GDP Goes Negative, Obama Blames Republicans - Godfather Politics: "Like one of the kids on “Family Circus” blaming the broken cookie jar on Not Me and Ida Know, the Obama Administration is seriously hoping Americans will believe that Republicans are to blame for the gross domestic product shrinking by 0.1 percent in the fourth quarter."
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Thursday, January 31, 2013
Boy Scout Phones Won't Stop Ringing - Godfather Politics
Boy Scout Phones Won't Stop Ringing - Godfather Politics: "“If you’ve tried to get through to the Boy Scouts of America (BSA), you know it’s been tough. If you’ve wanted to express your concern about the BSA abandoning their longstanding policy of safeguarding Scouts by restricting openly homosexual Scout leaders from holding leadership positions, you may have been greeted by an endlessly ringing phone. This may be one instance in which the Boy Scouts were not prepared."
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Sandy Hook Lies – Part 2 - Godfather Politics
Sandy Hook Lies – Part 2 - Godfather Politics: "Yesterday, I raised the issue that liberals, including President Barack Obama, were intentionally lying to the American people about what took place at Sandy Hook Elementary School for the sole purpose to push their anti-gun agenda."
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American Military Attacked By Their Commander-In-Chief : Freedom Outpost
American Military Attacked By Their Commander-In-Chief : Freedom Outpost: "Since Obama took his oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, he has not only battered the Constitution, but assaulted America’s armed forces who love America and her laws so much that they are willing to lay down their lives to defend her freedoms."
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Homeland Offers Advice for Confronting Mass Murderers: Scissors – Patriot Update
Homeland Offers Advice for Confronting Mass Murderers: Scissors – Patriot Update: "That’s some of the helpful advice in a new instructional video from the Department of Homeland Security that was posted on the agency’s Web site just a month after the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut."
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Conservatives Launch Facebook Alternative – Patriot Update
Conservatives Launch Facebook Alternative – Patriot Update: "A group of conservatives is launching their own social networking site after enduring what they call years of censorship and liberal bullying on Facebook."
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Obama Ends Jobs Council Because the Economy is A-OK, Despite Shrinking GDP - The Rush Limbaugh Show
Obama Ends Jobs Council Because the Economy is A-OK, Despite Shrinking GDP - The Rush Limbaugh Show: "RUSH: I am shocked, ladies and gentlemen, I am stunned at President Obama. He's gonna shut down the jobs council. Did you know that? I guess their work is done and there aren't any more elections, and the need to create jobs apparently is not all that great, even though I don't think the president met with them for over a year."
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Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Palin Plans to ‘Shake Up the GOP Machine’ – Patriot Update
Palin Plans to ‘Shake Up the GOP Machine’ – Patriot Update: "The former Alaska governor says she’ll use the $1.2 million raised through her SarahPAC to ‘shake up the GOP machine’ and unveiled a vague vision on how she’ll get her message out to a larger audience."
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Heritage Foundation Statement on Immigration
Heritage Foundation Statement on Immigration: "America’s heritage of immigration has fueled our nation’s strength and diversity, yet our immigration system has become so politicized and dysfunctional that it causes untold personal tragedies, strains the fiscal capacity of public services in many states, and prevents many from pursuing the American Dream. Complex, comprehensive legislation based on back-room deals never works, and the Senate immigration proposal announced this week and echoed yesterday by President Obama—to the extent that it repeats the mistakes of the past—will further polarize Americans, fail to solve the real policy problems, and make matters worse."
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The Limbaugh Amnesty Proposal - The Rush Limbaugh Show
The Limbaugh Amnesty Proposal - The Rush Limbaugh Show: "If a guy like me came out for amnesty, do you realize...? In fact, I'll tell you a little secret. I can't divulge names. I mean, I could, but I was sworn to ... not secrecy, but, you know, the old promise about anonymity. I've met with some senators, and they've said to me, "People support this. If you call it 'amnesty,' it's dead." They were trying to convince me how it's not amnesty. They were doing everything they could to tell me, "We're not talking amnesty."
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NBC News Caught Using Deceptive Edit … Again | Conservative Byte
NBC News Caught Using Deceptive Edit … Again | Conservative Byte: "NBC News just can’t stop with its ongoing crusade to deliberately and maliciously manipulate content in order to push Obama’s agenda. Just how shamelessly and desperately dishonest is the Peacock Network? Let us count the ways:"
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Muslim Brotherhood Losing Control | Conservative Byte
Muslim Brotherhood Losing Control | Conservative Byte: "Five days of protests in Egypt, with dozens of people killed and entire cities in turmoil, have revealed a whopping deficit of public trust in the Muslim Brotherhood, the Islamic group that dominates the leadership of this young democracy of the Arab Spring."
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Tuesday, January 29, 2013
CBS News Trashes the Constitution | Conservative Byte
CBS News Trashes the Constitution | Conservative Byte: "CBS News Sunday morning, a law professor, constitutional law professor, Georgetown University. That is chilling. Comparing the Founding Fathers to a foreign power. A bunch of old dead white guys."
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Are Obama’s Children Worth More than Mine? :: Minute Men News
Are Obama’s Children Worth More than Mine? :: Minute Men News: "Let’s stand and salute the NRA for their recent ad stating that Obama is an elitist hypocrite for allowing his own children– but not out children– to be protected by trained agents armed with guns. Unlike the GOP, the NRA does not back down from anybody; they stand and deliver. They are on the frontline, taking all of the heat, and I am proud to say that I am an NRA member."
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The Sandy Hook Lie Used to Promote Gun Control
The Sandy Hook Lie Used to Promote Gun Control: "What happened at Sandy Hook Elementary School in December was tragic, horrific and unthinkable. There was no logical reason for it to have happened and the loss of so many young lives shook the very foundations of the American people. But what has happened since Sandy Hook has been almost as tragic and foundationally destructive."
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John Kerry: Next Secretary of State and Obama's Ideological Twin
John Kerry: Next Secretary of State and Obama's Ideological Twin: "Senator John Kerry (D-MA) is likely to be confirmed today as the next Secretary of State after sailing through a Senate hearing last week. What does this mean for America and its foreign policy?"
