US Ignored 2 Warnings About Boston Bomber: "First we hear that Russia had intelligence on Tamerlan Tsarnaev in 2011, but the FBI says they investigated and found nothing that caused them any concern. In fact, the FBI stated that they had run an extensive background check on Tamerlan and found nothing."
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Monday, June 3, 2013
Taxpayers Fund Over $500,000 For Stop Smoking Study Of LGBT Population
Taxpayers Fund Over $500,000 For Stop Smoking Study Of LGBT Population: "Remember just a few short months ago when the sequestration took place? Democrats said the world would end because of the required massive budget cuts that were imposed by President Barack Obama (sequestration was his idea and he signed it into law)."
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Bill Clinton’s Half-Million Dollar Speech Is Drawing Outrage in Israel |
Bill Clinton’s Half-Million Dollar Speech Is Drawing Outrage in Israel | "Senior Israeli media figures are voicing outrage at a revelation this weekend that former U.S. President Bill Clinton received $500,000 for a gala speech later this month in honor of Israeli President Shimon Peres’s 90th birthday."
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Obamacare's Negative Impact on Medicare Will Hurt Seniors
Obamacare's Negative Impact on Medicare Will Hurt Seniors: "Medicare’s Part A trust fund is projected to be insolvent by 2026 and the total program has a long-term unfunded obligation of more than $35 trillion. This means the government has made $35 trillion worth of benefit promises to current and future seniors that are not yet paid for — a staggering amount that is more than double the nation’s total current debt."
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Obama, IRS Smoking Gun in Plain Sight
Obama, IRS Smoking Gun in Plain Sight: "As the Obama administration descends into a whirlpool of scandals, a race has begun among Congressional committees and news organizations to find the proverbial smoking gun "
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Harry Reid: We Need More Money For Obamacare : Freedom Outpost
Harry Reid: We Need More Money For Obamacare : Freedom Outpost: "While many of us been saying that the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare, was a trainwreck, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) still has not taken the “red pill” and affirmed that is what it is. However, Reid told radio host Rusty Humphries that it could become one if it’s not implemented properly."
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Journalist Links Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi to Benghazi : Freedom Outpost
Journalist Links Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi to Benghazi : Freedom Outpost: "On Friday Cynthia Farahat, reporting for Frontpage Mag, offered a new wrinkle in the Benghazi story line. She raised a legitimate question from examination of a YouTube video. Farahat alleges that one of the terrorists referenced Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi by saying, “Don’t shoot."
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Liberal MSNBC Double Digit Drop in Ratings
Liberal MSNBC Double Digit Drop in Ratings: "I don’t know if there is any main stream media that is more liberal than MSNBC. Its number one program is The Rachel Maddow Show, hosted by lesbian gay activist Rachel Maddow. If you’ve ever listened to her, you would quickly realize that her agenda is so far left wing that she almost makes Nancy Pelosi look like a conservative."
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