Friday, March 7, 2014

Another LGBTQ Hate Crime Turns Out to Be a Hoax » Eagle Rising

Another LGBTQ Hate Crime Turns Out to Be a Hoax » Eagle Rising: "Mark Twain once sagely quipped, “If you don’t like the weather in New England now, just wait a few minutes.” The same advice might be extended in earnest to journalists who are outraged over reports of “hate crimes” against members the LGBTQ community. Just wait a day, and the crime will turn out to be a hoax.

Exhibit A is a story that ran in the San Jose Mercury News two days ago:"

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Relax, America: Putin isn't about to ruin Obama's latest vacation | The Daily Caller

Relax, America: Putin isn't about to ruin Obama's latest vacation | The Daily Caller: "The President also isn’t letting the incursion of Russian troops into Ukraine’s Crimea peninsula prevent him and his family from enjoying a weekend away from Washington, currently beset by cold temperatures and sloppy piles of melting snow."

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February: 223,000 More Unemployed Individuals | CNS News

February: 223,000 More Unemployed Individuals | CNS News: " The number of unemployed individuals 16 years and over increased by 223,000 in February, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).
In February, there were 10,459,000 unemployed individuals age 16 and over, which was up 223,000 from  January, when there were 10,236,000 unemployed individuals."

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J.C. Penney's Decline: What is going Unsaid - Patriot Update

J.C. Penney's Decline: What is going Unsaid - Patriot Update: "Mainstream media organs such as The Wall Street Journal, New York Times, and USA Today are all concerned over the on-going decline of retail giant, J.C. Penney (JCP).  The latest bad news for the once prosperous retailer is that dwindling sales are forcing it to slash 2,000 jobs and close 33 stores.  "

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Ukraine: Sticking Our Nose & Our Money Where It Doesn’t Belong… Again : Freedom Outpost

Ukraine: Sticking Our Nose & Our Money Where It Doesn’t Belong… Again : Freedom Outpost: "Didn't we get enough Arab Spring type uprisings in our support of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, in our "leading from the rear" in Libya that got our Ambassador and three other Americans killed, in spending billions of dollars and thousands of American lives in Iraq and Afghanistan, then pulling out with no accomplishments whatsoever, and in drawing a line in Syria we couldn't defend? Really, haven't we had enough?"

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Driving Evolutionists Crazy - China's Jurassic Park Yields Major Dinosaur Find – Includes Skin And Feathers! : Freedom Outpost

Driving Evolutionists Crazy - China's Jurassic Park Yields Major Dinosaur Find – Includes Skin And Feathers! : Freedom Outpost: "A fossil bed in China that is being called “Jurassic Park” has yielded perhaps the greatest dinosaur soft tissue discovery of all time. According to media reports, “nearly-complete skeletons” have been discovered that even include skin and feathers. But of course if these dinosaurs are really “160 million years old”, that should be absolutely impossible. Needless to say, this shocking discovery is once again going to have paleontologists scrambling to find a way to prop up the popular myths that they have been promoting. What they have been telling us simply does not fit the facts. The truth is that this latest find is even more evidence that dinosaurs are far, far younger than we have traditionally been taught."

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