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Homeland Security Wants 7,000 AR-15s For “Personal Defense”
Homeland Security Wants 7,000 AR-15s For “Personal Defense”: "Just last Saturday, 7 people were murdered in Chicago, the gun control capital of the U.S. If we could just get rid of all the guns, people wouldn’t be able to shoot kill others. It is true that if we were to truly get rid of all the guns, people wouldn’t be able to shoot others. But they would just find other means of killing, something that people like Piers Morgan find completely irrelevant."
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Senator Rubio Makes His Case - The Rush Limbaugh Show
Senator Rubio Makes His Case - The Rush Limbaugh Show: "RUSH: We welcome to the program Florida Senator Marco Rubio. Senator, great to have you here on the EIB Network. I think it's your second or third time here. It's always great.
RUBIO: Yeah, it is, being on the program. I've been listening to it for a while. I don't want to tell you how long because then you'll feel older than you really are."
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RUBIO: Yeah, it is, being on the program. I've been listening to it for a while. I don't want to tell you how long because then you'll feel older than you really are."
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MSNBC’s Toure Thanks ‘God and Country’ His Girlfriend Was Able To Murder Their Child
MSNBC’s Toure Thanks ‘God and Country’ His Girlfriend Was Able To Murder Their Child: "In an even more callous example of disregard for the sanctity of life, the MSNBC host Toure celebrated 40 years of legal infanticide with telling his own twisted story of being thankful that 15 years ago, he didn’t have to be responsible for his sexual immorality, by raising or adopting out his own flesh and blood."
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The Rest of the Country Doesn't Know Sandy Victims are Still Suffering - The Rush Limbaugh Show
The Rest of the Country Doesn't Know Sandy Victims are Still Suffering - The Rush Limbaugh Show: "RUSH: I've gotta address this one more time, again because of listener feedback. I got a serious number of e-mails questioning my sincerity (which wounded me to the heart, by the way) on the fact that I was shocked last week when I learned that the Northeast was not back to normal following Hurricane Sandy. I'm telling you, I was not kidding when I said that. I really thought the problems had been solved. I honestly did, and I want to expound more on that."
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Starving North Koreans ‘Are Forced to Eat Their Children’ – Patriot Update
Starving North Koreans ‘Are Forced to Eat Their Children’ – Patriot Update: "HUNGRY parents in North Korea have been caught eating their CHILDREN to avoid starvation, according to reports.
One father is said to have been executed by firing squad for killing his two kids for food."
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One father is said to have been executed by firing squad for killing his two kids for food."
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Father Of Slain 6-Year-Old Sandy Hook Victim: “Gun Laws Are Not The Problem”
Father Of Slain 6-Year-Old Sandy Hook Victim: “Gun Laws Are Not The Problem”: "On Monday in Hartford, Connecticut, Mark Mattioli spoke in front of a gun violence task force. Mattioli lost his six-year-old son James in the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut back in December. “Gun laws are not the problem,” he said."
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Monday, January 28, 2013
Obama Gives Fighter Jets to Islamic America-Hating Egypt
Obama Gives Fighter Jets to Islamic America-Hating Egypt: "On January 22nd four of the proposed 20 F-16 fighter jets were delivered to Egypt. The jets, decorated with Egypt’s flag on their tails, are part of a $213 million “gift” from the United States, including 200 Abrams tanks."
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Obama Threatens Fox News, Limbaugh
Obama Threatens Fox News, Limbaugh: "In a sycophantic interview with The New Republic, conducted by former campaign staffer Chris Hughes and leftist writer Franklin Foer, President Obama suggested that he had all the answers to the pressing issues facing America and therefore no compromise was necessary with Republicans."
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National School Choice Week, January 2013
National School Choice Week, January 2013: "The third annual National School Choice Week is officially underway. Once again, school choice advocates—including parents, teachers, schoolchildren and administrators, and many others—will come together to promote educational choice, with more than 3,600 events taking place nationwide"
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Tiger Woods Rumored to be Dating Olympic Skier Lindsey Vonn | Golf Channel
Tiger Woods Rumored to be Dating Olympic Skier Lindsey Vonn | Golf Channel: "Are Tiger Woods and Olympic gold medalist skier Lindsey Vonn dating? If you believe the rumor mill, the two sports stars have been an item since November."
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Sunday, January 27, 2013
Obama suggests Republicans unwilling to compromise in gun control debate | Fox News
Obama suggests Republicans unwilling to compromise in gun control debate | Fox News: "President Obama is suggesting that House Republicans on the issue of gun control appear neither willing to work with him nor listen to the American public on the issue."
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Illinois’ credit rating downgraded; state drops to worst in the nation | WGN-TV
Illinois’ credit rating downgraded; state drops to worst in the nation | WGN-TV: "A warning came Saturday morning from state treasurer Dan Rutherford (R) IL State Treasurer. The Standard and Poor’s downgrade from A to A-minus puts Illinois last on the list– and means a higher cost to borrow money."
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A violent Saturday leaves 7 dead -
A violent Saturday leaves 7 dead - "Four shootings -- two of them double homicides -- and a stabbing left 7 people dead Saturday, authorities said.
In what appeared to be the last homicide of the day, a 32-year-old man was fatally stabbed about 11:50 p.m. in the South Shore neighborhood on the South Side, police said."
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In what appeared to be the last homicide of the day, a 32-year-old man was fatally stabbed about 11:50 p.m. in the South Shore neighborhood on the South Side, police said."
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CBS Runs Segment Called 'Let's Give Up On The Constitution'
CBS Runs Segment Called 'Let's Give Up On The Constitution': "I've got a simple idea: Let's give up on the Constitution. I know, it sounds radical, but it's really not. Constitutional disobedience is as American as apple pie. For example, most of our greatest Presidents -- Jefferson, Lincoln, Wilson, and both Roosevelts -- had doubts about the Constitution, and many of them disobeyed it when it got in their way."
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Sabotage! Key Iranian nuclear facility hit?
Sabotage! Key Iranian nuclear facility hit?: "An explosion deep within Iran’s Fordow nuclear facility has destroyed much of the installation and trapped about 240 personnel deep underground, according to a former intelligence officer of the Islamic regime."
