Sunday, November 9, 2014

Pelosi and Salon Writer Agree: 'Voter Suppression' Explains Dems' Midterms Debacle

Pelosi and Salon Writer Agree: 'Voter Suppression' Explains Dems' Midterms Debacle: "House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Aaron R. Hanlon, an infrequent columnnist at Salon, both have an excuse for Democrats' poor performance in this year's midterm elections: pervasive voter suppression.

You see, the left's new working definition of "voter suppression" — a definition which is never a subject of establishment press scrutiny — is apparently the following: "Many of the people who would ordinarily support us didn't register to vote, and many of our supporters who did register didn't bother to cast a ballot. Ergo, their vote was suppressed.""

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"Expedite wind and solar – but block coal, oil, gas, pipelines, jobs and economic recovery

“This is not the same industry we had 15 years ago,” Natural Gas Supply Association VP Jennifer Fordham said recently. That’s an understatement. The oil, petrochemical and manufacturing industries are also far different from those of 15 years ago. Together, they’ve created hundreds of thousands of new jobs and generated countless billions of dollars in economic activity. No thanks to the Obama Administration."

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Is The Man In the White House Mentally Ill? - Freedom Outpost

Is The Man In the White House Mentally Ill? - Freedom Outpost: "I am not asking this with my tongue in my cheek. I am as serious as a judge. As I sit here and write, I am listening to Mr. Obama's press conference. Something is very wrong with this guy. He is either mentally ill or demon possessed. Either choice is a possibility. But something is definitely wrong with him. He seems somehow inhuman."

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NAACP doesn't acknowledge minority GOP wins - Conservative Byte

NAACP doesn't acknowledge minority GOP wins - Conservative Byte: "The NAACP is a liberal hack organization. And now shows it is racist.
Check it out:

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People addressed the Nov. 4 midterm elections this week in a statement that failed to make any mention of the historic wins of Congresswoman-elect Mia Love, R-Utah, and Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C."

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The reason this black liberal professor said Mia Love was elected to Congress will leave you scratching your head | Young Conservatives

The reason this black liberal professor said Mia Love was elected to Congress will leave you scratching your head | Young Conservatives: "Liberals can’t quite figure out what to do with black Republicans like Tim Scott and Mia Love. They completely destroy their race-baiting narrative. But luckily for us, it gives leaves an opportunity for their true colors to shine through. Democrats claim they are the party of minorities. They tell us they truly care about the black community, but they actually only “care” about the portion that mindlessly votes for them. Like Tim Scott said, poverty rates have only gone up under Democratic leadership. Liberals love the poor so much, they create more!"

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The most hilariously timed photo of a guard at the UN you will ever see | Young Conservatives

The most hilariously timed photo of a guard at the UN you will ever see | Young Conservatives: "“Let’s get one thing straight from the outset: The U.N. sucks. And before you start talking about the starving babies it saves and the thorns it pulls from cuddly creatures’ paws, please remember that all sorts of awful institutions do good things."

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Maine Just Changed Their Food-Stamp Policy... Every State Should Do This

Maine Just Changed Their Food-Stamp Policy... Every State Should Do This: "The state of Maine is requiring able-bodied adults who are capable of working to do so in order to qualify for food stamps.

Citing the recession, President Barack Obama issued a waiver of the federal work requirement in 2010 and — despite continued claims from Democrats that the economy is humming along — has not lifted it. Republican Gov. Paul R. LePage, who won re-election handily on Tuesday, allowed the waiver for his state to expire."

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BREAKING: Unions Suffer MASSIVE Blow in This Unanimous Court Ruling

BREAKING: Unions Suffer MASSIVE Blow in This Unanimous Court Ruling: "In a victory for the free market, the Indiana Supreme Court Thursday unanimously upheld a 2012 state law that prohibited employers from requiring workers to join unions or pay dues in order to work for them.

A lower court ruling had declared the law unconstitutional, as the state’s constitution prohibit requiring anyone to provide services without being paid. Unions had argued that their efforts benefited all workers, even those who did not pay union dues. Thus, services that benefited non-union members would be rendered in violation of the constitution."

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Wow. Here Are the Congressmen Who Took Money From Radical Muslims This Election

Wow. Here Are the Congressmen Who Took Money From Radical Muslims This Election: "The midterms are over, and the Democrats have been put in their place, with the Senate lost and their lowest percentage of House members since Al Jolson was America’s most bankable movie star. All is right with the world."

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