Wednesday, April 16, 2014



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Taxes 2013: Where Did Your Tax Money Go?

Taxes 2013: Where Did Your Tax Money Go?:

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EPA Making Move for ‘Biggest Land Grab in the History of the World’ | Vision to America

EPA Making Move for ‘Biggest Land Grab in the History of the World’ | Vision to America: "n a move lawmakers and farmers are calling “the biggest land grab in the history of the world,” the Environmental Protection Agency is requesting jurisdiction over all public and private streams in the United States that are “intermittent, seasonal and rain-dependent.”"

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Issa Launches Federal Investigation Into Obama/Reid Involvement in BLM Land Grab | Vision to America

Issa Launches Federal Investigation Into Obama/Reid Involvement in BLM Land Grab | Vision to America: "While Cliven Bundy’s decades long battle against the federal government over grazing rights on his Nevada ranch continues, news from the nation’s capital has confirmed that Rep. Darrell Issa, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, has launched a full federal investigation into President Obama and Senator Harry Reid’s involvement in the attempted land grab by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM)."

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CHILLING FOOTAGE: An inside look at the standoff at the Bundy Ranch against Armed BLM Agents | Young Conservatives

CHILLING FOOTAGE: An inside look at the standoff at the Bundy Ranch against Armed BLM Agents | Young Conservatives: "At 5:20: ”Are you really going to shoot these people? Yes or no? I’m asking you one question. I do not have a weapon, I’m from New York! May I approach so this doesn’t end in bloodshed?”"

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Democrat Senator Runs ReElection Ad Blasting Obama » Eagle Rising

Democrat Senator Runs ReElection Ad Blasting Obama » Eagle Rising: "It seems quite odd, but Senator Mary Landrieu (D-LA) apparently believes she is running for reelection to the Senate against Barack Obama. Her first two ads asking Louisiana to support her in the 2014 midterms highlight how bad Obama has been for Louisiana."

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Michael Vick Attacked by Stray Pitbull in New Jersey

Michael Vick Attacked by Stray Pitbull in New Jersey: "The 34-year-old quarterback was leaving the stadium after visiting with his new team’s management, when a stray pitbull suddenly darted towards him. Onlookers say the dog gave chase as Vick attempted to use some of his classic juke moves to avoid it. Unswayed by Vick’s attempts to elude him, the dog locked onto his left thigh. The dog shook violently back and forth while locked on to Vick’s leg."

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The UN made a list of things we need to give up to stop global warming…and it couldn’t be more ridiculous | Young Conservatives

The UN made a list of things we need to give up to stop global warming…and it couldn’t be more ridiculous | Young Conservatives: "The United Nations has delivered it latest report on climate change and, as to be expected, it paints a grim picture. Moreover, the report spells out specific steps we must take immediately if we are to save the planet from mankind. (Hint: less cheeseburgers)"

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29 mind-blowing photos that show you how badly liberalism has ruined Detroit | Young Conservatives

29 mind-blowing photos that show you how badly liberalism has ruined Detroit | Young Conservatives: "Detroit represents nothing less than progressivism in its final stage of decadence: Worried that unionized public-sector workers are looting your city? Detroit is already bankrupt, unable to provide basic services expected of it — half the streetlights don’t work, transit has been reduced, neighborhoods go unpatrolled. "

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