Wednesday, July 27, 2011

» Why Democrats Hate a Balanced Budget Amendment - Big Government

» Why Democrats Hate a Balanced Budget Amendment - Big Government: "With Sen. Harry Reid (D.-Nv.) leading the charge that killed the Cut, Cap and Balance Act (it apparently was the “worst piece of legislation” he’d ever seen), and a new deal to break the impasse over raising the debt ceiling looming, it’s appropriate to ask why Democrats hate the idea of a balanced budget amendment."

Chinese Pastor Shi Enhao Sentenced to Labor Camp |

Chinese Pastor Shi Enhao Sentenced to Labor Camp | "BEIJING (The Blaze/AP) — An underground Protestant leader has been sentenced to two years in a labor camp as China cracks down on unapproved churches that are getting bolder in confronting government religious policy, a U.S.-based monitoring group said Tuesday."

Pelosi to Union Workers: GOP Wants Americans to ‘Sacrifice,‘ While They ’Get the Wealth’ | Video |

Pelosi to Union Workers: GOP Wants Americans to ‘Sacrifice,‘ While They ’Get the Wealth’ | Video | "The polarizing rhetoric from House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi is still in full throttle. Speaking to a crowd of union workers on Capitol HillTuesday, Pelosi unleashed a tirade accusing Republicans of wanting “destroy” everything — from food safety, to clean air and water, to education and “your rights.” According to Pelsosi, the GOP wants Americans to “sacrifice” while they enjoy the spoils of…well, what, exactly, we’re still unclear."

Opponents Seek Ballot Referendum to Overturn New California Law Mandating Gay History in Public Schools |

Opponents Seek Ballot Referendum to Overturn New California Law Mandating Gay History in Public Schools | "SACRAMENTO, Calif. (The Blaze/AP) — California’s secretary of state on Tuesday cleared a group to begin collecting signatures for a ballot referendum to overturn a first-in-the-nation law requiring public schools to teach the contributions of gays and lesbians in social studies lessons."

Jon Stewart Mocks Obama Debt Speech | Video |

Jon Stewart Mocks Obama Debt Speech | Video | "In general, a Jon Stewart clip isn‘t complete if it doesn’t offend both the right and left. This, then, is a classic Stewart piece."

Obama’s Battleground-State Blues - Josh Kraushaar -

Obama’s Battleground-State Blues - Josh Kraushaar - "President Obama’s job approval rating in the latest national polls has been in the danger zone, ranging from 42 percent (Gallup) to 47 percent (ABC News/Washington Post), with every survey showing him with higher unfavorables than favorables. Needless to say, it’s not a good place for a president to be, especially since his numbers have worsened over the past two months."