Thursday, December 17, 2015

NOAA: Earth’s Hottest Period was Before Man Existed | The Last Resistance

NOAA: Earth’s Hottest Period was Before Man Existed | The Last Resistance: "People’s main disagreement over global warming was never regarding whether the climate changes. No one argues that. The main contention was over whether humans are the main cause of that change"

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Paul Ryan Hands Everything Obama Wants in $1 Trillion Omnibus Bill – Including Funding Refugee Plan and CISA - Freedom Outpost

Paul Ryan Hands Everything Obama Wants in $1 Trillion Omnibus Bill – Including Funding Refugee Plan and CISA - Freedom Outpost: "Well, I'm glad people who supported the Romney/Ryan ticket are seeing exactly what some of us tried to warn about, and that is that House Speaker Paul Ryan is neither Constitutional nor is he a small government representative. The $1 trillion, 2000 page plus Omnibus bill that is passing the House is sure to pass the Senate and with it will not only go funding for Obama's Muslim invasion, but also the tyrannical internet privacy bill known as the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (CISA)"

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