California Example of Obama Taxation Causing Millions to Flee State - Godfather Politics: "Barack Obama and his liberal cronies want to tax, tax and tax anyone making over $250,000 per year. They claim it will help increase government revenue which in time will help spur the economy."
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Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Milton Friedman Schools Phil Donahue (and Barack Obama) on Capitalism and Greed - The Rush Limbaugh Show
Milton Friedman Schools Phil Donahue (and Barack Obama) on Capitalism and Greed - The Rush Limbaugh Show: "RUSH: We have the 100th birthday today of Milton Friedman. Milton Friedman -- some of you in this audience may not know -- Milton Friedman, University of Chicago, a brilliant economist. He and his wife were a dynamo."
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Federal Court finds Obama appointees interfered with New Black Panther prosecution |
Federal Court finds Obama appointees interfered with New Black Panther prosecution | "A federal court in Washington, DC, held last week that political appointees appointed by President Obama did interfere with the Department of Justice’s prosecution of the New Black Panther Party."
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Rationing Begins: States Limiting Drug Prescriptions for Medicaid Patients |
Rationing Begins: States Limiting Drug Prescriptions for Medicaid Patients | "( – Sixteen states have set a limit on the number of prescription drugs they will cover for Medicaid patients, according to Kaiser Health News."
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Eurozone unemployment hits record high, while Mario Monti sees 'light at the end of tunnel' - Telegraph
Eurozone unemployment hits record high, while Mario Monti sees 'light at the end of tunnel' - Telegraph: "EU data agency Eurostat said the seasonally-adjusted rate was the same as an upwardly-revised May toll but noted another 123,000 people lost their jobs going into the European summer, bringing the total to nearly 18m, more than 2m up on a year earlier."
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GM Stock Hits New Lows, Company in Turmoil | Conservative Byte
GM Stock Hits New Lows, Company in Turmoil | Conservative Byte: "In June 2009, GM filed for Obama-managed bankruptcy, costing the taxpayer some $50 billion. The vast majority of that cash was never paid back by GM. In November 2010, GM issued a new initial public offering at a price of $33 per share. Today, GM stock is trading at approximately $19.36, down about 40% from its initial price."
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Monday, July 30, 2012
Pathetic Liberals at Newsweek Recycle Wimp Cover -- and Drag Me Into It This Time - The Rush Limbaugh Show
Pathetic Liberals at Newsweek Recycle Wimp Cover -- and Drag Me Into It This Time - The Rush Limbaugh Show: "RUSH: And now I'm in a controversy with Romney. Newsweek magazine, Tina Brown's magazine, now owned Barry Diller. Newsweek: "The Wimp Factor -- Is Romney just too insecure to be president?" There's the Newsweek cover."
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Dem Platform to Add Gay Marriage? – Patriot Update
Dem Platform to Add Gay Marriage? – Patriot Update: "Democrats are moving, for the first time, to include support for same-sex marriage in the official party platform at their national convention."
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Nancy Tells A Whopper : Freedom Outpost
Nancy Tells A Whopper : Freedom Outpost: "Nancy Pelosi demonstrates once again why she needs to probably be on some type of medication and be removed from public disservice in the House. The House Minority Leader said that she thinks Republicans are “exploiting” Jews. Seriously, she did, but wait till you hear her “facts” about Obama."
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Car dealers fear Obama fuel standards will make new vehicles unaffordable | Conservative Byte
Car dealers fear Obama fuel standards will make new vehicles unaffordable | Conservative Byte: "The White House is expected to OK federal standards in the next few weeks that will nearly double vehicle gas mileage for vehicles by 2025, as automotive dealers warn the changes could slam the recovering retail car industry because they will come with sticker prices that will keep buyers off their lots."
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6-Year-Old Gives 10 Reasons NOT to Vote for Obama! | Conservative Byte
6-Year-Old Gives 10 Reasons NOT to Vote for Obama! | Conservative Byte: "Isaac Anthony is a conservative six-year-old who knows where he stands on political issues and the upcoming Presidential election."
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Morning Bell: Business Owners Battle Obamacare for Religious Freedom
Morning Bell: Business Owners Battle Obamacare for Religious Freedom: "Two days from now, employers across America will become vulnerable to crushing government penalties for exercising their religious freedom. This isn’t exactly what lawmakers advertised when they pushed Obamacare, but it is part of the Obama Administration’s agenda—forcing nearly all employers to pay for abortion-inducing drugs, contraception, and sterilization services."
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» Kerpen: Farming For Food Stamps » Commentary -- GOPUSA
» Kerpen: Farming For Food Stamps » Commentary -- GOPUSA: "Can a piece of legislation be a "farm bill" if nearly 80 percent of its spending goes to food stamps? According the United States Congress - yes."
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IRS Data Shows that Businesses Will Bear Brunt of Obama's Tax Hike
IRS Data Shows that Businesses Will Bear Brunt of Obama's Tax Hike: "President Obama renewed his call for allowing the Bush-era tax rates to expire for families earning over $250,000 while extending the lower rates for taxpayers below that threshold. The president and his economic team tend to dismiss the impact that such as tax hike will have on business activity because only 2 or 3 percent of taxpayers with business income are taxed at the highest rates, says Scott A. Hodge, president of the Tax Foundation."
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Saturday, July 28, 2012
Jesus and Gun Control - Pratt, KS - Pratt Tribune
Jesus and Gun Control - Pratt, KS - Pratt Tribune: "Recently the country faced another tragic event where innocent people were the victims of a gun crime. Going to the movies is a time to relax and enjoy a world of fantasy leaving your worries and concerns at the refreshment counter."
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Senate Dems Vote To Tax All Americans More
Senate Dems Vote To Tax All Americans More: "Well it looks as if the Senate is not going to budge on the Bush Tax Cuts. We knew they wouldn’t. I suppose we’ll see if the House Republicans will grow a set and stand up for all Americans and extend those tax cuts to everyone equally."
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Great Romney Ad: “It Worked” | Conservative Byte
Great Romney Ad: “It Worked” | Conservative Byte: "Romney has an ad called “It Worked.” You know what’s happening to people who appear in Romney ads? They’re being harassed."
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Economy Weakens as Election Nears | Conservative Byte
Economy Weakens as Election Nears | Conservative Byte: "The Commerce Department has issued their initial estimate for the third quarter GDP: grew at one-and-a-half percent. This is a disaster for this country."
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Friday, July 27, 2012
Why I’m Voting for Mitt Romney and Why You Should Too - Godfather Politics
Why I’m Voting for Mitt Romney and Why You Should Too - Godfather Politics: "The first reason is easy: Barack Obama. It is shocking to think that a Marxist could ever be president of the United States. But it happened. "
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Rep. Mike Kelly (R-PA) Gets Standing Ovation on House Floor for Saying What Americans Say to Each Other Every Day - The Rush Limbaugh Show
Rep. Mike Kelly (R-PA) Gets Standing Ovation on House Floor for Saying What Americans Say to Each Other Every Day - The Rush Limbaugh Show: "RUSH: I saw this last night. Congressman Mike Kelly, Pennsylvania Republican, got a standing ovation while he spoke in the House."
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No Joke: The Regime Replicates the Policy That Created the Subprime Mortgage Crisis - The Rush Limbaugh Show
No Joke: The Regime Replicates the Policy That Created the Subprime Mortgage Crisis - The Rush Limbaugh Show: "RUSH: Folks, do you remember that the banks wouldn't lend to blacks and Hispanics 'cause they were racist? And then do you remember how Jimmy Carter and then Clinton and then, after that, Clinton came along and they passed something called the Community Reinvestment Act."
