Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Whom does Michelle O blame for bad economy?

Whom does Michelle O blame for bad economy?: "Don’t ask me why, but I am one of millions of Americans who gets nearly daily emails from Michelle Obama urging donations for the Democratic Party.

It’s not exactly targeted marketing.

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Islamic Honor Killing In Canada: So many Stab Wounds That From Her Waist Up “There Was No Body” : Freedom Outpost

Islamic Honor Killing In Canada: So many Stab Wounds That From Her Waist Up “There Was No Body” : Freedom Outpost: "Sharipa Fazli, shaking her head, says her sister suffered so many stab wounds that from her waist up, “there was no body.”"

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Barack Obama Sends $500 Million Of Taxpayer Money To Hamas

Barack Obama Sends $500 Million Of Taxpayer Money To Hamas: "Once again we are bending the rules to send money to fund terrorists and once again the media lap dogs are ignoring it. Maybe it’s just not big news anymore. It’s not like the Royals had a baby or something."

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Assume the Crash Position: Detroit is Where America is Headed | Vision to America

Assume the Crash Position: Detroit is Where America is Headed | Vision to America: "According to nationalinterest.org the malignant cancer cells oozing from the petri dish of progressive policy known as the City of Detroit are soon to metastasize throughout the body politic. "

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Obama: I Delayed the Employer Mandate Because I Could. So What Are You Gonna Do About it? | Vision to America

Obama: I Delayed the Employer Mandate Because I Could. So What Are You Gonna Do About it? | Vision to America: "Via Hot Air and Byron York, Barack Obama has crossed the constitutional Rubicon. The die is cast. He realizes as much, and is daring Congress to stop him in the pixels of the New York Times."

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