Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Pastor Asks for Cake, Bakery Refuses and Calls the Cops! - Eagle Rising

Pastor Asks for Cake, Bakery Refuses and Calls the Cops! - Eagle Rising: "euerstein then posted the video showing the entire exchange online, proving our point that a definite double standard does exist. At least Christians have a deeply held religious belief that they are pointing to when they refuse service for gay weddings; these pro-gay bakeries (there have been many other recent examples of similar situation) have no such closely held religious belief to point to."

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BREAKING: Shocking 1995 Video Surfaces of Barack Obama Revealing Who He REALLY Is [VIDEO]

BREAKING: Shocking 1995 Video Surfaces of Barack Obama Revealing Who He REALLY Is [VIDEO]: "President Barack Obama has long fought to minimize his association with his mentor during his teens, known communist Frank Marshall Davis.

In his book “Dreams From My Father,” the future president refused to refer to his mentor as anything other than “Frank.” In the audiobook version of “Dreams,” Obama went further and excised all references to “Frank.”"

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