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BBC News - Davos 2013: Kissinger says Iran nuclear crisis close
BBC News - Davos 2013: Kissinger says Iran nuclear crisis close: "He said nuclear proliferation in the region triggered by an armed Iran would increase the chances of an atomic war - "a turning point in human history"."
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Tyranny By Executive Order: Obama Violated the Constitution and His Oath of Office :: Minute Men News
Tyranny By Executive Order: Obama Violated the Constitution and His Oath of Office :: Minute Men News: "What the hell just happened? That is the question that many Americans should be asking themselves following the news conference where Obama unveiled his plan for destroying the Bill of Rights to the U.S. Constitution"
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Saturday, January 26, 2013
Obama To Cut Healthcare Benefits For Military – Patriot Update
Obama To Cut Healthcare Benefits For Military – Patriot Update: "he Obama administration’s proposed defense budget calls for military families and retirees to pay sharply more for their healthcare, while leaving unionized civilian defense workers’ benefits untouched. The proposal is causing a major rift within the Pentagon, according to U.S. officials. Several congressional aides suggested the move is designed to increase the enrollment in Obamacare’s state-run insurance exchanges"
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MSNBC’s Host Thanks God For Abortion | Conservative Byte
The twisted liberal view, maybe the choice for their future should be thought about before they get pregnant.
MSNBC’s Host Thanks God For Abortion | Conservative Byte: "Today MSNBC’s Touré had his turn at The Cycle’s end-of-show commentary in which he chose to make the argument that America is a stronger nation without the millions of babies lost to abortion, even going so far as to thank God for the procedure."
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MSNBC’s Host Thanks God For Abortion | Conservative Byte: "Today MSNBC’s Touré had his turn at The Cycle’s end-of-show commentary in which he chose to make the argument that America is a stronger nation without the millions of babies lost to abortion, even going so far as to thank God for the procedure."
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John Kerry at State Department: Good for Obama, Not America | Conservative Byte
John Kerry at State Department: Good for Obama, Not America | Conservative Byte: "The good news for the Obama Administration is that its next Secretary of State, Senator John Kerry (D–MA), had the smoothest of sailing during yesterday’s Senate confirmation hearing."
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Feinstein’s Assault Weapons Ban Grabs Handguns and Shotguns
Feinstein’s Assault Weapons Ban Grabs Handguns and Shotguns: "Senator Dianne Feinstein’s (D-CA) seemingly endless pursuit of a ban on “assault rifles” since the Sandy Hook tragedy has now led to the introduction of her “Assault Weapons Ban of 2013″–a bill that not only bans “assault rifles,” but numerous handguns and shotguns too."
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Double Taxation of Capital Gains Must End
Double Taxation of Capital Gains Must End: "Wealthier taxpayers, those individuals making more than $400,000, have long paid taxes on their income twice through the capital gains and dividends tax. The double taxation of investment income slows economic growth and the rise of living standards, says Sheldon Richman, a senior fellow at the Future of Freedom Foundation."
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March for Life 2013: A Pro-Life Generation
March for Life 2013: A Pro-Life Generation: "Later today, hundreds of thousands of people will descend on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., for the annual March for Life."
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Communist Party USA Cheers Obama’s Gun Grab | Conservative Byte
Communist Party USA Cheers Obama’s Gun Grab | Conservative Byte: "t should come as no surprise that the Communist Party USA is on board with President Obama’s plan to attack Americans’ right to keep and bear arms as a means to “end gun violence.” A cardinal feature of communist regimes, like all dictatorships, is the prohibition of private ownership of arms, creating a monopoly of force in the hands of the State."
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Friday, January 25, 2013
Diplomacy Failure: North Korea Announces Plans To Nuke U.S.
Diplomacy Failure: North Korea Announces Plans To Nuke U.S.: "Upon hearing news of the death of the former North Korean leader, Kim Jong-il, and that his successor would be his blow-fish-like son, Kim Jong-un, who among us did not honestly expect that the corpulent dweeb would be a handful of trouble?"
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Blacks as ‘Chumps’: Words from Malcolm X
Blacks as ‘Chumps’: Words from Malcolm X: "When I was a student at Western Michigan University in the late 1960s, every freshman had to take a reading class. Each week we read one book. Each week we were tested on that one book. There were no classes. Read a book . . . take a test. That’s my kind of education. I had a writing class that was similar. Write a paper. Slip it under the professor’s door on Tuesday. Meet with him personally on Thursday."
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The 150 Weapons Democrats Want Banned | Conservative Byte
The 150 Weapons Democrats Want Banned | Conservative Byte: "Text of this list obtained by
List of Firearms Prohibited by Name
Rifles: All AK types, including the following:"
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List of Firearms Prohibited by Name
Rifles: All AK types, including the following:"
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No Shots Fired: Home Intruders Decide Not to Stick Around After Seeing Their ‘Victim’ Holding an AR-15 | Video |
No Shots Fired: Home Intruders Decide Not to Stick Around After Seeing Their ‘Victim’ Holding an AR-15 | Video | "Two home intruders, one holding a handgun, broke into a New York apartment on Tuesday and waited at the bottom of the stairs for a potential “victim” to come down. While their intentions are unknown, it is clear they were criminals up to no good."
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Court Rules Obama Unconstitutional – Patriot Update
Court Rules Obama Unconstitutional – Patriot Update: "President Obama violated the Constitution when he bypassed the Senate to fill vacancies on a labor relations panel, a federal appeals court panel ruled Friday.
A three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit said that Obama did not have the power to make three recess appointments last year to the National Labor Relations Board."
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A three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit said that Obama did not have the power to make three recess appointments last year to the National Labor Relations Board."
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Assault Weapons Ban Lacks Democratic Votes to Pass Senate – Patriot Update
Assault Weapons Ban Lacks Democratic Votes to Pass Senate – Patriot Update: " proposed ban on sales of assault weapons would be defeated in the U.S. Senate today unless some members changed their current views, based on a Bloomberg review of recent lawmaker statements and interviews."
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The Sports Media Jihad Against Mickelson - The Rush Limbaugh Show
The Sports Media Jihad Against Mickelson - The Rush Limbaugh Show: "RUSH: The sports media jihad against Phil Mickelson is continuing. To borrow a phrase from our president who said, "The future must not belong to those who slander paying high taxes," this article is a CNN story by Tami Luhby."
