Why Liberals Like the National Day of Prayer: "Today is the National Day of Prayer. Too many folks will go home after the event and feel good about participating and wait for God to do something based on their prayers. It doesn’t always work like that. In fact, a case could be made that it almost never works like that."
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Friday, May 3, 2013
Stabbings, Stabbings and More Stabbings – Why Haven’t We Heard From Obama?
Stabbings, Stabbings and More Stabbings – Why Haven’t We Heard From Obama?: "President Barack Obama and his blind following of liberal progressives claim that we must have all of the restrictive gun control laws to prevent violent crime. Like most pathological liars, Obama tries to convince us that he believes in the Second Amendment and wants to defend it, but 100% of his actions say that he intends on destroying the Second Amendment and stripping us of our guns."
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5 Ways the Immigration Bill Is Like Obamacare
5 Ways the Immigration Bill Is Like Obamacare: "Congress rammed Obamacare through without many Members even reading the bill. Now it’s applying that same frantic, complex, pie-in-the-sky legislating to immigration. The similarities are frightening."
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Pentagon Recruits Anti-Christian Extremist To Help Craft Tolerance Policy
Pentagon Recruits Anti-Christian Extremist To Help Craft Tolerance Policy: "Over the years, I have seen much of what makes people tick in regard to political leanings. I have discovered that the smarter someone is, the easier it is to have a rational conversation with them. As the curve goes down, and you begin to deal with less intelligent people, rational conversation becomes more difficult."
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Pentagon Confirms It May Court Martial Soldiers Who Share Christian Faith
Pentagon Confirms It May Court Martial Soldiers Who Share Christian Faith: "The Pentagon has released a statement confirming that soldiers could be prosecuted for promoting their faith: “Religious proselytization is not permitted within the Department of Defense…Court martials and non-judicial punishments are decided on a case-by-case basis"
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Four in 10 Americans Unaware ObamaCare Is Law of the Land
Four in 10 Americans Unaware ObamaCare Is Law of the Land: "More than three years after the Affordable Care Act ("ObamaCare") was signed into law, Americans are still confused about what the bill does and whether or not it is even law. A new Kaiser Family Foundation public opinion poll finds that a large percentage of the lay public is unclear about the legal status of ObamaCare or whether Medicaid should be expanded."
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Effects of global warming, is it bad?
Effects of global warming, is it bad?: "This article is to pass on some global warming information, to give you the truth about what the science shows and what you should know about the subject. President Obama recently spoke to the U.N. He said that “Climate change poses a threat to national security”. What is the basis for this statement?"
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