugh: Obama's Goal is Socialism... Not Healthcare

Limbaugh: Obama's Goal is Socialism... Not Healthcare: "As Obamacare continues to fail to do what it was “supposed” to do and millions lose their insurance and their jobs, we’re seeing what the authors’ true intentions were when writing this law."

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Former VP Candidate: Obama is Intentionally Destroying America

Former VP Candidate: Obama is Intentionally Destroying America: "In 2008, Obama campaigned on a promise which he repeated throughout the presidential race: He said he would “fundamentally transform America.”  Voters had absolutely no clue what they were about to get into."

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Former Attorney General: Obama's Executive Orders Are Unconstitutional

Former Attorney General: Obama's Executive Orders Are Unconstitutional: "Obama’s use of executive orders has to be one of the most egregious power grabs from the president in decades.  He’s literally threatening Congress that if it doesn’t act, he will.  He thinks he can do whatever he wants."

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U.S. Plunges To 46th In World Press Freedom Index… Below Romania | Conservative Byte

U.S. Plunges To 46th In World Press Freedom Index… Below Romania | Conservative Byte: "As you might expect, the economic decline of a nation into rule by a handful of corrupt oligarchs will have many other negative repercussions. One of these is a loss of civil rights and freedoms that many of us have taken for granted. Reporters Without Borders puts out their Press Freedom Index every year, and the 2014 ranking came out today. It was not a good showing for the USSA. "

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