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Thursday, January 24, 2013
Harry Reid Filibuster Reform: Taking Over the Senate
Harry Reid Filibuster Reform: Taking Over the Senate: "Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid—a Democrat from Nevada—is trying to ensure that he personally has the final say on all legislation. And under one plan being considered, only three other Senators would be allowed any meaningful contributions."
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Plastic Bag Restrictions Offer Few Benefits
Plastic Bag Restrictions Offer Few Benefits: "The panic surrounding plastic grocery bags is largely unfounded, say Kenneth P. Green and Elizabeth DeMeo of the Fraser Institute. Green and DeMeo refute the two main arguments made to support grocery bag bans."
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Facts about America's Health Care Quality that the World Doesn't Know
Facts about America's Health Care Quality that the World Doesn't Know: "An oft-cited rationale for the Affordable Care Act is that Americans have poor access to quality health care. In reality, a variety of other factors, such as disease and lifestyle, are the real reasons why Americans have lower life expectancies despite our advanced medical technology, says Scott W. Atlas, the David and Joan Traitel senior fellow at the Hoover Institution."
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Corn-Based Ethanol Production Should Cease
Corn-Based Ethanol Production Should Cease: "The Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) justification for mandating an increase in E15 production, a fuel comprised of 15 percent ethanol and 85 percent gasoline, is weaker than ever, says Mark Perry, a University of Michigan at Flint economics professor."
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Clinton Blames Congress – Not Herself – for Benghazi
Clinton Blames Congress – Not Herself – for Benghazi: "During Senate testimony this today, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton implied that lack of funding for the State Department was a contributor to the deadliness of the Benghazi terrorist attack in Sept. 2012."
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What Did We Learn From Hillary Clinton’s Testimony on Benghazi? | Video |
What Did We Learn From Hillary Clinton’s Testimony on Benghazi? | Video | "In what will likely be her last appearance on the Hill as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton clashed with Republican members of the House and Senate Wednesday while testifying on the September 11, 2012, attacks on a U.S. consulate in Benghazi where four Americans died including Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens. When pressed by Wisconsin Republican Sen. Ron Johnson during the morning session, Clinton erupted, raising her voice after Johnson said “we were misled that there were supposedly protests” rather than a terrorist attack."
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Coroner Confirms: No Assault Weapon Used in Sandy Hook Shooting | Conservative Byte
Coroner Confirms: No Assault Weapon Used in Sandy Hook Shooting | Conservative Byte: "An AR-15, or the so-called “Assault Weapon”, was not used in the school shooting. The shooter even tried weeks earlier to buy a rifle but was turned down in the background check. So he had to kill his Mother to steal her rifle. There were initial reports, right after the shooting, that police found the AR-15 in his car, NOT IN THE SCHOOL. The rifle was not used. The shooter went into the school with 4 handguns, NOT an Assault Rifle as the media has charged."
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Obama EPA kills power plant, 3,900 jobs in Texas |
Obama EPA kills power plant, 3,900 jobs in Texas | "Chase Power, the parent company behind the $3 billion Las Brisas coal power plant in Corpus Christi, Texas, announced yesterday that it was cancelling the project."
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Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Obama Second Inaugural Address, Translated
Obama Second Inaugural Address, Translated: "Members of Congress—who are about to debate raising the debt ceiling tomorrow—should have paid attention yesterday. The President was very clear that he sees no urgency about reducing the debt and cutting the deficit. In fact, in his second inaugural address, President Barack Obama was honest about his intentions to grow government in order to remake our country along his progressive vision."
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Obamacare Sticker Shock is Coming
Obamacare Sticker Shock is Coming: "A California insurance broker, who sells health plans to individuals and small businesses, told me that she’s prepping her clients for a sticker shock. Her local carriers are hinting to her that premiums may triple this fall, when the plans unveil how they’ll billet the full brunt of Obamacare’s new regulations and mandates."
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Amtrak: The Bottomless Pit
Amtrak: The Bottomless Pit: "In the world of Amtrak, the year you lose the least money is considered your most successful year, says Daniel Hanson of the American Enterprise Institute."
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Putting Off the Debt Ceiling Again - and Balancing the Budget?
Putting Off the Debt Ceiling Again - and Balancing the Budget?: "Today, the House will vote on a proposal that would suspend the debt ceiling until May 19, buying a bit more time for the overarching budget debate. This puts off the difficult decisions that are needed to get the country’s fiscal situation in order. Heritage’s vice president for domestic and economic policy, Derrick Morgan, wrote recently:"
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New York Governor Pushes Late Term Abortion “For The Children”
New York Governor Pushes Late Term Abortion “For The Children”: "One way liberals try to protect the children is by taking guns away from law-abiding citizens, or at least placing restrictions on magazines and gun purchases. Another way they protect children is by giving women the right to murder their unborn child, thus protecting that child from a potential life of hardship in this cruel world filled with gun violence."
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Congressman Rangel Slams South Over Guns but Doesn’t Mention Chicago or Detroit
Blaming the south, yet none of these mass shooting happen in the south.
Congressman Rangel Slams South Over Guns but Doesn’t Mention Chicago or Detroit: "Charles Rangel is a Democrat Congressman from New York. He is not a big believer in the Second Amendment. He’s also prejudice against the South. Speaking on MSNBC Live on January 16, 2013 Rangel said that “‘some of the southern areas have cultures that we have to overcome’ when it comes to gun control.” He went on to say:"
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Congressman Rangel Slams South Over Guns but Doesn’t Mention Chicago or Detroit: "Charles Rangel is a Democrat Congressman from New York. He is not a big believer in the Second Amendment. He’s also prejudice against the South. Speaking on MSNBC Live on January 16, 2013 Rangel said that “‘some of the southern areas have cultures that we have to overcome’ when it comes to gun control.” He went on to say:"
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Sandy Hook Victim’s Uncle Offers Proposal to Prevent Mass Shootings | Conservative Byte
Sandy Hook Victim’s Uncle Offers Proposal to Prevent Mass Shootings | Conservative Byte: "The uncle of one of the children killed at Sandy Hook Elementary has proposed new legislation designed to reduce future mass shootings without resorting to gun bans."
