Sunday, July 22, 2012

Brilliant, conservative, proven-leader Sarah Palin deserves respect |

Brilliant, conservative, proven-leader Sarah Palin deserves respect | "Leonard Pitts’ recent column, “These are not ordinary times for journalism,” lamenting the decline of the New Orleans Times-Picayune, initially upset me because I am one of those English majors who, according to Leonard, “should not be allowed to make business decisions.”"

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Liberals exploit tragedy to smear opponents and attack gun rights - National Conservative |

Liberals exploit tragedy to smear opponents and attack gun rights - National Conservative | "Always desperate to crucify anyone to the right of Karl Marx as dangerous and extreme, the "pro-tolerance," "pro-diversity" left rushed in once again yesterday to use another tragedy to silence and disarm their opponents."

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RINO's Attack Unrepentant Bachmann - Youngstown Trumbull County Conservative |

RINO's Attack Unrepentant Bachmann - Youngstown Trumbull County Conservative | "RINO's are decrying Michele Bachmann due to political correctness at the same time as an FBI report is issued finding that political correctness allowed the terrorist attack at Fort Hood to occur."

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