Saturday, May 31, 2014

Army Green Beret slams Gwyneth Paltrow in scathing essay | Fox News

Army Green Beret slams Gwyneth Paltrow in scathing essay | Fox News: "A US Army Green Beret has hit out at Gwyneth Paltrow in a scathing essay after the actress compared enduring Internet haters to the ravages of war reports The New York Post.

Sergeant First Class Bryan Sikes, who suffered a broken neck and back in a 2008 IED explosion in Afghanistan, was infuriated by the actress’ idiotic comment comparing negative online comments to being at war during a tech conference this week."

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Lessons of the VA Scandal | National Review Online

Lessons of the VA Scandal | National Review Online: "If our government has any obligation to fulfill its many promises on health care, it should be first and foremost to the men and women who served in our armed forces. But the scandal over hidden waiting lists at a growing number of veterans’ hospitals (seven so far) — wherein dozens of veterans died while waiting months for vital treatment, and the VA covered up the lengthy wait times — should make everyone wonder whether we can place our trust in a government-managed health-care system."

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Carney to step down as White House press secretary - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update

Carney to step down as White House press secretary - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update: "White House Press Secretary Jay Carney is stepping down, ending a lengthy term in what is considered one of Washington’s toughest jobs."

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Obamanomics Cost Has Reached $2 trillion, $5,000 per family

Obamanomics Cost Has Reached $2 trillion, $5,000 per family: "This morning’s depressing revised calculation of the growth of the economy in the first quarter of 2014 (-1.0 percent) makes it official: The Obama expansion is now $2 trillion short of where we would be if growth in this recovery had matched the Reagan recovery that started in 1982."

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Obama Will Bypass Congress to Implement Cap-and-Trade Plan

Obama Will Bypass Congress to Implement Cap-and-Trade Plan: "Next week, the Obama administration is planning to unveil a climate action plan that it intends to implement without legislative approval. It’s a creative approach to governing, not unlike other executive actions President Obama has taken to bypass Congress."

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The U.S. economy shrinks, but it's not a big deal - May. 29, 2014

The U.S. economy shrinks, but it's not a big deal - May. 29, 2014: "Revised numbers released Thursday show the economy shrank in the first quarter, marking the first downturn since early 2011. Gross domestic product, the broadest measure of economic growth, fell at a 1% annual pace, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis."

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Actual CNN Headline: "US Economy Shrinks, But It's Not a Big Deal" - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Actual CNN Headline: "US Economy Shrinks, But It's Not a Big Deal" - The Rush Limbaugh Show: "Have you heard about the economic news today?  The first quarter economic growth was revised.  The originally reported number -- ahem, ahem -- for economic growth was one-tenth of 1%.  That's the original reported number back in April, and they have revised it now to a negative number."

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Residents and Businesses Flee California

Residents and Businesses Flee California: "California is the cause of its own economic woes, writes Jared Meyer, policy analyst at Economics21.

Californians are facing a lack of jobs, high energy costs and low economic mobility. The state's low-skilled workers, including large numbers of immigrants, have especially suffered. Texas, however, also has a large immigrant population, yet it has strong economic growth, lower unemployment and plenty of jobs. California companies, including Toyota, are leaving the Golden State and heading to Texas, and more will follow."

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More Psycho Control — Less Gun Control | Vision to America

More Psycho Control — Less Gun Control | Vision to America: "Guns Don’t Kill — Psychos With Guns Kill. If we want to stop psychos from killing, then it’s psychos that need to be controlled. There are fewer psychos than guns, so it should be a lot easier."

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5 Shocking Facts About The Sorority Killer // Mr. Conservative

5 Shocking Facts About The Sorority Killer // Mr. Conservative: "Much has surfaced on the web regarding 22-year-old Elliot Rodger; the recent gunman who tore through a student enclave in a car, guns blazing, resulting in the deaths of 7 innocents. Between his 107,927-word document titled “My Twisted World,” his last video posted to YouTube that is assumed to be his manifesto, and a shocking police report, there are several shocking oddities regarding the entire incident."

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5 Priorities to Fix Veterans Affairs

5 Priorities to Fix Veterans Affairs: "All Washington is speculating on when—not if—U.S. Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric Shinseki will have to step down. And once that happens, all the chatter will turn immediately to who gets to take the hot seat next. In many ways, that’s the wrong question.
Washington is ever fixated on who’s in and who’s out. But the most important question here is: How can we build a more effective and efficient Department of Veterans Affairs?"

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Montel Williams–Former Marine and TV Personality–Powerful Impromptu Speech to Fellow Veterans: "We're at war! Guys are still dying! How dare this nation treat us this way!"

Montel Williams–Former Marine and TV Personality–Powerful Impromptu Speech to Fellow Veterans: "We're at war! Guys are still dying! How dare this nation treat us this way!": "(Myrtle Beach, SC)—While joining in with other veterans and their families, at a Memorial Day gathering, Monday; TV personality, Montel Williams—a 22-year veteran himself—launched into a passionate oration regarding the current debacle with the Veterans Affairs. (Photo via The Blaze)"

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Breaking Christian News and Opinion on | Edward Snowden Reveals What the NSA Can Allegedly Do With Your Phone — Even if It’s Off - Breaking Christian News and Opinion on

Breaking Christian News and Opinion on | Edward Snowden Reveals What the NSA Can Allegedly Do With Your Phone — Even if It’s Off - Breaking Christian News and Opinion on "Former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden says the U.S. government has the capability to remotely turn on a targeted cellphone and then secretly activate the device’s camera and microphone."

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Obama's Chief of Disinformation Resigns

Obama's Chief of Disinformation Resigns: "Maybe it proved to be too much strain for Jay Carney. There's only so much a person can take, even if that person is a dyed-in-the-government-issued-wool, communist-poster-collecting hardcore leftist fibber."

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More Healthy Adult Males Not Working Than Ever Before In Recorded American History

More Healthy Adult Males Not Working Than Ever Before In Recorded American History: "Many of you reading this blog have jobs. Probably many of you work for companies that have many employees. For those of you who fit this description, imagine four of your co-workers. Now, for you and those four coworkers, imagine one jobless man ranging anywhere in age from 25 to 54. Now for every other group of five workers in your workplace imagine another jobless man in the prime of his life."

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