Federal Court Upholds Hawaii’s Definition of Marriage as One Man and One Woman - Godfather Politics: "A federal court Wednesday [August 8, 2012] upheld Hawaii’s definition of marriage as one man and one woman. The court rejected a lawsuit that sought to tear down the state’s law defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman and Hawaii’s constitutional amendment that gives the legislature the power to maintain the timeless definition."
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Thursday, August 9, 2012
The Dennis Prager Show
The Dennis Prager Show: "The Democratic mayors of Boston, Chicago, San Francisco, and Washington, D.C. gave Mitt Romney and the Republican Party the greatest gift possible. They provided the American people with as clear an example of the unbridgeable differences between left and right, between Democrat and Republican, as could be hoped for."
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We’re Mad as Hell, Why Isn’t the GOP? | Conservative Byte
We’re Mad as Hell, Why Isn’t the GOP? | Conservative Byte: "We’ve never, ever, had a greater opportunity to teach the American people who the Democrats of today are, who the liberals of today are, what they’re doing. The damage that they are wreaking on this country, we have never, ever, had a greater opportunity, and I’m sorry, Republican Party, it’s not enough to do it every day on talk radio"
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Liberals' Secret Weapon: Republicans Who Don't Read - Ann Coulter - Page 1
Liberals' Secret Weapon: Republicans Who Don't Read - Ann Coulter - Page 1: "Fifty years from now, everyone will agree that Karl Rove committed treason by revealing the identity of CIA "spy" Valerie Plame, tea partiers shouted the N-word at a black congressman and Duke lacrosse players gang-raped a stripper."
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Genocidal African Leader to be Appointed to UN Human Rights Council
Genocidal African Leader to be Appointed to UN Human Rights Council: "The election of a Sudanese warlord accused of genocide to the United Nations Human Rights Council is now virtually guaranteed, since he has the full backing of the world body’s African delegation."
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Morning Bell: Higher Gas Prices Add to Economic Slump
Morning Bell: Higher Gas Prices Add to Economic Slump: "Unemployment is at 8.3 percent. The economy is sputtering at 1.5 percent growth. Food prices are rising due to drought conditions across the country. And gas prices are up again, pinching Americans’ summer budgets. It is past time for the President and Congress to pursue smart policies that would put us on a path to relief."
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» Atheist Complaint Means Big Business for Restaurant » The Loft -- GOPUSA
» Atheist Complaint Means Big Business for Restaurant » The Loft -- GOPUSA: "Last month, I wrote about the Lost Cajun Kitchen, a small, mom-and-pop restaurant located in Pennsylvania. The restaurant made news, because it offered a discount on Sundays to anyone bringing in a church bulletin, and a particular atheist decided to sue them over it. Little did the restaurant owners know just how good that action would be for business!"
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