Wednesday, October 23, 2013

How Obamacare Hurts You If You’re Looking for a Job — — Readability

How Obamacare Hurts You If You’re Looking for a Job — — Readability: "America is hurting for jobs. And if you’re looking for one, here’s how Obamacare is hurting you.

Obamacare is keeping businesses from hiring.

We already knew that many employers were cutting back workers’ hours to stay under the threshold of Obamacare mandates. That has already made full-time jobs—much less full-time jobs with health benefits—harder to come by."

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Consumer Reports says Stay Away from Obamacare Website — — Readability

Consumer Reports says Stay Away from Obamacare Website — — Readability: "The well-known consumer advocate magazine (and web site) Consumer Reports has some very important information for all Americans. Stay away from the Obamacare website! It has been an extremely frustrating first month for anyone who may have had high hopes to one day be enrolled in a government run healthcare system. Consumer Reports has a long history of reviewing various products and services for consumers so that we don’t have to enter purchasing situations without any background information on the produce. They are a trusted source for this kind of information, and people are likely to listen to them now."

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Oregon Extends Push To Track, Tax Drivers Per Mile — — Readability

Oregon Extends Push To Track, Tax Drivers Per Mile — — Readability: "Posted by timothy on Tuesday October 22, 2013 @01:34PM
from the he-ain't-heavy-he's-a-hitchhiker-who-stalks-and-fines-me dept.
schwit1 writes "Oregon is moving ahead with a controversial plan to tax motorists based on the number of miles they drive as opposed to the amount of fuel they consume, raising myriad concerns about cost and privacy"

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Another Obamacare Success Revealed As “Urban Legend” — — Readability

Another Obamacare Success Revealed As “Urban Legend” — — Readability: "ProPublica reveals “How the New Yorker’s Ryan Lizza Became a Mistaken Poster Boy for Obamacare.” Charles Ornstein writes,

Last week, Ryan Lizza, a Washington correspondent with the New Yorker, did what I and many other journalists have done in the past three weeks: He attempted to sign up for an account on, the federal government’s health insurance marketplace site."

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Brace yourself for the newest domestic threat — — Readability

Brace yourself for the newest domestic threat — — Readability: "With 20 percent of all American households on food stamps, amounting to 23.1 million households and 47.6 million individuals in July, an across-the-board cut in food-stamp benefits is scheduled to go into effect in November, even though most recipients know nothing about the coming change."

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Bullying Charges Filed Against Texas High School Football Team For Winning 91-0… | Weasel Zippers

Bullying Charges Filed Against Texas High School Football Team For Winning 91-0… | Weasel Zippers: "Each week there are football blowouts across the nation. Rarely are they more one-sided than the 91-0 rout Aledo High (Aledo, Tex.) put on Western Hills High (Fort Worth, Tex.). Now, one parent has apparently been so concerned by the final scoreline that they took the extraordinary step of filing an official bullying report with the school district because of the thrashing."

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What a Crock! Regime Predicts Economic Disaster from Two-Week Partial Government Shutdown — — Readability

What a Crock! Regime Predicts Economic Disaster from Two-Week Partial Government Shutdown — — Readability: "They’re trying to blame all of this economic downturn on the shutdown. We are supposed to believe that employers did not hire in September because they were afraid of a possible government shutdown in October. Yes, you see, that’s how things work. See, everybody’s so focused on government, that they weren’t gonna hire anybody at The ABC Acme Widget Company because there might be a government shutdown in October. So they didn’t hire anybody in September. That’s what we’re supposed to believe."

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Get Ready to Pay 99 Cents to Watch YouTube — — Readability

Get Ready to Pay 99 Cents to Watch YouTube — — Readability: "YouTube is increasing its efforts to generate more revenue with its most popular videos producers. Thousands of YouTube creators will now be able to launch paid channels, which charge a monthly subscription fee of $0.99 or more."

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Fail: New Obamacare Website Snag 'Dramatically Underestimates' Health Costs — — Readability

Fail: New Obamacare Website Snag 'Dramatically Underestimates' Health Costs — — Readability: "As President Obama promises to fix, his administration is touting what it calls “improvements” in design, specifically a feature that allows you to “See Plans Now.” White House press secretary Jay Carney has said, “Americans across the country can type in their zip code and shop and browse.” Industry analysts, such as Jonathan Wu, point to how the website lumps people only into two broad categories: “49 or under” and “50 or older"

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