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Government Motors Stock Hits All Time Low, U.S. Taxpayers Now $42 Billion In The Hole… – Patriot Update
Government Motors Stock Hits All Time Low, U.S. Taxpayers Now $42 Billion In The Hole… – Patriot Update: "Despite President Barack Obama’s stories about a resurgent GM ready to repay its bailout tab, the automaker and its former bank still owe taxpayers nearly $42 billion, according to an inspector general’s report."
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U.N. Calls for Legalizing Prostitution Worldwide – Patriot Update
U.N. Calls for Legalizing Prostitution Worldwide – Patriot Update: "A report issued by the United Nations-backed Global Commission on HIV and the Law; recommends that nations around the world get rid of “punitive” laws against prostitution – or what it calls “consensual sex work” — and decriminalize the voluntary use of illegal injection drugs in order to combat the HIV epidemic."
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U.N. Calls for Legalizing Prostitution Worldwide – Patriot Update
U.N. Calls for Legalizing Prostitution Worldwide – Patriot Update: "A report issued by the United Nations-backed Global Commission on HIV and the Law; recommends that nations around the world get rid of “punitive” laws against prostitution – or what it calls “consensual sex work” — and decriminalize the voluntary use of illegal injection drugs in order to combat the HIV epidemic."
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Morning Bell: Justice Department Blocks Voter ID at Every Turn
Morning Bell: Justice Department Blocks Voter ID at Every Turn: "People seemingly voting after they’ve been dead for years. Drug kingpins buying votes from poor people to sway elections. Non-citizens being bussed to the polls and coached on how to vote. Stories of voting fraud are shocking, and states have been taking action to make sure that elections are secure. But the Justice Department, led by Attorney General Eric Holder, has blocked states at almost every turn."
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Gaffes pile up as Obama goes off teleprompter | Times 247
Gaffes pile up as Obama goes off teleprompter | Times 247: "Unsurprisingly, TOTUS [Teleprompter of the United States] made an appearance at last night’s speech to the Urban League after being absent for most of July."
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Tangled web: Holder firm represented MF Global | Times 247
Tangled web: Holder firm represented MF Global | Times 247: "Those wondering why the Department of Justice has refused to go after Jon Corzine for the vaporization of $1.6 billion in MF Global client funds need look no further than the documents uncovered by the Government Accountability Institute that reveal that the now-defunct MF Global was a client of Attorney General Eric Holder and Assistant Attorney General Lanny Breuer’s former law firm, Covington & Burling. "
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Thursday, July 26, 2012
Does Obama Think U.S. Soldiers Use AK-47s? | Conservative Byte
Does Obama Think U.S. Soldiers Use AK-47s? | Conservative Byte: "President Barack Obama, speaking to the National Urban League on Wednesday evening, sounded a call for gun control–and revealed his apparent ignorance about the U.S. military in the process. "
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Abortion Kills Mom as Well as Unborn Child in Planned Parenthood Clinic - Godfather Politics
Abortion Kills Mom as Well as Unborn Child in Planned Parenthood Clinic - Godfather Politics: "In yet another abortion mishap, the life of the mother was lost in the same procedure she chose to murder her unborn child. This time the botched procedure occurred in a Chicago area Planned Parenthood clinic."
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Chick Fil-A Appreciation Day
Chick Fil-A Appreciation Day: "I have been incensed at the vitriolic assaults on the Chick Fil-A
company because the CEO, Dan Cathy, made comments recently in which he affirmed his view that the Biblical view of marriage should be upheld. The Cathy family, led by Chick Fil-A founder Truett Cathy, are a wonderful Christian family who are committed to operating the company with Biblical principles and whose story is the true American success story. Starting at age 46 Truett Cathy built Chick Fil-A into a $4 billion a year enterprise with over 1600 stores. At 91, he is still active in the company, but his son Dan runs it day to day as CEO.It's a great American story that is being smeared by vicious hate speech and intolerant bigotry from the left."
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company because the CEO, Dan Cathy, made comments recently in which he affirmed his view that the Biblical view of marriage should be upheld. The Cathy family, led by Chick Fil-A founder Truett Cathy, are a wonderful Christian family who are committed to operating the company with Biblical principles and whose story is the true American success story. Starting at age 46 Truett Cathy built Chick Fil-A into a $4 billion a year enterprise with over 1600 stores. At 91, he is still active in the company, but his son Dan runs it day to day as CEO.It's a great American story that is being smeared by vicious hate speech and intolerant bigotry from the left."
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» Patton: 100 Million Gun Owners Didn’t Kill Anyone Last Week » Commentary -- GOPUSA
» Patton: 100 Million Gun Owners Didn’t Kill Anyone Last Week » Commentary -- GOPUSA: ""Laws that forbid the carrying of arms...disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes." - Thomas Jefferson"
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“You thought Jeremiah Wright was bad? Wait till you meet Obama’s real mentor!” – Patriot Update
“You thought Jeremiah Wright was bad? Wait till you meet Obama’s real mentor!” – Patriot Update: "He is a communist, but describes himself as progressive. He expects Christians to support his ideas and vision for America, but advocates philosophies and policies often antithetical to Christian doctrine."
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Morning Bell: Senate Votes to Raise Taxes on Small Businesses
Morning Bell: Senate Votes to Raise Taxes on Small Businesses: "Yesterday, the Senate narrowly voted (51-48) to raise taxes on 1.2 million small businesses, which will likely kill more than 700,000 jobs at a time when nearly 13 million Americans are out of work. Senators Joe Lieberman (I-CT) and Jim Webb (D-VA) joined all Republicans in bipartisan opposition to the tax hike."
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Gingrich Stands with Bachmann: Investigate Muslim Brotherhood’s Influence
Gingrich Stands with Bachmann: Investigate Muslim Brotherhood’s Influence: "Since first asking U.S. intelligence and security agencies to look into possible ties between Huma Abedin and the Muslim Brotherhood, the personal attacks on Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) have been relentless. First from Senator John McCain (R-AZ), and then from Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN). Bachmann quickly indicated he too should be under investigation along with Abedin."
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Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Obama Admits: Our Plan Worked - The Rush Limbaugh Show
Obama Admits: Our Plan Worked - The Rush Limbaugh Show: "RUSH: Folks, it's working! Barack Obama said his plan is working. This is Monday night in Oakland during a campaign speech...
OBAMA: (godlike reverb) Just like we've tried their plan, we've tried our plan, and it worked."
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OBAMA: (godlike reverb) Just like we've tried their plan, we've tried our plan, and it worked."
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Bogus NBC/WSJ Poll Oversamples Dems - The Rush Limbaugh Show
Bogus NBC/WSJ Poll Oversamples Dems - The Rush Limbaugh Show: "RUSH: Yes, I've heard about the NBC poll. In a couple of minutes. It's right here. I'm gonna get to it in just a second. All in due time. It's a three-hour program. Of course I've heard about it. It's a joke. They sample 11% more Democrats than Republicans, and even at that they can only get Obama a six-point lead. Yesterday we were talking, Reuters was the only poll with Obama up six. We were talking about what a joke it was."
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Cross Encounters
Cross Encounters: "One of my greatest joys during my time with Living Waters was being part of "On the Box." Today was my last show."
