Thursday, February 20, 2014

29% Of All US Adults Under The Age Of 35 Are Living at Home With Parents : Freedom Outpost

29% Of All US Adults Under The Age Of 35 Are Living at Home With Parents : Freedom Outpost: "Why are so many young adults in America living with their parents? According to a stunning Gallup survey that was recently released, nearly three out of every ten adults in the United States under the age of 35 are still living at home with Mom and Dad. This closely lines up with a Pew Research Center analysis of Census data that looked at a younger sample of Americans which found that 36 percent of Americans 18 to 31 years old were still living with their parents"

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Missouri Senate Votes to Nullify Federal Gun Laws : Freedom Outpost

Missouri Senate Votes to Nullify Federal Gun Laws : Freedom Outpost: "On Thursday, the Missouri Senate passed SB613, which is a version of the Second Amendment Preservation Act which would nullify federal gun laws, which was vetoed by Governor Jay Nixon last year. The vote on the bill was 23-10."

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Putin is Reassembling the Soviet Union - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Putin is Reassembling the Soviet Union - The Rush Limbaugh Show: " Let me move on to Ukraine here for a second, because a lot of people are trying to figure out, "What the heck is going on here?"  It's not that hard to figure out.  The people who live in Ukraine want to be free.  They want to be part of the European Union.  Putin doesn't want 'em to be free.  Putin wants to control 'em.  They were promised they were gonna be part of the European Union at some point.  Then all of a sudden the promise was broken, they're gonna be under Soviet-style domination from Moscow. "

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Obama Asserts Federal Control Over Discipline in Public Schools - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Obama Asserts Federal Control Over Discipline in Public Schools - The Rush Limbaugh Show: "It is from Forbes.  Here's the headline.  "Obama Administration Takes Groupthink To Absurd Lengths: School Discipline Rates Must Be 'Proportionate.'" I'm gonna get some pull quotes, but I'm gonna read to you how this thing starts.  "Barack Obama has wrapped himself in egalitarianism all his political career and now that dissatisfaction with his goal of 'transforming' America is growing, he’s pushing equality more relentlessly than ever.""

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'Dirty Jobs' Host Explains American Work Ethic in 90 Seconds | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News from The Heritage Foundation

'Dirty Jobs' Host Explains American Work Ethic in 90 Seconds | The Foundry: Conservative Policy News from The Heritage Foundation: "Is American work ethic being eroded? On a “Fox and Friends” segment Wednesday, former “Dirty Jobs” host Mike Rowe weighed in.
Rowe said jobs have been available since 2003, but Americans aren’t defining them as “good.” Meanwhile, employers are desperate for people willing to learn a “useful skill” and work hard."

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Minimum Wage | The Problem with Giving America a Raise

Minimum Wage | The Problem with Giving America a Raise: "In his State of the Union Address, President Obama told Congress to “give America a raise.” But as the job forecasts are revealing, he might as well have told them to “kill some American jobs.”"

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Watch: 500 Pound Bomb Dropped on U.S. Soldiers By Mistake | Vision to America

Watch: 500 Pound Bomb Dropped on U.S. Soldiers By Mistake | Vision to America: "Paktika Province, Afghanistan – After spotting Taliban forces on a distant ridge line, U.S. Army mortar teams engage with 60mm mortars. A simultaneous airstrike is called in which accidentally drops a 500 pound bomb on a U.S. Army infantry outpost, mistaking the position for Taliban fighters."

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WH Official Confesses Obama’s Energy Policy Will Cause Electricity Rates to Skyrocket | Vision to America

WH Official Confesses Obama’s Energy Policy Will Cause Electricity Rates to Skyrocket | Vision to America: "The Obama Administration’s rules requiring “clean coal” technology in power plants could increase electricity costs by 70 percent to 80 percent in some parts of the country. That admission was made to a Congressional committee by Julio Friedmann, the deputy assistant Secretary of Energy in charge of “clean coal” technology."

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Kathleen Sebelius Dreamed Obamacare Wasn't Killing Jobs

Kathleen Sebelius Dreamed Obamacare Wasn't Killing Jobs: "Shhh…keep quiet, or you’ll wake Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius from her dream.
“There is absolutely no evidence, and every economist will tell you this, that there is any job loss related to the Affordable Care Act,” she said on Monday."

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Crooks Bust Into House. Mom Warns She Has a Gun. They Say ‘No You Don’t.’ She Changes Their Minds. | Video |

Crooks Bust Into House. Mom Warns She Has a Gun. They Say ‘No You Don’t.’ She Changes Their Minds. | Video | "After thieves broke into their house about two weeks ago, a Detroit couple installed outdoor security cameras.

Little did they know the cameras — and a loaded rifle — would come in handy so quickly.

The woman was home with her two children Monday night when she heard one of her doors being kicked in."

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Obama Administration’s Plan to Study Newsrooms Is Drawing Plenty of Public Opposition |

Obama Administration’s Plan to Study Newsrooms Is Drawing Plenty of Public Opposition | "A plan by the Federal Communications Commission to study how news organizations select stories has prompted about 10,000 people to sign a petition demanding: “no government monitors in newsrooms.”

That’s according to the American Center for Law and Justice, which announced the petition Wednesday and said it reached that number within the first two hours."

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