Wednesday, February 19, 2014

MARK LEVIN torches John Kerry for recent Climate Change remarks » The Right Scoop -

MARK LEVIN torches John Kerry for recent Climate Change remarks » The Right Scoop -: "Tonight Mark Levin opened his show talking about the absolute horrific oppression and torture the people of N. Korea are living under, with human suffering worse there than in any other part of the world. And he did it for 2 reasons. First, that we should all know about it, because something like that should not be ignored. But even more than that, to put in context John Kerry’s stupefying comments that Climate Change ranks up there with terrorism and WMDs."

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Jon Stewart: The Democrats Are Incredibly Corrupt (VIDEO)

Jon Stewart: The Democrats Are Incredibly Corrupt (VIDEO): "Jon Stewart is definitely a liberal and his program is usually slanted left, but he had a great segment recently to show just how corrupt the Democrats are."

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Securities and Exchange Commission Rule Change Would Devastate Small Business

Securities and Exchange Commission Rule Change Would Devastate Small Business: "he U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is considering a rule that would reduce the number of small business and start-up investors by 60 to 70 percent by increasing the income and net worth thresholds for "accredited investors" found in what is known as Regulation D. Regulation D was a rule adopted by the SEC in 1982, allowing companies to raise unlimited money and sell securities to accredited investors (persons with an income or net worth above a respective $200,000 or $1 million, or financial institutions), says David R. Burton, a senior fellow in economic policy at the Heritage Foundation."

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WH Official Confesses Obama’s Energy Policy Will Cause Electricity Rates to Skyrocket | Vision to America

WH Official Confesses Obama’s Energy Policy Will Cause Electricity Rates to Skyrocket | Vision to America: "The Obama Administration’s rules requiring “clean coal” technology in power plants could increase electricity costs by 70 percent to 80 percent in some parts of the country. That admission was made to a Congressional committee by Julio Friedmann, the deputy assistant Secretary of Energy in charge of “clean coal” technology."

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Obama Golfs 161st Round as Michelle Shuts Down Air Traffic in Aspen For a Weekend of Skiing | Vision to America

Obama Golfs 161st Round as Michelle Shuts Down Air Traffic in Aspen For a Weekend of Skiing | Vision to America: "The New York Post reports that Michelle, Sasha and Malia flew to the Colorado ski resort on Friday to spend Valentine’s Day and President’s Day weekend on the slopes. This is the 3rd year in a row the Obama ladies spent this same weekend in Aspen."

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Hobby Lobby May Close All 500+ Stores in 41 States |

Hobby Lobby May Close All 500+ Stores in 41 States |: "When my family and I started our company 40 years ago, we were working out of a garage on a $600 bank loan, assembling miniature picture frames. Our first retail store wasn’t much bigger than most people’s living rooms, but we had faith that we would succeed if we lived and worked according to God’s word."

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How to Free Housing Market from Government and Lower Mortgage Payments

How to Free Housing Market from Government and Lower Mortgage Payments: "President Obama said something truly great in his State of the Union Address this year. He told Congress:
[S]ince the most important investment many families make is their home, send me legislation that protects taxpayers from footing the bill for a housing crisis ever again, and keeps the dream of homeownership alive for future generations."

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National Security Expert: Obama is Putting America at Risk

National Security Expert: Obama is Putting America at Risk:

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Share This: The Bill to Sue Obama Gets 100+ Cosponsors

Share This: The Bill to Sue Obama Gets 100+ Cosponsors:

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Laura Bush Responds to Obama Whining About Michelle Not Getting Paid (Click for Video)

Laura Bush Responds to Obama Whining About Michelle Not Getting Paid (Click for Video): "During the 2012 campaign, Obama whined at a campaign event focused on women’s issues in Colorado that Michelle doesn’t receive a salary as First Lady.

An obvious ploy to win over women voters, he said that First Lady is a “tough job” and he wants to make sure “she’s getting paid the same as men.”"

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John Kerry Uses Mockery To Deal With Lack of Evidence Of Global Warming (Postscript)

John Kerry Uses Mockery To Deal With Lack of Evidence Of Global Warming (Postscript): "It is always a wonderful opportunity when the Secretary of State for the Galactic Empire the United States of America goes to some small country whose economy is the fraction of the size of ours, because then he is surrounded by people who are dying to gain his good graces and he can say whatever he wants. It is better than having canned applause. In this case, the captive audience was in Indonesia and the text of John Kerry’s sermon was the idiotic heresy of denying global warming."

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