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Every American To Be Microchipped In 2013 Per Obamacare – Patriot Update
Every American To Be Microchipped In 2013 Per Obamacare – Patriot Update: "A major news story broke on AOL and countless other mainstream news media outlets, this past week, that the Obama Health Care Bill will require all U.S. citizens and babies to receive a microchip or Medchip by March 23, 2013."
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Surprise! CBO Claims Workers & Businesses Will Pay $5 Billion More In Obama Taxes : Freedom Outpost
Surprise! CBO Claims Workers & Businesses Will Pay $5 Billion More In Obama Taxes : Freedom Outpost: "Well it appears that Business owners will be paying a bit more than they anticipated in taxes under the Affordable Care Act (ObamaTax). The Congressional Budget Office claims that business owners will owe $4 billion more than they previously expected."
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Dems Caught Trying to Register Deceased Voters and Pets! : Freedom Outpost
Dems Caught Trying to Register Deceased Voters and Pets! : Freedom Outpost: "The following is just one example of why there is a need to have voter ID laws. Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli is being asked by the Romney campaign to look into voter-registration forms that are being sent out to residents in Virginia and addressed to deceased relatives, children, family pets and others that are ineligible to vote. "
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Morning Bell: Obamacare Leaves As Many Uninsured As It Covers
Morning Bell: Obamacare Leaves As Many Uninsured As It Covers: "Two new reports out yesterday continue to knock down President Obama’s promises about Obamacare: his “If you like your plan, you can keep it,” and the promise to significantly shrink the ranks of the uninsured."
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Blog: Gun Control and the Murder Rate
Blog: Gun Control and the Murder Rate: "James Holmes's rampage in Aurora, Colorado has led to more of the same tired gun control debate that has been going on for decades. The commentators would have performed a greater service for the country if they had addressed a more important issue:"
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Scott Walker: From Red to Black, Wisconsin is Back!
Scott Walker: From Red to Black, Wisconsin is Back!: "State and local governments around the country are increasingly concerned about their bond ratings. Earlier this year, one of the national bond rating agencies downgraded the state of Illinois because of concerns about its budget liabilities."
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Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Big Government Didn't Build the Internet! - The Rush Limbaugh Show
Big Government Didn't Build the Internet! - The Rush Limbaugh Show: "RUSH: Now, let's move on to this Internet business. And the reason that I want to spend just a little time on this before we get to your phone calls is Obama's not the first, he's simply the latest, in a long line of people to cite the Internet as a justification for big government."
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Poverty Levels on Rise
Poverty Levels on Rise: "The ranks of America's poor are on track to climb to levels unseen in nearly half a century, erasing gains from the war on poverty in the 1960s amid a weak economy and fraying government safety net, says the Associated Press."
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The Left Tars and Feathers Chick-fil-A
The Left Tars and Feathers Chick-fil-A: "Chick-fil-A president Dan Cathy recently incited the outrage of The Washington Post, actor Ed Helms, and at least five other celebrities by supporting marriage on the Ken Coleman radio program."
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Monday, July 23, 2012
Gun Control Only Makes Law-Abiding People Defenseless - Godfather Politics
Gun Control Only Makes Law-Abiding People Defenseless - Godfather Politics: "One of the missing elements of the Aurora, Colorado, shooting spree was the apartment of James Holmes."
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Comic Book Horror Became Reality in Colorado Movie Theater - Godfather Politics
Comic Book Horror Became Reality in Colorado Movie Theater - Godfather Politics: "For years now there has been a debate about the effects of the music and entertainment industry on our minds."
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If It’s So Easy to Run a Business on Leftist Principles, Why Don’t Leftists Do It? | Conservative Byte
If It’s So Easy to Run a Business on Leftist Principles, Why Don’t Leftists Do It? | Conservative Byte: "Our nation is saddled with a tiny cadre of Leftists – who unfortunately hold many key positions both inside and outside of government. These Leftists assert with great – though completely unfounded – authority that they know best how private businesses should do their thing."
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Military Veterans Pick Romney Over Obama, 59-35 | Conservative Byte
Military Veterans Pick Romney Over Obama, 59-35 | Conservative Byte: "According to a brand new Rasmussen poll out this morning, military veterans prefer Mitt Romney by a wide margin, 59% to 35%. Another 5% prefer a third party candidate; 2% are undecided. This poll has been echoed by Gallup, which put the two at 58-34 back in May. John McCain won some 54% of the veteran vote against Obama."
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Top 10 questionable tactics from the Obama campaign
Top 10 questionable tactics from the Obama campaign: "The president will say anything to get re-elected and his strategy includes this list of outright falsehoods, distortions, smears and lies."
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President Obama distorts Mitt Romney’s record and ignores his own - NY Daily News
This story was printed in very liberal newspaper
President Obama distorts Mitt Romney’s record and ignores his own - NY Daily News: "Running far less on his own record than against that of his opponent, President Obama has latched on to Mitt Romney’s career in venture capitalism as a centerpiece of his reelection campaign."
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President Obama distorts Mitt Romney’s record and ignores his own - NY Daily News: "Running far less on his own record than against that of his opponent, President Obama has latched on to Mitt Romney’s career in venture capitalism as a centerpiece of his reelection campaign."
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Morning Bell: States Should Wait Before Accepting Obamacare
Morning Bell: States Should Wait Before Accepting Obamacare: "The Supreme Court upheld Obamacare’s individual mandate to purchase health insurance, but it also struck down part of the law. That part—forcing states to expand their Medicaid programs—offers governors some much-needed relief."
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America Without the 1% - Morgan Brittany - Townhall Finance Conservative Columnists and Financial Commentary - Page 1
America Without the 1% - Morgan Brittany - Townhall Finance Conservative Columnists and Financial Commentary - Page 1: "In Obama’s perfect utopian world everyone would be equal. No matter how much success you have achieved or how much hard work you put into that success, ultimately he wants a level playing field. That isn’t the way it works though. Not everyone is the same cookie-cutter person; we all have different strengths and weaknesses."
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Sunday, July 22, 2012
Brilliant, conservative, proven-leader Sarah Palin deserves respect |
Brilliant, conservative, proven-leader Sarah Palin deserves respect | "Leonard Pitts’ recent column, “These are not ordinary times for journalism,” lamenting the decline of the New Orleans Times-Picayune, initially upset me because I am one of those English majors who, according to Leonard, “should not be allowed to make business decisions.”"
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Liberals exploit tragedy to smear opponents and attack gun rights - National Conservative |
Liberals exploit tragedy to smear opponents and attack gun rights - National Conservative | "Always desperate to crucify anyone to the right of Karl Marx as dangerous and extreme, the "pro-tolerance," "pro-diversity" left rushed in once again yesterday to use another tragedy to silence and disarm their opponents."
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RINO's Attack Unrepentant Bachmann - Youngstown Trumbull County Conservative |
RINO's Attack Unrepentant Bachmann - Youngstown Trumbull County Conservative | "RINO's are decrying Michele Bachmann due to political correctness at the same time as an FBI report is issued finding that political correctness allowed the terrorist attack at Fort Hood to occur."
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Saturday, July 21, 2012
Media Waste No Time Trying to Link Colorado Killer to Tea Party - Godfather Politics
Media Waste No Time Trying to Link Colorado Killer to Tea Party - Godfather Politics: "It’s not tragic enough that a madman killed a dozen or more people who just went out to spend a night at the movies, but the media had to jump right in and add the truth to the death toll."
