Thursday, February 21, 2013

More Stupid Political and Anti-Gun Arguments : Political Outcast

More Stupid Political and Anti-Gun Arguments : Political Outcast: "Some of the best and worst arguments about politics and the Second Amendment can be found on the editorial pages of newspapers. My aunt sent me the obituary notice from the Pittsburgh Post Gazette (Feb. 11, 2013, B-6) of a long-time neighbor. On the other side was a series of letters about politics in general and gun issues."

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PHOTOS: Jersey Shore Hurricane Sandy Recovery | The Philly Post

PHOTOS: Jersey Shore Hurricane Sandy Recovery | The Philly Post: "It has been nearly four months since the storm commonly known as Hurricane Sandy hit New Jersey’s shoreline. And even though Sandy was not, in fact, a hurricane by the time it ripped into the Jersey Shore, the damage it caused was widespread and severe."

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Have Any More Gun Makers Stopped Selling To Anti-Gun States? (Hint: Yeah, Lots More) |

Have Any More Gun Makers Stopped Selling To Anti-Gun States? (Hint: Yeah, Lots More) | "Last Friday TheBlaze reported on a growing list of gun manufacturers and retailers who had stopped selling to law enforcement in states that were enacting stringent new gun laws."

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Firearms Company Striking Back At Anti-Gun NY By Cancelling All Orders For NYPD - Godfather Politics

Firearms Company Striking Back At Anti-Gun NY By Cancelling All Orders For NYPD - Godfather Politics: "New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Gov. Andrew Cuomo are perhaps the two most anti-gun people in the entire nation.  They have been responsible for the passage of the strictest gun control laws in the nation.  If Bloomberg had his way, no private citizen would be allowed to own a firearm, period and he is using his billions of dollars towards achieving that goal."

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Where Have All the Watchdogs Gone? - Godfather Politics

Where Have All the Watchdogs Gone? - Godfather Politics: "There was a day, I think back when the dinosaurs were still alive, when journalism schools taught their students about asking hard questions and the importance of being the public’s watchdog against all-too-often-corrupt government."

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Inmates Collecting Millions From Fraudulent Unemployment Checks | Conservative Byte

Inmates Collecting Millions From Fraudulent Unemployment Checks | Conservative Byte: "State and federal officials say inmates across the country continue to collect millions each year in fraudulent unemployment benefits — often the result of oversight — with the most recent case in Pennsylvania, where more than 1,000 people collected benefits while behind bars."

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Obama On High Gas Prices: ‘Use Less Oil’ | Conservative Byte

Obama On High Gas Prices: ‘Use Less Oil’ | Conservative Byte: "President Barack Obama touched on a number of topics relating to South Carolina on Wednesday in a special one-on-one interview with Live 5 News anchor Debi Chard."

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Limbaugh: For First Time I’m Ashamed of My Country – Patriot Update

Limbaugh: For First Time I’m Ashamed of My Country – Patriot Update: "adies and gentlemen, for the first time in my life, I am ashamed of my country. To be watching all of this, to be treated like this, to have our common sense and intelligence insulted the way it’s being insulted? It just makes me ashamed. Seriously, man. Here we get worked up over $44 billion. That’s the total amount of money that will not be spent that was scheduled to be spent this year. In truth, we’re gonna spend more this year than we spent last year."

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Sequestration: What is it, Really? – Patriot Update

Sequestration: What is it, Really? – Patriot Update: "A look at today’s headlines is, at best, is to embark on an excursion to the twilight zone. Perhaps it is more like an enforced, bad LSD trip. Leading all the rest (and there are a legion of stories) seems to be the Lyin’ King’s version of sequestration. This lunatic ride we have all found ourselves prisoner on, is a lulu."

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NRA Thunders Home Principles With Emotional New Ad – Patriot Update

NRA Thunders Home Principles With Emotional New Ad – Patriot Update: "Barack Obama, Bill Clinton and all other elite politicians are trying to marginalize the law-abiding, average American."

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NRA Going On Air, Targeting Incumbent Senators Up for Re-Election in 2014 – Patriot Update

NRA Going On Air, Targeting Incumbent Senators Up for Re-Election in 2014 – Patriot Update: "The NRA’s newspaper ads say a mandatory buyback program is the equivalent of “confiscation,” and a federal registry would be “an illegal invasion of privacy unprecedented in our nation’s history.”"

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