Thursday, April 14, 2011

Judging Bonds Has Only Just Begun -

Judging Bonds Has Only Just Begun - "Barry Bonds’s statistics cannot be erased. Bonds did not get away with his actions in federal court, where he was convicted of a count of obstruction of justice Wednesday. But in his era Bonds was allowed to stay on the field and hit 762 home runs and win seven Most Valuable Player awards."

Stocks Slide After Unemployment Claims Jump - ABC News

Stocks Slide After Unemployment Claims Jump - ABC News: "Stocks are sliding in midday trading after claims for unemployment benefits rose unexpectedly."

Air traffic controllers: FAA's chief of air traffic controllers resigns -

Air traffic controllers: FAA's chief of air traffic controllers resigns - "FAA Administrator Randy Babbitt accepts the resignation of Hank Krakowski, head of the agency's Air Traffic Organization. Citing several recent incidents of air traffic controllers falling asleep at their posts, Babbitt said: 'This conduct must stop immediately. I am committed to maintaining the highest level of public confidence and that begins with strong leadership.'" » Biden Sleeping During Obama’s Speech or in Deep Thought? » Biden Sleeping During Obama’s Speech or in Deep Thought?

Paul Ryan Blasts Obama‘s ’Excessively Partisan’ & ‘Inaccurate’ Budget Speech | The Blaze

Paul Ryan Blasts Obama‘s ’Excessively Partisan’ & ‘Inaccurate’ Budget Speech | The Blaze: "Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan blasted President Obama’s budget speech for being “inaccurate,“ ”partisan,“ and ”inadequate.” The Blaze live-blogged the president’s speech, which included a call to raise taxes, here."

More Americans leaving workforce -

More Americans leaving workforce - "The share of the population that is working fell to its lowest level last year since women started entering the workforce in large numbers three decades ago, a USA TODAY analysis finds."

Review & Outlook: The Presidential Divider -

Review & Outlook: The Presidential Divider - "Did someone move the 2012 election to June 1? We ask because President Obama's extraordinary response to Paul Ryan's budget yesterday—with its blistering partisanship and multiple distortions—was the kind Presidents usually outsource to some junior lieutenant. Mr. Obama's fundamentally political document would have been unusual even for a Vice President in the fervor of a campaign."