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Democrats: Never Let A Shooting Crisis Go To Waste : Freedom Outpost
Democrats: Never Let A Shooting Crisis Go To Waste : Freedom Outpost: "The smoke had barely cleared the air on Friday in Aurora, CO, following the shooting at The Dark Knight Rising Screening, when Democrats began busying themselves with how to politicize the situation and call for more gun control."
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Friday, July 20, 2012
The Usual Suspects: ABC's Ross, Stephanopoulos Point to Tea Party in Dark Knight Shooting UPDATE: ABC Corrects, Apologizes--After Blaming 'Social Media' and the Public
The Usual Suspects: ABC's Ross, Stephanopoulos Point to Tea Party in Dark Knight Shooting <em>UPDATE:</em> ABC Corrects, Apologizes--After Blaming 'Social Media' and the Public: "On Good Morning America, ABC News' Brian Ross and George Stephanopoulos suggested that the Tea Party might be connected to the mass shootings early this morning in an Aurora, CO theater during a screening of the new Batman movie, The Dark Knight Rises."
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» Media, Left Quick to Blame Conservatives for Colorado Tragedy » The Loft -- GOPUSA
» Media, Left Quick to Blame Conservatives for Colorado Tragedy » The Loft -- GOPUSA: "The chaos has not even begun to subside from the tragedy in Aurora, Colorado, and already the media and leftwing radicals are trying to place blame on conservatives."
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What Taxmageddon Really Means for Families | Conservative Byte
What Taxmageddon Really Means for Families | Conservative Byte: "Taxmageddon is approaching closer by the day. Much of the focus has been on the impact Taxmageddon will have on the economy. But just how will this massive tax hike impact America’s most fundamental unit of society?"
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Dodd-Frank Regulations Strangling Economy at Two Year Anniversary
Dodd-Frank Regulations Strangling Economy at Two Year Anniversary: "Has your bank raised its fees or stopped offering free checking accounts in the last couple of years? If so, you can thank the regulatory boondoggle that is the Dodd-Frank financial law.
Since its passage two years ago tomorrow, the number of large banks that offer free checking has declined sharply. In 2009, 96 percent of them offered free checking, but just 34.6 percent did in 2011."
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Since its passage two years ago tomorrow, the number of large banks that offer free checking has declined sharply. In 2009, 96 percent of them offered free checking, but just 34.6 percent did in 2011."
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The One Percenters' Fortress City
The One Percenters' Fortress City: "In 2010, Politico noted that despite the contemporary economic climate, times were "booming" for the Washington governing class: "[t]he massive expansion of government under Obama has basically guaranteed a robust job market for policy professionals, regulators and contractors for years to come." Two years later, this trend has held true with an amazing concentration of wealth at the nation's capital, says John H. Fund, a senior editor of the American Spectator."
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Obama Believes Success Is a Gift From Government | RealClearPolitics
Obama Believes Success Is a Gift From Government | RealClearPolitics: "Perhaps the rain made the teleprompter unreadable. That's one thought I had on pondering Barack Obama's comments to a rain-soaked rally in Roanoke, Va., last Friday.
Perhaps he didn't really mean what he said. Or perhaps -- as is often the case with people -- when unanchored from a prepared text he revealed what he really thinks."
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Perhaps he didn't really mean what he said. Or perhaps -- as is often the case with people -- when unanchored from a prepared text he revealed what he really thinks."
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Thursday, July 19, 2012
» US jobless claims rise to 386K » News -- GOPUSA
» US jobless claims rise to 386K » News -- GOPUSA: "WASHINGTON (AP) - The number of Americans seeking unemployment benefits rose by 34,000 last week, a figure that may have been skewed higher by seasonal factors."
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» Atheists Rip Ag Secretary for Praying for Rain » Fresh Ink -- GOPUSA
» Atheists Rip Ag Secretary for Praying for Rain » Fresh Ink -- GOPUSA: "Many parts of America are currently experiencing severe drought. It has gotten so bad that crops are withering away. And so when Agriculture Sec. Tom Vilsack gave a briefing to reporters, he mentioned that he has been praying for rain. This, of course, has thrown the atheists into a tailspin."
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21 Great Reasons To Hide Your Wallet (And maybe move to Panama) – Patriot Update
21 Great Reasons To Hide Your Wallet (And maybe move to Panama) – Patriot Update: "You may have already guessed it. The 21 reasons to hide your money are the 21 new taxes embedded in Obamacare coming soon to your wallet. If the average American understood this, the November Presidential election would be a landslide for Romney."
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US Partners With Mexico To Boost Food Stamp Rolls – Patriot Update
US Partners With Mexico To Boost Food Stamp Rolls – Patriot Update: "The Mexican government has been working with the United States Department of Agriculture to increase participation in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), or food stamps."
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Morning Bell: Let's Be Honest About Outsourcing
Morning Bell: Let's Be Honest About Outsourcing: "Both candidates in the presidential race have been accusing the other of “outsourcing.” It’s one of those words that is loaded with negative meaning, implying that the perpetrator is un-American. But does America have an outsourcing problem?"
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Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Mitt Gets Mad and Makes a Great Speech - The Rush Limbaugh Show
Mitt Gets Mad and Makes a Great Speech - The Rush Limbaugh Show: "RUSH: Romney gave a great speech yesterday. I tell you, I was doing show prep yesterday afternoon about 4:30. And I go home and I just dig into stuff for the next day's show."
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Michele Bachmann fires off a 16-Page Bombshell to Muslim Congressman, Keith Ellison | Walid Shoebat
Michele Bachmann fires off a 16-Page Bombshell to Muslim Congressman, Keith Ellison | Walid Shoebat: "Yes, there is a Huma Abedin angle to this story but a certain Muslim Congressman seems to be in the middle of digging himself a bit of a hole."
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After 2-year review, Boy Scouts decide to stick with ban on gays; critics voice dismay – Patriot Update
After 2-year review, Boy Scouts decide to stick with ban on gays; critics voice dismay – Patriot Update: "After a confidential two-year review, the Boy Scouts of America on Tuesday emphatically reaffirmed its policy of excluding gays, angering critics who hoped that relentless protest campaigns might lead to change."
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Obama Ends Welfare Reform as We Know It, Calls for $12.7 Trillion in New Welfare Spending | Conservative Byte
Obama Ends Welfare Reform as We Know It, Calls for $12.7 Trillion in New Welfare Spending | Conservative Byte: "Last Thursday, the Obama Administration quietly issued new bureaucratic rules that overturned the popular welfare reform law of 1996. This was an illegal move, and it completely undoes years of progress that helped millions of Americans."
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Morning Bell: The End of Welfare Reform As We Know It
Morning Bell: The End of Welfare Reform As We Know It: "The Obama Administration made yet another end run around Congress last week—this time, to gut the successful welfare reform law of 1996. If this is allowed to stand, it will mean rewinding years of progress that lifted millions out of poverty."
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Record Number of ‘Disability’ Filings as Unemployment Runs Out
Record Number of ‘Disability’ Filings as Unemployment Runs Out: "A conservative attorney points out that more Americans have been put on disability than jobs were created during President Obama’s tenure."
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Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Obama Signs Executive Order Giving Him and Federal Government Control of All Forms of Communication Under Any Circumstance - Godfather Politics
Obama Signs Executive Order Giving Him and Federal Government Control of All Forms of Communication Under Any Circumstance - Godfather Politics: "On Friday, July 6, 2012, without any fanfare or publicity, President Barack Obama signed an executive order titled Assignment of National Security and Emergency Preparedness Communications Functions."