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FrackNation Sheds Truth on Fracking Debate | Conservative Byte
FrackNation Sheds Truth on Fracking Debate | Conservative Byte: "That is what Phelim McAleer’s new film FrackNation offers and what so many in the debate over hydraulic fracturing lack. Hydraulic fracturing, more commonly known as fracking, is an unnecessarily controversial method of oil and gas extraction. FrackNation sets the record straight."
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Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Repulsive Video “Celebrates” Anniversary Of Roe V. Wade
Repulsive Video “Celebrates” Anniversary Of Roe V. Wade: "The Center for Reproductive Rights has produced a video featuring actor Mehcad Brooks, that “celebrates” the 40th anniversary of the United States Supreme Court decision in the case of Roe v. Wade. The organization has dedicated itself to keeping the murder of the unborn legal in America for the past twenty years."
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CNN Guest Slams Call For Gay Rights In Inaugural Address: ‘Homosexuals Already Have All The Same Civil Rights’ | Conservative Byte
CNN Guest Slams Call For Gay Rights In Inaugural Address: ‘Homosexuals Already Have All The Same Civil Rights’ | Conservative Byte: "On Tuesday morning, the conservative Family Research Council’s Peter Sprigg joined Soledad O’Brien on Starting Point to discuss President Obama inaugural address and the agenda outlined within it. Sprigg said he liked little about the speech — particularly the stance on gay rights and divisive tone."
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Monday, January 21, 2013
First Term: Americans Collecting Disability Increased 1,385,418—Now 1 for Each 13 Full-Time Workers | CNS News Mobile
First Term: Americans Collecting Disability Increased 1,385,418—Now 1 for Each 13 Full-Time Workers | CNS News Mobile: " During President Barack Obama’s first term, the number of Americans collecting federal disability insurance increased by 1,385,418 to a record 8,827,795."
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Gunning for no change: Thousands of armed protestors gather at state capitols in pro-assault rifle rallies across the country | Mail Online
Gunning for no change: Thousands of armed protestors gather at state capitols in pro-assault rifle rallies across the country | Mail Online: "Thousands of gun advocates gathered peacefully Saturday at state capitals around the U.S. to rally against stricter limits on firearms, with demonstrators carrying rifles and pistols in some places while those elsewhere settled for waving hand-scrawled signs or screaming themselves hoarse."
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Rallies across U.S. assail Obama's proposed gun curbs | Reuters
Rallies across U.S. assail Obama's proposed gun curbs | Reuters: "Pro-gun activists held "high noon" rallies across the United States on Saturday to defend the right to own firearms that they say is being threatened by President Barack Obama's gun-control proposals."
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China Considers US Land Grab as National Debt Grows
China Considers US Land Grab as National Debt Grows: "Could real estate on American soil owned by China be set up as “development zones” in which the communist nation could establish Chinese-owned businesses and bring in its citizens to the U.S. to work?"
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Martin Luther King's Speech: 'I Have a Dream' - The Full Text - ABC News
Martin Luther King's Speech: 'I Have a Dream' - The Full Text - ABC News: "I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation."
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Morning Bell: MLK, Obama and Opportunity - The Foundry: Conservative Policy News Blog from The Heritage Foundation
Morning Bell: MLK, Obama and Opportunity - The Foundry: Conservative Policy News Blog from The Heritage Foundation: "Fifty years ago in Washington, D.C., Martin Luther King Jr. shared his dream for America. It was a vision that gave “all of God’s children” an opportunity to flourish. Today, as we remember and honor King’s legacy, it’s quite evident that millions of Americans are struggling mightily to grasp the dream that King envisioned."
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The Carbon Tax: A Devastating Proposition
The Carbon Tax: A Devastating Proposition: "Implementing a carbon tax may seem like an appropriate measure to both raise revenues and support an environmental agenda keen on reducing greenhouse emissions, but a new carbon tax would trigger a rise in unemployment while failing to deliver on its goal of raising revenue, say David Kreutzer and Nicolas Loris of the Heritage Foundation."
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Sunday, January 20, 2013
Obama Supporters Gush After Seeing Inauguration That Hasn’t Happened Yet | Conservative Byte
Obama Supporters Gush After Seeing Inauguration That Hasn’t Happened Yet | Conservative Byte: "Once again we get video proof of why America is likely doomed as a nation. This time, Jimmy Kimmel sent someone out to interview people about how they felt about President Obama’s inauguration, which of course hasn’t even taken place yet. Go to about 1:00 in the video and watch."
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Inauguration Posters Liken Obama To Jesus | Conservative Byte
Inauguration Posters Liken Obama To Jesus | Conservative Byte: "Street vendors and souvenir stores across Washington, D.C. are selling posters depicting President Obama as Jesus Christ — and one national news publication called him the “Second Coming.”"
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New York Fires Consultant Who Found Waste, Potential Fraud In Hurricane Relief Funds | Conservative Byte
New York Fires Consultant Who Found Waste, Potential Fraud In Hurricane Relief Funds | Conservative Byte: "An independent consultant who examined New York’s spending for Superstorm Sandy found what he believes are questionable transactions and practices, including poor oversight of the use of state credit cards, orders for a fleet of SUVs and the purchase of iPads that did not seem necessary for recovery efforts."
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Obama Increased Debt $50,521 Per Household in First Term; More Than First 42 Presidents in 53 Terms Combined :: Minute Men News
Obama Increased Debt $50,521 Per Household in First Term; More Than First 42 Presidents in 53 Terms Combined :: Minute Men News: "During Barack Obama’s first term as president of the United States, the debt of the federal government increased by $5.8 trillion, which exceeds the combined debt accumulated under all presidents from George Washington through Bill Clinton."
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Obama Could Not Pass a Background Check :: Minute Men News
Obama Could Not Pass a Background Check :: Minute Men News: "resident Barack Obama could not pass a background check if he was applying for a gun permit or a job. Why has this man been allowed to remain in office or take the oath for a second time?"
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Pennsylvania girl, 5, suspended for threatening to shoot girl with pink toy gun that blows soapy bubbles | Fox News
Pennsylvania girl, 5, suspended for threatening to shoot girl with pink toy gun that blows soapy bubbles | Fox News: "A 5-year-old Pennsylvania girl who told another girl she was going to shoot her with a pink Hello Kitty toy gun that blows soapy bubbles has been suspended from kindergarten."
