Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Fed projects high unemployment for next 3 years

Fed projects high unemployment for next 3 years: " The Federal Reserve projects the unemployment rate will stay elevated until late 2015, suggesting it will keep short-term interest rates low for the next three years."

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North Korean satellite 'tumbling out of control,' US officials say - World News

North Korean satellite 'tumbling out of control,' US officials say - World News: "The object that North Korea sent into space on Wednesday appears to be “tumbling out of control” as it orbits the earth, U.S. officials told NBC News."

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US sending 20 brand new F-16s to Morsi’s Muslim Brotherhood | Conservative Byte

US sending 20 brand new F-16s to Morsi’s Muslim Brotherhood | Conservative Byte: "Instability in Egypt, where a newly-elected Islamic government teeters over an angry population, isn’t enough to stop the U.S. from sending more than 20 F-16 fighter jets, as part of a $1 billion foreign aid package."

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Employer Hiring 101 New Employees Every Day

Employer Hiring 101 New Employees Every Day: "The job market has been less than stellar over the past four years.  In fact, under President Barack Obama, we have seen record setting unemployment figures.  I’ve seen figures that put the number of unemployed workers to around 23-26 million, but it’s actually higher if you count all those that have given up and quit looking for jobs."

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Democrat Threatens “Blood in the Street” Over Union Vote

Democrat Threatens “Blood in the Street” Over Union Vote: "“There will be blood,” State Representative Douglas Geiss threatened from the floor of the Michigan House of Representatives as its members debated legislation that eventually made Michigan the nation’s 24th right to work state. Union thuggery is not uncommon or new."

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Big Business Will be Blamed for the Coming Obamacare Job Losses | Conservative Byte

Big Business Will be Blamed for the Coming Obamacare Job Losses | Conservative Byte: "Right. So guess what happens? These people that are now gonna lose their health care or not get it because of the cutbacks and changes at your company, guess what? "

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180 Economists Call for Obama to Back Off Tax Hikes | Conservative Byte

180 Economists Call for Obama to Back Off Tax Hikes | Conservative Byte: "A letter to Congress from the National Taxpayers Union, signed by 180 economists, urges members to refrain from approving any tax increases."

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Federal Officials Rule Against Illinois Concealed Carry Weapons Ban -

Federal Officials Rule Against Illinois Concealed Carry Weapons Ban - "Illinois will no longer be known as the only state in the United States that forbids carrying concealed weapons entirely. A federal appeals court has struck down the ban, which prevented residents statewide from carrying concealed weapons."

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Morning Bell: North Korea Threatens with Successful Missile Launch

Morning Bell: North Korea Threatens with Successful Missile Launch: "North Korea successfully launched a missile early Wednesday—a big step toward achieving the capability to hit targets in the United States."

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Surprise: New Insurance Fee in Health Overhaul Law

Surprise: New Insurance Fee in Health Overhaul Law: "Your medical plan is facing an unexpected expense, so you probably are, too. It's a new, $63-per-head fee to cushion the cost of covering people with pre-existing conditions under President Barack Obama's health care overhaul, says the Associated Press."

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Michigan Dem on Passage of Michigan Right-to-Work Law: ‘There Will Be Blood’

Michigan Dem on Passage of Michigan Right-to-Work Law: ‘There Will Be Blood’: "As protests against Michigan’s right-to-work laws swelled, pro-union Democrat legislator Douglas Geiss took to the state House floor – and Twitter – to promise violence. “We are going to undo 100 years of labor relations,” said Geiss. “And there will be blood. We will relive the Battle of the Overpass.”"

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