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Troops Ordered To Kill All Americans Who Do Not Turn In Guns – Patriot Update
Troops Ordered To Kill All Americans Who Do Not Turn In Guns – Patriot Update: "The UN Arms Trade Treaty that has been identified by observers as a flagrant threat to the second amendment and which Barack Obama is determined to sign has its roots in a 1961 State Department memorandum which explains how the United Nations will oversee “complete disarmament” of the American people under the ruse of preventing war."
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Obama: “If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.” | Liberty News Network
Obama: “If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.” | Liberty News Network: "There are a lot of wealthy, successful Americans who agree with me — because they want to give something back. They know they didn’t — look, if you’ve been successful, you didn’t get there on your own. You didn’t get there on your own. I’m always struck by people who think, well, it must be because I was just so smart. There are a lot of smart people out there. It must be because I worked harder than everybody else. Let me tell you something — there are a whole bunch of hardworking people out there. (Applause.)"
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Online Purchases Soon To Be Taxed Nationwide
Online Purchases Soon To Be Taxed Nationwide: "Small companies who want to sell their products online are in real trouble. Some Republican governors, eager to enrich their thinning state coffers, are endorsing a tax that would be imposed on products sold online.According to the National Conference of State Legislatures Strapped, states could reap as much as $23 billion in new annual revenue."
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Business groups criticize Obama over remarks about government's role in success | Fox News
Business groups criticize Obama over remarks about government's role in success | Fox News: "Prominent business groups are joining conservatives and Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney in calling out President Obama for his recent comments about the relationship between government and business."
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Morning Bell: Harmful U.N. Sea Treaty Stalls in Senate
Morning Bell: Harmful U.N. Sea Treaty Stalls in Senate: "A United Nations threat to U.S. sovereignty has been halted. The Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST), a pet project of Senator John Kerry (D-MA), ran aground yesterday when opposition reached critical mass."
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Monday, July 16, 2012
Has It Really Come to This? - The Rush Limbaugh Show
Has It Really Come to This? - The Rush Limbaugh Show: "RUSH: I don't believe this. I'm sitting here in stunned bewilderment, and I guess I shouldn't be. I have this silly notion that our nation is going to progress each and every day, that we're gonna get better. I don't mean economically."
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The Real Hostage Takers: Democrats Threaten Taxmageddon for All Unless Rich Pay More | Conservative Byte
The Real Hostage Takers: Democrats Threaten Taxmageddon for All Unless Rich Pay More | Conservative Byte: "A year ago, President Barack Obama called Republicans “hostage takers” for staying true to their mandate and refusing to agree to tax hikes as part of the debt ceiling deal. Now, the Washington Post reports that Democrats are explicitly threatening to allow “nearly $600 billion worth of tax hikes and spending cuts”–otherwise known as “Taxmageddon"
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Hillary offers American tax dollars to prop up Egypt | Times 247
Hillary offers American tax dollars to prop up Egypt | Times 247: "U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has ended two days of talks with Egypt's quarrelling civilian and military leaders, offering them U.S. assistance for the struggling Egyptian economy without publicly taking sides in their ongoing power struggle."
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Morning Bell: Obama Tells Entrepreneurs "You Didn't Build" Your Business
Morning Bell: Obama Tells Entrepreneurs "You Didn't Build" Your Business: "That sound you hear is silence—as millions of small business owners and entrepreneurs were left speechless this weekend from President Obama’s latest insult."
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Mass Transit Subsidized Heavily
Mass Transit Subsidized Heavily: "Advocates of mass transit like to point out that it isn't the only form of transportation that gets public subsidies. In particular, road construction and maintenance have benefited from increased taxpayer subsidies over the last decade and a half that, in absolute terms, are much larger than government support for public mass transit, says Josh Barro in City Journal."
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Sunday, July 15, 2012
Report: Subpar U.K. health care kills 12,000 a year | Times 247
Report: Subpar U.K. health care kills 12,000 a year | Times 247: "
Researchers from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine report that thousands die needlessly each year in the government-run health care system. Photo Credit:AP
Almost 12,000 patients are dying needlessly in NHS hospitals every year because of basic errors by medical staff, according to the largest and most detailed study into hospital deaths ever performed in the UK."
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Researchers from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine report that thousands die needlessly each year in the government-run health care system. Photo Credit:AP
Almost 12,000 patients are dying needlessly in NHS hospitals every year because of basic errors by medical staff, according to the largest and most detailed study into hospital deaths ever performed in the UK."
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Saturday, July 14, 2012
Not smart enough to get a voter ID? Not smart enough to vote! | Conservative Byte
Not smart enough to get a voter ID? Not smart enough to vote! | Conservative Byte: "• I had to laugh out loud when I heard some of the things on The Five the other day. For instance Eric Holder talking against Voter ID’s. Are they saying that blacks are so stupid that they can’t do something SO SIMPLE as even go down and get an ID? LOLOLOL How can blacks not get insulted by that and speak out? "
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» Romney: No role in Bain management after 1999 » News -- GOPUSA
» Romney: No role in Bain management after 1999 » News -- GOPUSA: "His credibility under attack, Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney insisted on Friday that he had "no role whatsoever in the management" of a private equity firm after early 1999, and demanded that President Barack Obama apologize for campaign aides who persist in alleging otherwise."
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» The Return of Welfare as We Know It » Fresh Ink -- GOPUSA
» The Return of Welfare as We Know It » Fresh Ink -- GOPUSA: "When Republicans controlled Congress and Bill Clinton sat as president of the United States, one of the signature bills of the era was passed: welfare reform. No longer could someone just sit around and collect checks. "
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Study: There's nothing to fear from Radical Islam. Really? : Political Outcast
Study: There's nothing to fear from Radical Islam. Really? : Political Outcast: "If researchers at Arizona State University are to be believed, Americans (and the rest of the world), have completely misunderstood the mission of radical Muslim groups like al Qaeda and al Shabaab."
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Harry Reid Blocks Senate ObamaCare Repeal Vote : Political Outcast
Harry Reid Blocks Senate ObamaCare Repeal Vote : Political Outcast: "How often did we hear in the 2000 election to “count all the votes”? It was the daily mantra of the Democrats. When the Iranians were finally able to vote in an election, they held up their purple-stained fingers in jubilation. Liberals were reluctantly pleased."
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Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid, Calls for Olympic Uniform-Burning : Political Outcast
Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid, Calls for Olympic Uniform-Burning : Political Outcast: "Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, apparently in all seriousness, is calling for the 2012 U.S. Olympic team uniforms to be put in a pile and burned. The reason: they’re made in China. The 2008 U.S. uniforms were also manufactured in China, but since the Olympics were in Beijing that year, that seemed like a noble act of international solidarity rather than a national disgrace."
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Pelosi Making Millions From Off Shore Investments - Godfather Politics
Pelosi Making Millions From Off Shore Investments - Godfather Politics: "While the Democratic Party continues to hammer away at Mitt Romney for some outsourcing of companies while at Bain Capital, their own leaders are raking in the dough from the very same thing."
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Murdering 1,000 Christians Is Not Terrorism Says U.S. - Godfather Politics
Murdering 1,000 Christians Is Not Terrorism Says U.S. - Godfather Politics: "In the past three years, over 1,000 Christians in Nigeria have been brutally murdered by an extremist Islamic group known as Boko Haram and the United States has refused to classify the group as being a terrorist organization."
