Monday, February 10, 2014

Hero: Clint Eastwood Saves Man From Choking to Death

Hero: Clint Eastwood Saves Man From Choking to Death: "Clint Eastwood is a conservative and folk icon.  The 4-time Oscar winner has been outspoken in his support of conservatism while in Hollywood, which is saying something."

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Newlywed dies in Utah base jumping accident

Newlywed dies in Utah base jumping accident: "A woman who was only married for two weeks died in a base-jumping accident in Utah's Zion National Park over the weekend. The woman plunged 2,000 feet to her death after she jumped off a mountain and her parachute did not open."

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Iranian warships close at hand and Obama does and says nothing |

Iranian warships close at hand and Obama does and says nothing |: "“Iran’s military fleet is approaching the United States’ maritime borders, and this move has a message.”

Commander of Iran’s Northern Navy Fleet Admiral Afshin Rezayee Haddad

NOT good folks NOT good at all."

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Stuck in Congressional "Groundhog Day" on the Debt Ceiling

Stuck in Congressional "Groundhog Day" on the Debt Ceiling: "In the movie “Groundhog Day,” Bill Murray wakes up again and again to find that he is stuck in the same day. This happens multiple times a year now with Congress on the debt limit, which we just hit again on Saturday."

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Immigration Reform Kills Legal Immigrants Dream » Eagle Rising

Immigration Reform Kills Legal Immigrants Dream » Eagle Rising: "Immigration reform has been a political hot button in America for many years, but it has been usually pushed by Liberal Democrats like Ted Kennedy. However, the debate has changed over the years; and a deal in 2014 looks very possible due to the “evolving” stances from an opportunistic GOP who seek personal political gain"

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Impeachable Offenses No Longer Matter - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Impeachable Offenses No Longer Matter - The Rush Limbaugh Show: " Remember last week? I was frustrated when John Boehner, the Speaker of the House, said (paraphrasing), "You know what?  We're not gonna do immigration reform.  It doesn't matter what we do.  The president of the United States isn't trustworthy.  We can't count on him to enforce whatever law we pass.  We can't count on him to enforce the laws of the land now.  He's out making his own laws up, so to heck with it."  Which became: "Boehner is a coward, doesn't have the guts to stand up to talk radio."  That's how they analyzed that. "

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Christian Author Bullied by Pro-Gay Reviewers on Amazon

Christian Author Bullied by Pro-Gay Reviewers on Amazon: "Don’t you just love tolerance? You do your thing, and I’ll do my thing, and as long as your thing does not interfere with my thing, all is right with the world, until you write a book evaluating the underpinnings of your thing, a thing that is now being forced on all of us by the courts."

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Democrats Want More Unemployment

Democrats Want More Unemployment: "Misery is the life blood of liberal politics. The more people are oppressed, the more voters flock to the Democrat party. It's no different when it comes to unemployment."

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Iranian Warships Headed Toward U.S. Maritime Borders to Send 'A Message'

Iranian Warships Headed Toward U.S. Maritime Borders to Send 'A Message': "Iranian Northern Naval Fleet Commander Admiral Afshin Rezayee Haddad said Iranian warships are headed toward U.S. maritime borders to send "a message.""

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Gun Prohibition Activist Dwayne Ferguson Takes Gun into Grade School - Claims He Forgot : Freedom Outpost

Gun Prohibition Activist Dwayne Ferguson Takes Gun into Grade School - Claims He Forgot : Freedom Outpost: "Dwayne Ferguson is the President of a local Buffalo chapter of MAD DADS (Men Against Destruction-Defending Against Drugs and Social-Disorder) and also sits on the National Board of Directors. MAD DADS is not just an anti-gun organization but gun control is a major part of their national platform. Among other things, the group organizes and supports gun buy-back programs."

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22 Facts About The Coming Demographic Tsunami That Could Destroy Our Economy All By Itself : Freedom Outpost

22 Facts About The Coming Demographic Tsunami That Could Destroy Our Economy All By Itself : Freedom Outpost: "Today, more than 10,000 Baby Boomers will retire. This is going to happen day after day, month after month, year after year until 2030. It is the greatest demographic tsunami in the history of the United States, and we are woefully unprepared for it"

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