Sunday, March 9, 2014

The SPLC Annual ‘Hate List” is Out and You’re Probably on It

The SPLC Annual ‘Hate List” is Out and You’re Probably on It: "Liberty Alliance, a group of more than 40 websites dealing with conservative causes, has made the Southern Poverty Law Center's annual “hate list.” Godfather Politics is associated with Liberty Alliance as are some of the most popular political websites in the world. Here’s a list of member sites associated with Liberty Alliance."

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One Week After Russia's Crimean Invasion, US Imposes Travel Sanctions...Against Israelis - Conservative Byte

One Week After Russia's Crimean Invasion, US Imposes Travel Sanctions...Against Israelis - Conservative Byte: "At the same time the US State Department is relaxing entry requirements to visa applicants with Islamist terrorist connections, and reassuring President Putin of Russia that any sanctions against travel to the US placed upon those responsible for Russia’s invasion Ukraine will be limited to no more than a “few dozen” named individuals, it is dramatically increasing its rejection rate of Israelis seeking visas to visit the US."

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House Might Finally Move to Stop Obama's Lawbreaking

House Might Finally Move to Stop Obama's Lawbreaking: "President Obama has been going outside his constitutional authority and ignoring his legal responsibilities for years, and it's been getting progressively worse since his last State of the Union address, when he told the world that he was going to nullify Congress and use executive orders to create any law he pleases."

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Official: Missing Malaysia Airlines Jet May Have Turned Back |

Official: Missing Malaysia Airlines Jet May Have Turned Back | "KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) — Military radar indicates that the missing Boeing 777 jet may have turned back, Malaysia’s air force chief said Sunday as scores of ships and aircraft from across Asia resumed a hunt for the plane and its 239 passengers.

There was still no confirmed sighting of debris in the seas between Malaysia and Vietnam where it vanished from screens early Saturday morning en route to Beijing from Kuala Lumpur. The weather was fine, the plane was already cruising and the pilots didn’t send a distress signal — unusual circumstance for a modern jetliner to crash."

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