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What Are The Top 5 Reasons to Repeal Obamacare? - AskHeritage
What Are The Top 5 Reasons to Repeal Obamacare? - AskHeritage: "The House is scheduled to vote today on full repeal of Obamacare. Although many reports are circulating that Congress has already voted on this numerous times, this is only the second time the House will have voted to fully repeal the law."
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Friday, July 13, 2012
Disability Ranks Outpace New Jobs in Obama Recovery
Disability Ranks Outpace New Jobs in Obama Recovery: "More workers joined the federal government's disability program in June than got new jobs, according to two new government reports, a clear indicator as to how bleak the nation's jobs picture is after three full years of economic recovery. Studies have shown that people are more likely to apply for the program when jobs are scarce, and continued escalating enrollment suggests this is still the case, says Investor's Business Daily."
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Which Is Better for the Environment: Transit or Roads?
Which Is Better for the Environment: Transit or Roads?: "Policymakers have gone to extraordinary efforts to make mass-transit rail a realistic mode of transportation. In addition to enormous subsidies for light rail throughout the country's metro areas, they also encourage rail-conscious city planning and engage in a public relations campaign on its behalf, says Randal O'Toole, a senior fellow with the Cato Institute"
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House Repeal of Obamacare Is Way More Than Symbolic - David Limbaugh - Page 1
House Repeal of Obamacare Is Way More Than Symbolic - David Limbaugh - Page 1: "So what about the GOP House vote to repeal that legislative monstrosity that masquerades under the misleading title of "Affordable Care Act"? Was the vote more than symbolic?"
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Thursday, July 12, 2012
Pelosi Making Millions From Off Shore Investments - Godfather Politics
Pelosi Making Millions From Off Shore Investments - Godfather Politics: "While the Democratic Party continues to hammer away at Mitt Romney for some outsourcing of companies while at Bain Capital, their own leaders are raking in the dough from the very same thing."
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Conservative Website Raises Stir Over ID Check At Holder Event
Conservative Website Raises Stir Over ID Check At Holder Event: "Conservative websites were abuzz Tuesday after one suggested it was ironic that the NAACP requested reporters covering a speech by Attorney General Eric Holder bring two forms of identification, a common practice at major events"
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Something You May Not Know About the Extension of the Bush Tax Rates | Conservative Byte
Something You May Not Know About the Extension of the Bush Tax Rates | Conservative Byte: "On the extension of the Bush tax cuts, there may be something that you don’t know. The popular understanding of Obama extending the Bush tax cuts is that they are for people who make less than $250,000. And most people think that that means if you make $250,000 or more, that you are not going to benefit from the extension of the Bush tax rates."
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USDA uses Spanish soap operas to push food stamps among non-citizens, citizens | Conservative Byte
USDA uses Spanish soap operas to push food stamps among non-citizens, citizens | Conservative Byte: "The government has been targeting Spanish speakers with radio “novelas” promoting food stamp usage as part of a stated mission to increase participation in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), or food stamps."
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Republicans dispute Obama’s ‘fair share’ claims, say top earners already pay enough | Conservative Byte
Republicans dispute Obama’s ‘fair share’ claims, say top earners already pay enough | Conservative Byte: "President Obama has elevated one question to a key campaign issue — what is a “fair share” of taxes?"
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Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Levin: Obama Re-Election Would Be ‘National Suicide’ | Conservative Byte
Levin: Obama Re-Election Would Be ‘National Suicide’ | Conservative Byte: "It probably isn’t much of a surprise that conservative radio host Mark Levin disapproves of President Barack Obama and his policies. But on his Monday radio program, he turned his critique to the American public for electing him in the first place."
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Fishy: Obama Administration to Close Nine Border Patrol Stations | Conservative Byte
Fishy: Obama Administration to Close Nine Border Patrol Stations | Conservative Byte: "Just one month after President Obama signed a back door amnesty executive order for hundreds of thousands of young illegal aliens, his administration is now planning to shut down nine Border Patrol stations, something the people living in border states, Border Patrol agents, local Sheriffs and some Congressman are up in arms about."
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Obama likely to sign treaty trampling on gun rights | Times 247
Obama likely to sign treaty trampling on gun rights | Times 247: "The United Nations is putting the finishing touches on an Arms Trade Treaty that transcends borders and may even trample our Constitutional right to bear arms, [and] every indication is that the president will sign it. "
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Leaving Canada for Medical Care 2011
Leaving Canada for Medical Care 2011: "Among the consequences of poor access to health care in Canada is the reality that some Canadians will ultimately receive the care they require outside of the country. Some of these patients will have been sent out of country by the public health care system due to a lack of available resources or the fact that some procedures or equipment are not provided in their home jurisdiction, says Nadeem Esmail of the Fraser Institute."
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Obama Tax Flip-Flop: Moves to Raise Taxes on 900k Businesses
Obama Tax Flip-Flop: Moves to Raise Taxes on 900k Businesses: "With the economy threatening to fall into another recession and job growth plummeting, Obama came before the American people today demanding taxes be raised on those making over $250,000 a year, including what he admitted would include 3% of small businesses."
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Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Is global warming bad?
Is global warming bad?: "This article is to pass on some global warming information, to give you the truth about what the science shows and what you should know about the subject."
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Man Jailed & Fined Over $12K For Having Home Bible Study : Freedom Outpost
Man Jailed & Fined Over $12K For Having Home Bible Study : Freedom Outpost: "Who would have thought that in the ‘land of the free and home of the brave” that there would be such a thing as it being unlawful to have a bible study in your home? "
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Report: 83 percent of doctors have considered quitting over Obamacare | Conservative Byte
Report: 83 percent of doctors have considered quitting over Obamacare | Conservative Byte: "Eighty-three percent of American physicians have considered leaving their practices over President Barack Obama’s health care reform law, according to a survey released by the Doctor Patient Medical Association."
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Obama Flashback: Last Thing You Want in Recession is to Raise Taxes | Conservative Byte
Obama Flashback: Last Thing You Want in Recession is to Raise Taxes | Conservative Byte: "Yesterday President Obama announced he would like to extend the Bush-Obama tax cut for one more year, but only to those making less than $250,000. The problem? His announcement contradicts yet another argument he made back in 2009. From Kerry Picket:"
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Majority of Americans Approve of Holder Contempt Vote, Want Obama to Come Clean on Fast and Furious
Majority of Americans Approve of Holder Contempt Vote, Want Obama to Come Clean on Fast and Furious: "According to a new CNN/ORC poll, the majority of Americans believe the vote to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress after his refusal to turn over subpoenaed Operation Fast and Furious documents was justified and the right decision while a vast majority believe President Obama should come clean about the program."
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Maryland’s Rich Fleeing State Over Taxes
Maryland’s Rich Fleeing State Over Taxes: "A new report says wealthy Maryland residents may be moving out due to recent tax hikes – a finding that is sure to escalate the battle over taxing the American rich."
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Monday, July 9, 2012
» Dem Chairwoman is Pretty Happy with Private Sector. Are you? » The Loft -- GOPUSA
» Dem Chairwoman is Pretty Happy with Private Sector. Are you? » The Loft -- GOPUSA: "I have some advice for Mitt Romney. Just stop campaigning. Save the money. It turns out that each time Barack Obama or one of his stooges speaks, the world gets so much easier for Romney."
