Tuesday, November 11, 2014

BREAKING: Journalist Releases "The Obama Soundbite" the Media Has Been Hiding for Years

BREAKING: Journalist Releases "The Obama Soundbite" the Media Has Been Hiding for Years: "Most of us remember all too well how President Barack Obama initially refused to call the Benghazi terrorist attack what it was, a terrorist attack.

Instead, Obama and his sycophants in the administration and the media perpetuated a myth that the attack was a protest over a little-seen Youtube video that spiraled out of control."

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UNBELIEVABLE: School District To Start Punishing White and ‘Black and Brown’ Students Differently

UNBELIEVABLE: School District To Start Punishing White and ‘Black and Brown’ Students Differently: "In what has got to be one of the most-racist ideas to be sanctioned by a school district since before Brown v. Board, Minneapolis Public Schools are implementing a new program that will require a personal review of each and every suspension for black, Hispanic and American Indian children.
Meanwhile, white students accused of misconduct will be given the standard suspension without the benefit of such a review by the superintendent."

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