Saturday, January 25, 2014

▶ Suzanna Gratia Hupp explains meaning of 2nd Amendment! - YouTube

▶ Suzanna Gratia Hupp explains meaning of 2nd Amendment! - YouTube: ""

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Aetna CEO: We May Have to Pull Out of Obamacare, or Heavily Hike Premiums - Patriot Update

Aetna CEO: We May Have to Pull Out of Obamacare, or Heavily Hike Premiums - Patriot Update: "The risk pools’ demographics aren’t shaping up to be healthy enough to make the exchanges work well.
Check it out:

Via CNBC, an appropriate companion story to Moody’s decision to downgrade health insurers’ credit outlook to “negative.” At least one chief executive within the industry is openly warning markets and consumers that actions — and math — have real-world consequences, no matter how hard political actors spin:"

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U.S braces itself for coldest month of the century | Mail Online

U.S braces itself for coldest month of the century | Mail Online: "Meteorologists are forecasting yet another snow storm for the East Coast, which will arrive on Monday
First Super Bowl to be held in open-air stadium set to be hit by freezing cold
Teams on high alert game in New Jersey on February 2 could be postponed
The Midwest will be hit with a blast as well between Friday and Saturday, which may cause dangerous roads and flight cancellations"

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▶ Bill Gates: 'If You Raise The Minimum Wage You're Encouraging Labor Substitution' - YouTube

▶ Bill Gates: 'If You Raise The Minimum Wage You're Encouraging Labor Substitution' - YouTube: ""

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Homeland Security Chief: Illegals Have 'Earned the Right to be Citizens' - Minutemen News

Homeland Security Chief: Illegals Have 'Earned the Right to be Citizens' - Minutemen News: "Speaking at the United States Conference of Mayors on Friday, Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said the approximately 11 million people who are in the country illegally have “earned the right to be citizens.”"

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Winter Survival: Cold Weather Health Tips from Topical BioMedics, Inc.

Winter Survival: Cold Weather Health Tips from Topical BioMedics, Inc.: "North America has been under siege by an onslaught of brutal winter weather, with massive amounts of snow, ice, and frigid temperatures. These extreme weather conditions have greatly affected parts of Canada and the U.S. east of the Rocky Mountains, extending as far south as Central Florida and Northeastern Mexico. Temperatures have fallen to unprecedented levels, and low temperature records have been broken all across the U.S. Clearly this is a winter to be reckoned with."

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A Giant Military Surveillance Blimp Is Going to Constantly Monitor the East Coast | Motherboard

A Giant Military Surveillance Blimp Is Going to Constantly Monitor the East Coast | Motherboard: "By the end of the year, there will likely be two giant Army blimps hovering 10,000 feet above Baltimore with the ability to see 340 miles in any direction.

Most forms of surveillance have weaknesses: If they’re ground-based, they have range limitations. Predator drones have to refuel and don’t have the ability to hover in one spot. Helicopters are really loud and generally have to fly pretty low. That’s where JLENS comes in. It’s a giant, 243-foot long blimp that’s tethered to the ground. It has ridiculously powerful radar and cameras. It pretty much doesn’t have to move, and it only has to land once a month or so for quick maintenance."

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The ‘Earth-Shattering’ News Rush Limbaugh Says the Media Ignored, but You Need to Know |

The ‘Earth-Shattering’ News Rush Limbaugh Says the Media Ignored, but You Need to Know | "Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh expressed disgust, though not shock, that the mainstream media ignored an “earth-shattering” story out of Wisconsin that “should have caused a political earthquake.”

The state of Wisconsin’s unemployment rate is “rapidly falling” and the government’s budget ended the year with a $912 million surplus, Limbaugh explained. He says the dramatic turnaround is due in large part to the conservative policies of Gov. Scott Walker."

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Should We Raise the Minimum Wage? —

Should We Raise the Minimum Wage? — "In last year’s State of the Union address, President Obama called for an increase in the minimum wage. Since then, Democrats in Congress have argued that the President didn’t go far enough, proposing even more of an increase.

The question is: Would this actually help the entry-level workers it is supposed to help? Check out and share our infographic."

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VIDEO: Black College Students Threaten Violence if Not Provided Free Tuition —

VIDEO: Black College Students Threaten Violence if Not Provided Free Tuition — "A militant African-American power group at the University of Michigan is threatening violence if their demands aren’t met. Their demands include giving black students free tuition, subsidized student housing, increasing funding for black organizations and adopting a new curriculum that preaches radical anti-white ideas."

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Californian's Sign Petition to Abolish the 3rd Amendment —

Californian's Sign Petition to Abolish the 3rd Amendment — "When it comes to their rights, is there anything people in California won’t give up? It sure seems like they really don’t care about freedom, or if they have it.

Comedian, activist and author Mark Dice is once again proving that there is no reason to trust your fellow citizens with your freedom. We seem to generally operate with a mindset that “democracy is good,” but we forget that a democracy means other people are making decisions for us. And as Mark Dice shows us in this video, allowing other people a say in our decisions is a very dangerous proposition."

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