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» Jeremiah Wright is at it Again » Fresh Ink -- GOPUSA
» Jeremiah Wright is at it Again » Fresh Ink -- GOPUSA: "Barack Obama's reverend-in-chief Jeremiah Wright is at it again."
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Tennessee Passes Abstinence Sex Education Law - Godfather Politics
Tennessee Passes Abstinence Sex Education Law - Godfather Politics: "In a move to protect their children from the liberal sex education of organizations like Planned Parenthood, Tennessee has passed a law which promotes abstinence."
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Islam: Religion Of Peace Wants To Wipe Christianity From Face Of The Earth - Godfather Politics
Islam: Religion Of Peace Wants To Wipe Christianity From Face Of The Earth - Godfather Politics: "If you had any doubt about the ultimate goal of Islam, I pray this lays those doubts to rest. According to a leading Muslim cleric, their goal is to wipe Christianity off the face of the earth."
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Obama Economic Policies and High Unemployment
Obama Economic Policies and High Unemployment: "The United States is currently in the midst of the longest and deepest economic recession since the Great Depression of the 1930s. The just released June 2012 employment report showed the unemployment rate still stuck at 8.2%. That translates into 12.7 million people without jobs."
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Obama Prepares to Drop Tax-Increase Bomb On Job Creators | Conservative Byte
Obama Prepares to Drop Tax-Increase Bomb On Job Creators | Conservative Byte: "President Obama is obviously panicked. Last month Obama and his supporters spent a lot more than Mitt Romney, but even with that cash advantage and the media on their side, the polls haven’t budged. "
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The States Resist Obamacare - Michael Tanner - Townhall Finance Conservative Columnists and Financial Commentary - Page 1
The States Resist Obamacare - Michael Tanner - Townhall Finance Conservative Columnists and Financial Commentary - Page 1: "One of the few bright spots in the Supreme Court’s ruling on Obamacare was its 7–2 decision striking down the Obama administration’s attempt to blackmail states into going along with a massive and costly expansion of Medicaid"
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Sunday, July 8, 2012
IRS To Hire Thousands More Agents To Enforce New Healthcare ‘Non-Taxes’ | Conservative Byte
IRS To Hire Thousands More Agents To Enforce New Healthcare ‘Non-Taxes’ | Conservative Byte: "The Supreme Court’s decision to uphold most of President Barack Obama’s health care law will come home to roost for most taxpayers in about 2 1/2 years, when they’ll have to start providing proof on their tax returns that they have health insurance."
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Excellent: All GOP Governors Elected in 2010 Reduced Unemployment - Kate Hicks
Excellent: All GOP Governors Elected in 2010 Reduced Unemployment - Kate Hicks: "Some awesome news: all 17 states that elected a Republican governor in 2010 has seen a reduction in their unemployment levels. In just over a year and a half since those new executives took office, these states have seen some serious improvement:"
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The Current Cowardly Church Needs a Mega Dose of the Rebel Spirit - Doug Giles - [page]
The Current Cowardly Church Needs a Mega Dose of the Rebel Spirit - Doug Giles - [page]: "Unlike America’s original rebel Christians who dumped the Brits’ taxed tea into Boston Harbor and told King George that he could kiss their King George, today’s evangelicals, I believe—especially the dandy ministers who love to be loved—would have folded like one-ply toilet paper before British oppression. We’re a timid tufted titmouse compared to our rowdy founding forefathers."
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Obama keeps Planned Parenthood rolling in Indiana | Times 247
Obama keeps Planned Parenthood rolling in Indiana | Times 247: "
Planned Parenthood continues to land on the Obama safety net. Photo Credit:AP
For the second time, the Obama administration has rejected Indiana’s effort to revoke taxpayer funding for the Planned Parenthood abortion business."
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Planned Parenthood continues to land on the Obama safety net. Photo Credit:AP
For the second time, the Obama administration has rejected Indiana’s effort to revoke taxpayer funding for the Planned Parenthood abortion business."
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Obamacare supporters demand ‘free’ healthcare | Video |
Obamacare supporters demand ‘free’ healthcare | Video | "Much has been made of the Supreme Court ruling on healthcare last Thursday, and for good reason. The ruling was historic not only in it’s precedent-setting but also in it’s confounding application. "
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Saturday, July 7, 2012
2004: Obama Dismissed 310,000 New Jobs and 5.6% Unemployment Rate
2004: Obama Dismissed 310,000 New Jobs and 5.6% Unemployment Rate: "After the economy added 310,000 jobs in May 2004 and the unemployment rate was 5.6%, then-candidate Barack Obama used the Democrat weekly radio address to attack the Bush administration for citing good economic numbers"
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Obamacare toll: Doctors quitting medicine | Times 247
Obamacare toll: Doctors quitting medicine | Times 247: "Back at the at the dawn of ObamaCare in June 2009, speaking to the American Medical Association's annual meeting, President Obama said: "No matter how we reform health care, we will keep this promise: If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. Period.""
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Disability Ranks Outpace New Jobs In Obama Recovery | Conservative Byte
Disability Ranks Outpace New Jobs In Obama Recovery | Conservative Byte: "More workers joined the federal government’s disability program in June than got new jobs, according to two new government reports, a clear indicator of how bleak the nation’s jobs picture is after three full years of economic recovery."
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Cash-strapped California approves billions for high-speed rail line | Conservative Byte
Cash-strapped California approves billions for high-speed rail line | Conservative Byte: "California lawmakers approved billions of dollars Friday in construction financing for the initial segment of the nation’s first dedicated high-speed rail line connecting Los Angeles and San Francisco."
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Friday, July 6, 2012
Obamacare: How Many of the President’s Promises Have Been Broken? - AskHeritage
Obamacare: How Many of the President’s Promises Have Been Broken? - AskHeritage: "Yesterday, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) almost called Obamacare’s individual mandate a tax, stopping mid-word to call it a “penalty”. White House Chief of Staff Jack Lew and other spokespersons echoed this talking point. This is in spite of last week’s Supreme Court ruling that deemed the mandate unconstitutional under both the Commerce Clause and the Necessary and Proper Clause, but ruled that it could stand as part of Congress’s authority to “lay and collect taxes.”"
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Unemployment Rate Holds at 8.2% – Patriot Update
Unemployment Rate Holds at 8.2% – Patriot Update: "No good news to report – the unemployment rate didn’t budge from the 8.2 percent rate it reached last month. The Labor Department put the number of jobs added to the economy at 80,000, a minor improvement from May’s 77,000 figure."
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Megyn Kelly Plays Hardball With Obamacare Supporter Simon Rosenberg : Freedom Outpost
Megyn Kelly Plays Hardball With Obamacare Supporter Simon Rosenberg : Freedom Outpost: "On Thursday I wrote on how Team Obama was trying to spin the issue of Obamacare as a penalty and not a tax. "
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» Obama Administration Participates in Finalizing UN Gun Grabbing Treaty Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
» Obama Administration Participates in Finalizing UN Gun Grabbing Treaty Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!: "United Nations apparatchiks are finalizing details on the Arms Trade Treaty and the Obama administration is taking an active role. A treaty conference commenced on July 3 at the United Nations and is scheduled to run through July 27. Attendees will spend nearly a month tweaking a treaty draft."
