Friday, May 10, 2013

ABC Releases Big Benghazi Report: Talking Points Changed 12 Times, ‘Dramatically Edited by Administration,’ and Scrubbed of Terror References | Video |

ABC Releases Big Benghazi Report: Talking Points Changed 12 Times, ‘Dramatically Edited by Administration,’ and Scrubbed of Terror References | Video | "The talking points used by Amb. Susan Rice on the Sunday shows on the weekend after the 9/11/12 terror attack in Benghazi underwent at least 12 edits –  including revisions by the Obama administration’s State Department — new emails obtained by ABC News show. Those revisions included scrubbing all references to an Al Qaeda-affiliated group and all references to previous CIA warnings about a terror threat."

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Immigration Reform Illegals Will Receive $592,000 More In Benefits Than They’ll Pay in Taxes

Immigration Reform Illegals Will Receive $592,000 More In Benefits Than They’ll Pay in Taxes: "The Heritage Foundation, headed by former Sen. Jim DeMint, recently concluded an analysis of the Immigration Reform bill being pushed by the Gang of 8 and the results are economically devastating.  The legalization of 11 million illegal aliens will suck the very life out of many of our benefit and welfare programs."

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Gallup shock: Just 7% following Kermit Gosnell abortion trial 'very closely' | Mobile Washington Examiner

Gallup shock: Just 7% following Kermit Gosnell abortion trial 'very closely' | Mobile Washington Examiner: "he public is ignoring the sensational Philadelphia murder trial of abortionist Kermit Gosnell, despite increased coverage by the mainstream media prompted by criticism from conservative groups, making it one of the least followed stories in Gallup poll history.
What's more, even among those closely following the trial and extended jury deliberations which could conclude today, just 46 percent want more coverage while 47 percent believe the media is providing enough or too much coverage."

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W.H. Marks Mother's Day By Celebrating Free Birth Control | The Weekly Standard

W.H. Marks Mother's Day By Celebrating Free Birth Control | The Weekly Standard: "The White House is marking Mother's Day, which is this Sunday, by celebrating free birth control provided by Obamacare. The White House made the declaration in a tweet today from their official Twitter account."

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