Sunday, January 13, 2013

Obama Wants Men With Guns Around At All Times to Protect His Daughters, But Not Yours!

Obama Wants Men With Guns Around At All Times to Protect His Daughters, But Not Yours!: "President Barack Obama wants to leave every American home unprotected except their own.  They want to take all of our guns away, despite the numerous reports of law abiding citizens using their guns to protect themselves and their children.  Yet, back in December, Obama told an ABC Nightline interviewer that one of the benefits of being re-elected is having men around at all times to protect his daughters."

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Payroll Tax Hike Sparks Shock, Outrage | Conservative Byte

Payroll Tax Hike Sparks Shock, Outrage | Conservative Byte: "On Friday, millions of Americans began getting a taste of higher taxes as the expiration of the payroll tax holiday took a bigger bite out of their paychecks, leaving them with less cash in their wallets."

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Indicted Businessman Names Harry Reid as Alleged Recipient of Massive Bribe |

Indicted Businessman Names Harry Reid as Alleged Recipient of Massive Bribe | "A Utah businessman is rocking both state and national politics after claiming Utah Attorney General John Swallow helped him broker a deal with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to make a federal investigation into his company quietly disappear, the Salt Lake Tribune reports."

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