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Obamacare: Seven New Taxes on Citizens Earning Less than $250,000
Obamacare: Seven New Taxes on Citizens Earning Less than $250,000: "While we were all debating the cost to our liberty due to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), we were ignoring the cost to our pockets. If there ever was a reason for bipartisan rage about this law, it should be on the twenty - yes, twenty - hidden new taxes of this law. "
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Obamacare: Lies, Mistruths, Falsehoods and Fabrications - Susan Brown - Page 1
Obamacare: Lies, Mistruths, Falsehoods and Fabrications - Susan Brown - Page 1: "Legalization of something does not necessarily make it a good idea. It was once legal to own a slave. Democrats who voted against abolishing slavery in 1864, have been doing their part ever since to enslave Americans to one social program or another. Obamacare is just the latest example."
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Thursday, July 5, 2012
Congressman: America Schools Should Be Modeled After Islam & Use Koran
Congressman: America Schools Should Be Modeled After Islam & Use Koran: "Rep. Andre Carson (D-IN), the Muslim congressman who once said that the Tea Party would “love” to see black Americans “hanging on a tree,” made another controversial statement during a May 26 speech."
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Hallandale Beach Lifeguard Fired For Leaving His Zone To Rescue Drowning Man | NBC 6 Miami
Hallandale Beach Lifeguard Fired For Leaving His Zone To Rescue Drowning Man | NBC 6 Miami: "A Hallandale Beach lifeguard was fired after he said he left his post to rescue a man drowning outside the zone he was hired to patrol."
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Lawyers Have Already Drafted 13,000 Pages of Regulations for New ObamaTax Law | The Gateway Pundit
Lawyers Have Already Drafted 13,000 Pages of Regulations for New ObamaTax Law | The Gateway Pundit: "With the Supreme Court giving President Obama’s new health care law a green light, federal and state officials are turning to implementation of the law — a lengthy and massive undertaking still in its early stages, but already costing money and expanding the government."
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Biden Thinks Job Creators Are Worthless
Biden Thinks Job Creators Are Worthless: "Meet Mensa Joe Biden.
Incredibly, Biden said something possibly more stupid than anything he has ever said. Sure, it’s a long list, but check this out:"
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Incredibly, Biden said something possibly more stupid than anything he has ever said. Sure, it’s a long list, but check this out:"
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A Vast New Federal Power - Judge Andrew Napolitano - Page 1
A Vast New Federal Power - Judge Andrew Napolitano - Page 1: "Of the 17 lawyers who have served as chief justice of the United States, John Marshall -- the fourth chief justice -- has come to be known as the "Great Chief Justice." The folks who have given him that title are the progressives who have largely written the history we are taught in government schools. They revere him because he is the intellectual progenitor of federal power."
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There's a Triple Tax Increase in Your Future
There's a Triple Tax Increase in Your Future: "The so-called Bush tax cuts are set to expire at the end of the year. That means that all of the current income tax rates will rise to pre-2001 levels overnight: the lowest rate will jump from 10 percent to 15 percent and the highest from 35 percent to 39.6 percent. Moreover, rhetoric from Congress suggests that Democrats will settle for nothing less than an expiration of those provisions benefitting the rich, says Merrill Matthews, a resident scholar with the Institute for Policy Innovation."
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Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Obamacare Ruling Energizes Pro-Life Movement, Romney Campaign | Conservative Byte
Obamacare Ruling Energizes Pro-Life Movement, Romney Campaign | Conservative Byte: "Pro-Life leaders at the National Right to Life Conference said the Supreme Court’s decision to uphold Obamacare will strengthen both the pro-life movement and Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign."
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North Carolina Democrat Will Vote To Repeal Obamacare, Will Not Endorse Obama | Conservative Byte
North Carolina Democrat Will Vote To Repeal Obamacare, Will Not Endorse Obama | Conservative Byte: "North Carolina Democrat Larry Kissell represents the state’s 8th Congressional district, one of the more closely-watched swing districts."
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More workers on fed disability than people in NYC | Times 247
More workers on fed disability than people in NYC | Times 247: "A record of 8,733,461 workers took federal disability insurance payments in June 2012, according to the Social Security Administration. That was up from 8,707,185 in May."
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Israeli officials say 2nd Obama term 'nightmarish' | Times 247
Israeli officials say 2nd Obama term 'nightmarish' | Times 247: "I am traveling through Israel with the Young Jewish Conservatives — an emerging organization that is breaking the stereotype that all Jews (especially young ones) lean to the left."
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Michelle Obama Encourages Pastors to Break the Law - Godfather Politics
Michelle Obama Encourages Pastors to Break the Law - Godfather Politics: "Where’s the ACLU and Americans United for Separation of Church and State when Liberal Democrats politic in Churches?"
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Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Socialist Party of America Releases Names of 70 Members of Congress Who Are Members of Their Congress - 1776 Principles
Socialist Party of America Releases Names of 70 Members of Congress Who Are Members of Their Congress - 1776 Principles: "The “New Party” claimed Barack Obama was a card carrying member in a 1996 newsletter found on internet archive."
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Hero general: Obama following Castro’s plan
Hero general: Obama following Castro’s plan: "Earlier this year, a former senior Pentagon official who has battled Marxism around the globe released a video warning that Barack Obama is following in the footsteps of Fidel Castro, Joseph Stalin and others who have led communist revolutions in their nations."
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Monday, July 2, 2012
AP Fact Check Destroys Obama Health Care Claim - Obamacare - Fox Nation
AP Fact Check Destroys Obama Health Care Claim - Obamacare - Fox Nation: "In promoting the health care law, President Barack Obama is repeating his persistent and unsubstantiated assurance that Americans who like their health insurance can simply keep it. Republican rival Mitt Romney says quite the opposite, but his doomsday scenario is a stretch."
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Sheriff Joe set to release more Obama ‘shockers’ | Conservative Byte
Sheriff Joe set to release more Obama ‘shockers’ | Conservative Byte: "Sheriff Joe Arpaio and his Cold Case Posse investigating Barack Obama’s presidential eligibility have been promising more major revelations since their March 1 press conference, and now another event has been scheduled to unveil new information."
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More Scorn for Chief Justice Roberts as Details of Switch Leak | Conservative Byte
More Scorn for Chief Justice Roberts as Details of Switch Leak | Conservative Byte: "As Breitbart News suggested last week, it appears Chief Justice John Roberts did, in fact, switch his vote on the Obamacare decision under pressure from President Barack Obama, the Democrats, and the mainstream media."
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President Readies Obamacare Handouts to Soften Repeal Support | Conservative Byte
President Readies Obamacare Handouts to Soften Repeal Support | Conservative Byte: "After the Supreme Court ruled that Obamacare was constitutional, President Barack Obama immediately started to tout parts of Obamacare that people like, such as the provision allowing parents to keep their children on their health insurance plans until they are 26 years of age."
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Obama Team: ObamaCare Still Not a Tax | Vision to America
Obama Team: ObamaCare Still Not a Tax | Vision to America: "The only legal peg on which Chief Justice Roberts was able to hang his hat in ruling Obamacare constitutional was a broad reading of the Taxing Clause. In order to do so, he had to deliberately misread the Obamacare law; had he not done so, the law would have been struck down as a violation of the Commerce Clause."
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Health Insurance Must Change: Here's How to Do It
Health Insurance Must Change: Here's How to Do It: "One of the biggest problems plaguing the U.S. health care system is that "insurers" have gotten into the business of managing our medical care, rather than insuring us against risk. That this is a problem can be seen in a comparison between home and auto insurance (under the umbrella of "casualty insurance") and the current system of health insurance, says John C. Goodman, president and CEO of the National Center for Policy Analysis."
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