Friday, June 27, 2014

Court Rules Marriage Must Be Redefined Under 14th Amendment. Why That’s Wrong.

Court Rules Marriage Must Be Redefined Under 14th Amendment. Why That’s Wrong.: "Today the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals issued an important ruling on Utah’s marriage amendment. This is the first time a circuit court has ruled on marriage since the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling on the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) this time last year. In a 2-1 split decision, the 10th circuit ruled that Utah’s marriage amendment defining marriage as the union of a man and a woman violates the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution."

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How Supreme Court ruling affects Aereo, the cloud, and you - CNET

How Supreme Court ruling affects Aereo, the cloud, and you - CNET: "The chief of streaming-TV startup Aereo has said that his mission to bring unbundled broadcast TV to the Internet has greater stakes than just the fate of his company -- and that it's the crusaders, taking on those with power, who fill graveyards.

Aereo CEO Chet Kanojia may end up c"

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Supreme Court unanimously rejects Obama recess appointments - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update

Supreme Court unanimously rejects Obama recess appointments - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update: "he Supreme Court dropped a huge bomb on the Obama administration, unanimously rebuking the President for arrogating to himself the determination of when Congress is in session for the purpose of making recess appointments. According to reports on the opinion, the court may have taken a middle path on what a recess actually is, toning down one appellate court ruling that only allowed for recess appointments between formal sessions:"

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6.9 million multiple voters in 28 states, report finds - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update

6.9 million multiple voters in 28 states, report finds - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update: "Some 6.9 million Americans are registered to vote in two or more states, according to a report obtained by

“Our nation’s voter rolls are a mess,” says Catherine Engelbrecht, president of the election-watch group True The Vote."

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Liberals champion freedom of speech --- except in politics | Conservative Byte

Liberals champion freedom of speech --- except in politics | Conservative Byte: "I’m old enough to remember when American liberals cherished the freedom of speech guaranteed by the First Amendment. They celebrated especially the freedom accorded those with unpopular beliefs and protested attempts to squelch the expression of differing opinions."

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The Shrinking American Economy Should be the Only News | Conservative Byte

The Shrinking American Economy Should be the Only News | Conservative Byte: "The US economy shrank at a rate of 2.9%. For the sake of simplicity and rounding off, I’m just gonna call it 3% for the rest of the day. Three percent contraction, shrinking. The original report way back when the first quarter number came out was a retraction of one-tenth of 1%, and they said it was because of the cold weather, that people stayed indoors in the comfort of their homes rather than work out, get out and brave the elements to go shopping and engage in commerce."

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‘Shocking Bigotry’: Outrage Follows City Council’s Decision to Ban Event Because of Chick-Fil-A |

‘Shocking Bigotry’: Outrage Follows City Council’s Decision to Ban Event Because of Chick-Fil-A | "Officials in the Canadian city of Nanaimo issued a statement Monday affirming the rights of “men and women of all faiths” to rent government-owned venues after the same council members recently raised the ire of Christian pastors for banning a public venue from being used for an event because it was sponsored in part by Chick-fil-A."

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Have You Seen the “Poor-Off” Between Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden? You need to » Eagle Rising

Have You Seen the “Poor-Off” Between Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden? You need to » Eagle Rising: "Both Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden have been attempting to prove to America that they are not actually wealthy. In fact, both have tried to push the narrative that they understand what it means to be “poor.” Both have also done a horrible job at all of this. Instead of proving to middle class voters that they can truly understand the plight of the average American – all they’ve done is sound like condescending liars. (Probably because both Hillary and Joe are indeed condescending liars.)"

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Biden Says Protecting Gay Rights More Important than Christian Values | Vision to America

Biden Says Protecting Gay Rights More Important than Christian Values | Vision to America: "Forget Christianity. Forget traditional marriage. Forget the family structure. Forget what our nation was founded upon."

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