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Saturday, January 19, 2013
Forfeit Your Guns Bill Introduced In House of Representatives
Forfeit Your Guns Bill Introduced In House of Representatives: "Representative Rosa L. DeLauro (D-CT) introduced HR 226 in the House of Representatives. What does the bill seek to do? I looks to amend the 1986 Internal Revenue code and allow a credit if taxpayers “surrender” their guns to the government. The Act is said to be cited as the “Support Assault Firearms Elimination and Reduction for our Streets Act.”"
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Actor says 2nd Amendment Created to Defend Against Slave Revolts
it's amazing how they just make things up to fit their message, and the sheep followers just believe what they say.
Actor says 2nd Amendment Created to Defend Against Slave Revolts: "A meme is going around by a number of people claiming that the Second Amendment — “the right to bear arms” — was put in the Constitution to protect slavery. The following is from actor Danny Glover who spoke to a group of students at a Texas A&M University:"
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Actor says 2nd Amendment Created to Defend Against Slave Revolts: "A meme is going around by a number of people claiming that the Second Amendment — “the right to bear arms” — was put in the Constitution to protect slavery. The following is from actor Danny Glover who spoke to a group of students at a Texas A&M University:"
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Backfire: Obama Approval Plummets During Gun Push
Backfire: Obama Approval Plummets During Gun Push: "Just a week before the New Year, Obama enjoyed his highest approval ratings of 2012. According to Gallup, 58% of Americans approved of the job Obama was doing. Survey results released today by Gallup, though, show Obama's approval rating has plummeted to just 49%. It is a dramatic drop, especially coming over a holiday period when people traditionally pay little attention to politics. Four years ago, at his first inauguration, a full 69% of Americans approved of Obama. "
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Whoops: PolitiFact’s ‘Lie of the Year’ Turns Out to Be True | Conservative Byte
Whoops: PolitiFact’s ‘Lie of the Year’ Turns Out to Be True | Conservative Byte: "Last month, PolitiFact selected its “Lie of the Year.” Given PolitiFact’s dubious record of singling out Republicans for lying far more often than Democrats, you probably could have guessed the winner of this particular sweepstakes was a Mitt Romney campaign ad:"
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Friday, January 18, 2013
47 states revolt against Obama gun control – Patriot Update
47 states revolt against Obama gun control – Patriot Update: "Thousands of gun owners across America have had enough of the Obama administration’s attack on the Second Amendment – and they’re preparing to take their concerns to the capitols in at least 47 states this Saturday at 12 p.m."
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Morning Bell: Responding to Newtown
Morning Bell: Responding to Newtown: "When confronted with the murder of children, the only reaction is anger, shock, and grief. Since the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, America has been reeling."
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Holder Begs Court to Stop Document Release on Fast and Furious Scandal
Holder Begs Court to Stop Document Release on Fast and Furious Scandal: "Attorney General Eric Holder and his Department of Justice have >asked a federal court to indefinitely delay a lawsuit brought by watchdog group Judicial Watch. The lawsuit seeks the enforcement of open records requests relating to Operation Fast and Furious, as required by law."
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Guns Across America Rally Saturday at YOUR State Capitol Building
Guns Across America Rally Saturday at YOUR State Capitol Building: "If you are enraged and incensed as much as the rest of the other millions of gun owners over President Barack Obama’s attack on our Second Amendment rights, then please take action this Saturday."
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The End of Gun Control, or Anarchy? See The Chilling Possibilities Created By 3D Printed Guns | Video |
The End of Gun Control, or Anarchy? See The Chilling Possibilities Created By 3D Printed Guns | Video | "That was one of the questions asked by Glenn Beck during a fascinating and potentially frightening interview with Cody Wilson of Defense Distributed, The WikiWeapons Project. If you are not familiar with them, Wilson’s group claims to be “A non-profit collaborative project to create freely available plans for printable 3D guns.”"
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In Rush To Pass Bill, NY Forgets To Exempt Police From Gun Laws – Patriot Update
In Rush To Pass Bill, NY Forgets To Exempt Police From Gun Laws – Patriot Update: "A troubling oversight has been found within New York State’s sweeping new gun laws.
The ban on having high-capacity magazines, as it’s written, would also include law enforcement officers. (excuse me while I laugh)"
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The ban on having high-capacity magazines, as it’s written, would also include law enforcement officers. (excuse me while I laugh)"
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Attorney General Eric Holder Said What About Gun Trafficking?
Attorney General Eric Holder Said What About Gun Trafficking?: "Attorney General Eric Holder, during a talk on gun control with United States mayors on Friday, said that the U.S. government will consider “imposing tough penalties on gun traffickers who help funnel weapons to dangerous criminals.”"
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Thursday, January 17, 2013
The List: President Obama’s 23 Gun-Control Measures
The List: President Obama’s 23 Gun-Control Measures: "Today, the president is announcing that he and the administration will:
1. Issue a Presidential Memorandum to require federal agencies to make relevant data available to the federal background check system."
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1. Issue a Presidential Memorandum to require federal agencies to make relevant data available to the federal background check system."
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Obama's Religious Liberty Proclamation | Religious Freedom Day 2013
Obama's Religious Liberty Proclamation | Religious Freedom Day 2013: "Did you know that yesterday was Religious Freedom Day in America? It didn’t get a lot of attention, since President Obama was busy signing executive orders, but he also put out a proclamation on religious freedom."
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Two First-Graders Suspended For Playing Cops & Robbers
Two First-Graders Suspended For Playing Cops & Robbers: "Just a couple weeks ago, a 6-year-old student was suspended for pretending to “shoot” another student with his hand and saying, “Pow!” He was playing of course, but the school officials were alarmed by the boy’s behavior and suspended him"
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Apparently, our rulers are all reading from the same book…
Apparently, our rulers are all reading from the same book…: "Apparently, our rulers are all reading from the same book…"
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President Barack Obama Just Declared Civil War Against the American People!
President Barack Obama Just Declared Civil War Against the American People!: "Yesterday, Barack Obama’s announcements on his gun control measures amounted to a declaration of war against law abiding American citizens who value the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights."
