Friday, September 7, 2012

Morning Bell: Obama's Dismal Jobs Record

Morning Bell: Obama's Dismal Jobs Record: "The unemployment rate is now 8.1 percent, marking 43 months straight that it has stayed at 8 percent or above. At least 12.5 million Americans are out of work. Yet President Obama has been trying to convince people that he’s a job-creating President."

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It's Uncanny! Obama Copied Jimmy Carter's Convention Acceptance Speech from 1980 - The Rush Limbaugh Show

It's Uncanny! Obama Copied Jimmy Carter's Convention Acceptance Speech from 1980 - The Rush Limbaugh Show: "RUSH: We also have done something. It's amazing, by the way, when you hear it, how similar Obama's speech last night was to Jimmy Carter's in 1980. It really is kind of stunning. We'll do an A-B, side-by-side comparison and let you hear it. First we start in Fredon, New Jersey. Mark, great to have you. You're up first on Open Line Friday. Hi."

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This was not a good week for the Democrats.

This was not a good week for the Democrats.: "This was not a good week for the Democrats. With a revealing bungle on their platform and a terrible jobs report bookending the convention, President Obama’s disappointing address last night was a non-event. Today I’ll talk about all of this, plus Bill Clinton’s convention speech, and Mike Gallagher’s new book, 50 Things Liberals Love to Hate."

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Democrats: Let's Ban Profits! - YouTube

Listen to how crazy these people are.  Theses are the delegates at the Dec convention.They want corporations to make no profits to build the business, higher
more people, create new products, etc.  This is scary.

Democrats: Let's Ban Profits! - YouTube: ""

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