Saturday, January 19, 2013

Forfeit Your Guns Bill Introduced In House of Representatives

Forfeit Your Guns Bill Introduced In House of Representatives: "Representative Rosa L. DeLauro (D-CT) introduced HR 226 in the House of Representatives. What does the bill seek to do? I looks to amend the 1986 Internal Revenue code and allow a credit if taxpayers “surrender” their guns to the government. The Act is said to be cited as the “Support Assault Firearms Elimination and Reduction for our Streets Act.”"

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Actor says 2nd Amendment Created to Defend Against Slave Revolts

it's amazing how they just make things up to fit their message, and the sheep followers just believe what they say.

Actor says 2nd Amendment Created to Defend Against Slave Revolts: "A meme is going around by a number of people claiming that the Second Amendment — “the right to bear arms” — was put in the Constitution to protect slavery. The following is from actor Danny Glover who spoke to a group of students at a Texas A&M University:"

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Backfire: Obama Approval Plummets During Gun Push

Backfire: Obama Approval Plummets During Gun Push: "Just a week before the New Year, Obama enjoyed his highest approval ratings of 2012. According to Gallup, 58% of Americans approved of the job Obama was doing. Survey results released today by Gallup, though, show Obama's approval rating has plummeted to just 49%. It is a dramatic drop, especially coming over a holiday period when people traditionally pay little attention to politics. Four years ago, at his first inauguration, a full 69% of Americans approved of Obama. "

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Whoops: PolitiFact’s ‘Lie of the Year’ Turns Out to Be True | Conservative Byte

Whoops: PolitiFact’s ‘Lie of the Year’ Turns Out to Be True | Conservative Byte: "Last month, PolitiFact selected its “Lie of the Year.” Given PolitiFact’s dubious record of singling out Republicans for lying far more often than Democrats, you probably could have guessed the winner of this particular sweepstakes was a Mitt Romney campaign ad:"

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