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Where's the Outrage Over Bob Schieffer? - The Rush Limbaugh Show
Where's the Outrage Over Bob Schieffer? - The Rush Limbaugh Show: "RUSH: Okay, so the media has a conniption fit about me every day. I supposedly cross the line of propriety. I am always pushing the envelope. Yet whatever I say, I think, pales in comparison to what Bob Schieffer said yesterday. Where is the media outrage when Bob Schieffer of CBS compares Obama's gun initiatives to defeating Hitler? In other words, taking on the NRA is the equivalent of taking on Adolf Hitler."
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Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Obama Provokes the American People - The Rush Limbaugh Show
Obama Provokes the American People - The Rush Limbaugh Show: "RUSH: President Obama today is taking action that a majority of Americans disagree with. He's going down a road a majority of people disagree with. He knows it. The question is, why? Why is Barack Obama literally trying to push people to snap? Why is he doing this? It's as though in some way he's attacking the very sanity of people in this country. Why is he doing this? Why is he deliberately making people so upset? What is driving him? Anybody got any ideas? "
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The Most Pro-Gun Low-Crime City in the United States
The Most Pro-Gun Low-Crime City in the United States: "The anti-Second Amendment crowd is on the warpath again. PBS’ Bill Moyers, who served as White House Press Secretary in the Lyndon Johnson administration from 1965 to 1967, called the NRA “the enabler of death.” 65 million other gun owners in the United States didn’t kill anybody yesterday."
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New York’s New Gun Laws Are a Cosmic Joke and the Criminals are Laughing
New York’s New Gun Laws Are a Cosmic Joke and the Criminals are Laughing: "I listened to Andrew Cuomo speak on the gun laws the state of New York just passed. He sounded like a Pentecostal preacher. The cheers from the crowd reminded me of a revival meeting. For liberals, more laws are their salvation. They believe that more laws make us safer and more secure. Law books are their Bible. The building that houses the legislature is their church."
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Obama Mulls Replacing Gas Tax With Hefty Mileage Tax
Obama Mulls Replacing Gas Tax With Hefty Mileage Tax: "One reason gas prices are so high is that the Feds impose a tax of 18.4 cents per gallon on gas. It’s 24.4 cents per gallon of diesel. We’ve had federal gas taxes since the 50’s to pay for highways and bridges, but since 1983, they started diverting about 20% of gas taxes to go to a Mass Transit Account that is supposed to pay for public transportation like buses and railways. So, those of us who don’t use mass transit are paying for those that do in the form of gas taxes. That’s socialism for you."
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Trump: If GOP Doesn’t Hold Firm ‘Country Will Go To Hell’
Trump: If GOP Doesn’t Hold Firm ‘Country Will Go To Hell’: "It’s fair to say that Donald Trump hasn’t exactly been impressed with the GOP’s competence at the negotiating table. In a tweet sent out after Congressional Republicans and President Barack Obama averted the fiscal cliff, the author of The Art of the Deal and Time to Get Tough noted that Republicans may well be the “worst negotiators in history.”"
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How a Federal Menu-Labeling Law Will Harm American Pizza
How a Federal Menu-Labeling Law Will Harm American Pizza: "A U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) rule that's been long in the making is the agency's proposed menu-labeling rule. The purpose of that rule, first proposed in 2010 as part of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, is to "provid[e] information to assist consumers in maintaining healthy dietary practices," says Baylen J. Linnekin, a lawyer and executive director of Keep Food Legal, a Washington, D.C. nonprofit."
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Don't Raise the Debt Ceiling Without Balancing the Budget
Don't Raise the Debt Ceiling Without Balancing the Budget: "All across America, families are balancing their budgets and even paying off debt. Since the financial panic of 2008, personal debt has fallen as Americans tighten their belts and pay back loans. Some, unfortunately, had to declare bankruptcy because their debts got too big. Washington cannot declare bankruptcy; it must instead follow the example of millions of Americans and cut spending to live within its means."
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Postal Service Will ‘Cease to Exist’ Without Bailout | Conservative Byte
Postal Service Will ‘Cease to Exist’ Without Bailout | Conservative Byte: "Inspector general David Williams, described as the “chief postal watchdog,” said the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) will go out of business this year unless Congress bails it out."
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Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Pearl Harbor Vet Tells Obama “Shape Up & Start Acting Like An American”
Pearl Harbor Vet Tells Obama “Shape Up & Start Acting Like An American”: "In the times we live in here in America, it is important I think to have those who have gone before us speak out against where our nation is heading and the leaders who are taking us there. With that in mind, I discovered this letter over the weekend from a 95-year-old veteran of Pearl Harbor by the name of Harold Estes"
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Hundreds Of Thousands Protest Homosexual Marriage…. In France
Hundreds Of Thousands Protest Homosexual Marriage…. In France: "Hundreds of thousands protested President Francois Hollande’s plan to legalize homosexual “marriage” and adoption by marching on the Eiffel Tower in Paris on Sunday."
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New York Senate Passes Major Gun Control Bill
New York Senate Passes Major Gun Control Bill: "New York’s Senate has passed a major gun control bill on Monday evening in the wake of Governor Andrew Cuomo’s attack on the Second Amendment during his state of the state address earlier this month. Now the bill is set to move to the Assembly where it will be voted on for passage and if so, sent to the governor’s desk to be signed into law."
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Australian Gun Ban Resulted in Higher Gun Crimes, Not Lower!
Australian Gun Ban Resulted in Higher Gun Crimes, Not Lower!: "President Obama, Vice President Biden, New York Mayor Bloomberg, and all the other liberal Democrats want to ban guns from private ownership in order to reduce gun violence in the United States. But will it?"
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Long Term Unemployment at Highest Level Since WWII
Long Term Unemployment at Highest Level Since WWII: "Long term unemployment under President Obama is at the highest level since at least the end of World War II, threatening to create a permanent underclass of workers who will find it difficult or impossible to obtain jobs in the future."
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New York Gun Thieves Guided By “Gun Map”
New York Gun Thieves Guided By “Gun Map”: "At least two burglars broke into the home of a 70-year-old in White Plains, New York on Davis Street. Other residents on the street told local news that they hadn’t seen a burglary on that street in 15 years. The burglars were after the homeowner’s guns that he kept in a safe in an upstairs room. They were however unsuccessful in breaking the weapons out of the safe."
