Friday, August 17, 2012

Demacrats are literally going crazy

I can’t keep quiet about this anymore.   The liberals and the leaders of the Democratic party are going literally crazy.   This is a short list of a few things that have happened over the past 2 weeks that show they are really going insane.

The vice president of the United States Joe Biden, was speaking to a group of people in Danville Va, many who were black.  Said that the Republicans want to put you all back in chains.  Watch it here.  

A panelist on MSNBC says that a statement made by Romney about the statement made by Vice president Joe Biden, that was certainly a racial statement, says that Romney is sending out racial codding when used the word anger twice in his comment.  Watch it for yourself.

Senate majority leader Harry Reid, on the floor of the senate said that Romney hasn’t paid any taxes in 10 years. Reid who has never made more than  @200,000 per year, has accumulated tens of millions of dollars in personal wealth, but was the overseer of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac when they almost destroyed America.  Watch it here.

Nancy Pelosi, another top leader of the Dems said she sees, feels and hears dead women from the past, and that the GOP doesn’t want to have clean water and wants to poison our children.  Listen.

A democratic party super pac made an add about a guy who worked for a steel company that was closed and he lost his job.  His wife got cancer and died.  A sad story but the add said that his wife died because of Romney and Bain Capital.  Here is the report on CNN, the most liberal news station there is, proving that the add is very misleading and totally not true.

This is just a small list that has happened in the last 12 days.  How is it possible that intelligent, rational people could possibly believe this crap and support the people that intentionally lie to brainwash their followers that don’t care to see or hear the truth.

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