Thursday, November 14, 2013

VIDEO: Dennis Miller Goes on the Bill O’reilly Show And DESTROYS Obama | American Overlook

VIDEO: Dennis Miller Goes on the Bill O’reilly Show And DESTROYS Obama | American Overlook: "Dennis Miller recently went onto Bill O’reilly show to trash Obama and Obamacare.

The comedian even jokes that he hopes Obama is a liar about Obamacare because it’s hard to fathom someone could be so inept, especially a President."

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Obama to Allow You to Keep Your Health Plan, but Also Require Insurance Companies to Say Obamacare Could Be a Better Deal — — Readability

Obama to Allow You to Keep Your Health Plan, but Also Require Insurance Companies to Say Obamacare Could Be a Better Deal — — Readability: "Preempting a House vote on Obamacare that would allow Americans to keep their current health insurance plans, President Barack Obama on Thursday announced a new administration policy to allow most people keep their current plans. But the new policy will also require insurance companies to inform customers they might have a better deal from the Affordable Care Act exchanges."

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Sen. John McCain’s Stunning Flip-Flop on ‘Total Repeal’ of Obamacare – Watch the Before and After — — Readability

Sen. John McCain’s Stunning Flip-Flop on ‘Total Repeal’ of Obamacare – Watch the Before and After — — Readability: "After repeatedly bashing senators like Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Mike Lee (R-Utah) over their crusade to defund Obamacare, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) called for the “total repeal” of the Affordable Care Act on Wednesday. It’s a stunning turnaround after the longtime senator in September proclaimed that it was “not rational” to think Obamacare could be defunded or repealed."

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Wal-Mart & McDonald’s “Guilty” Of Helping Poor Get Welfare — — Readability

Wal-Mart & McDonald’s “Guilty” Of Helping Poor Get Welfare — — Readability: "Unlike Navigators who give false assurances to those who qualify for Medicaid, private industry consists of people who are properly motivated to deliver goods. It is a completely different world from the government system where goods are available that the qualified never hear about."

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CBO: Insurance Cancellations Just Beginning — — Readability

CBO: Insurance Cancellations Just Beginning — — Readability: "Dozens of times (that we know of) over his campaign to pass ObamaCare and to win re-election, President Obama lied to the American people about being able to keep the health insurance they like. But that lie has only been replaced with another: the lie that these cancellations will be limited to the 5% of Americans in the individual marketplace — when the truth is that these cancellations have only just begun."

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Fracking Reverses Decline in U.S. Energy Production — — Readability

Fracking Reverses Decline in U.S. Energy Production — — Readability: "In just three years, oil production in the United States has nearly reversed a 20-year-long production decline. A few short years ago, many analysts argued that oil was nearly tapped out and America needed to plan for a post-petroleum future.  What's changed? In a word: fracking, says H. Sterling Burnett, a senior fellow with the National Center for Policy Analysis."

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Congress Should Do These 3 Things in the Next 31 Days — — Readability

Congress Should Do These 3 Things in the Next 31 Days — — Readability: "In the next 31 days—starting today—the budget conference committee will try to accomplish something Congress has failed to do for the past four years…

Agree on a budget.

But not just any budget. This one needs to tackle the key driver of spending and debt: entitlement spending."

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Save Energy the Smart Way -- Don't Fall for These Myths — — Readability

Save Energy the Smart Way -- Don't Fall for These Myths — — Readability: "It never hurts to try to save energy. By doing so, you are being earth-friendly and saving yourself some hard-earned money. But don't believe everything you hear. Check out these myths about energy consumption before you start on your energy-saving campaign."

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