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Debt Ceiling: "Default" Is a Red Herring in President Obama's Argument
Debt Ceiling: "Default" Is a Red Herring in President Obama's Argument: "Yesterday, President Obama accused his opposition in Congress of threatening to “default” on America’s loans in order to make a political point."
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Congressman Threatens Obama with Impeachment Over Gun Control
Congressman Threatens Obama with Impeachment Over Gun Control: "Texas Republican Rep. Steve Stockman threatened Monday afternoon that he would file articles of impeachment against President Barack Obama if he institutes gun control measures with an executive order"
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WH Readies 19 Executive Orders on Guns
WH Readies 19 Executive Orders on Guns: "The White House has identified 19 executive actions for President Barack Obama to move unilaterally on gun control, Vice President Joe Biden told a group of House Democrats on Monday, the administration’s first definitive statements about its response to last month’s mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School."
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Conservatives Have No Credibility with the Low-Info Crowd Because We Don’t Defend Our Own When They Come Under Attack | Conservative Byte
Conservatives Have No Credibility with the Low-Info Crowd Because We Don’t Defend Our Own When They Come Under Attack | Conservative Byte: "Inside-the-Beltway Republicans, the moderate Republicans, the Republican establishment feel the same way about conservatives. I shared with you a couple stories, one in, the other in the New Yorker, about the effort now to isolate the South because it is an area of heavy concentration of conservatives."
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Romney Was Right: Chrysler CEO Announces Plans to Build More Jeeps in China | Conservative Byte
Romney Was Right: Chrysler CEO Announces Plans to Build More Jeeps in China | Conservative Byte: "Remember this? Chrysler CEO Sergio Marchionne told reporters yesterday that the company plans to build more Jeeps in China.
The Detroit News reports:"
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The Detroit News reports:"
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Monday, January 14, 2013
Is Another Civil War on the Horizon?
Is Another Civil War on the Horizon?: "A pretty, young, auburn-haired woman – mid-20s – drove down a lonely country road somewhere in Oklahoma. Appearing in her rear-view mirror, at the back windshield, were two menacing orbs of light floating amid ashen dusk"
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Harry Reid and Utah Attorney General Implicated in Fraud Scheme Payoff
Harry Reid and Utah Attorney General Implicated in Fraud Scheme Payoff: "Jeremy Johnson is a businessman from St. George, Utah who has been accused of billing hundreds of thousands of people for products they didn’t order or receive. His actions resulted in a federal investigation conducted by the Federal Trade Commission."
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Let your state representatives know what you think, quickly and easily
Let your state representatives know what you think, quickly and easily: "Ruger Firearms has put together a neat little program that will allow you to easily contact all of your state representatives with just a few clicks. Even if you’ve already emailed them it can’t hurt to send them another email just for good measure. You can use the tool by clicking here… "
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WalMart Suspends Ammo Orders Pending Gun Control Decision – Patriot Update
WalMart Suspends Ammo Orders Pending Gun Control Decision – Patriot Update: "alMart reportedly has stopped selling ammunition ahead of the Obama administration’s anticipated gun control recommendations to Congress — and uncertainty over what new laws may be coming."
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State’s Bill Nullifies Obama Gun Control and Jails Feds Who Try to Enforce It – Patriot Update
State’s Bill Nullifies Obama Gun Control and Jails Feds Who Try to Enforce It – Patriot Update: "The president may believe he can violate the Constitution by decree, but it appears that many states have had just about enough of the lawlessness. If Congress refuses to rein in the out-of-control administration, state governments may have to do it instead."
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Americans Shocked by Smaller Paychecks - The Rush Limbaugh Show
Americans Shocked by Smaller Paychecks - The Rush Limbaugh Show: "RUSH: Gabriella Hoffman. "Gabriella Hoffman, a 21-year-old Virginian who works at a nonprofit, her paycheck is a little lighter today thanks to a payroll tax increase that is forcing millions of Americans to make the kind of tough budget cuts their representatives in Washington lawmakers seem unwilling to tackle." Well, see, Obama explained in his press conference the debt limit isn't about new spending. Raising the debt limit isn't about spending at all. It's just about paying bills."
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Obama and Moderate Republicans See Conservatives as Common Enemy - The Rush Limbaugh Show
Obama and Moderate Republicans See Conservatives as Common Enemy - The Rush Limbaugh Show: "RUSH: Let me tell you what I think, and I'm gonna tell you this in a balanced way -- a balanced and fair way. What I think is really going on here is our president, Barack Obama, if you'll note, really never talks about plans and proposals to solve problems. What he does is position his political opponents as the enemy. Everything he did today in the debt limit Q&A in his press conference, and even in the setup, was about the enemy. The Republicans are the enemy."
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How to Stop School Shootings Right Now: Abolish Pretend ‘Gun-Free Zones’
How to Stop School Shootings Right Now: Abolish Pretend ‘Gun-Free Zones’: "Real gun-free zones (enforced by metal detectors backed up by armed security guards) are fine for certain buildings. Pretend gun-free zones (bans on gun carrying by licensed people, but no procedures to keep out criminal gun carriers, and exacerbated by the absence of armed security) are magnets for mass killers. There is a reason why mass killers frequently attack schools, movie theaters, or shopping malls which are pretend gun-free zones."
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72% of U.S. Casualities in Afghan War Under Obama’s Watch
72% of U.S. Casualities in Afghan War Under Obama’s Watch: "President Barack Obama said U.S. and coalition forces in Afghanistan will adopt a “support role” starting in the spring of 2013, to allow Afghan police and soldiers to take full responsibility of the country’s security, a nation where 2,053 American soldiers have died since the war started on Oct. 7, 2001."
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Head Start: Government Preschool Program Fails Completely
Head Start: Government Preschool Program Fails Completely: "What happens when a government program simply does not do what it is supposed to do?
Head Start, the federal preschool program, says it “promotes the school readiness of children ages birth to 5 from low-income families by enhancing their cognitive, social and emotional development.” But the government’s own evaluations have shown that it just does not do this."
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Head Start, the federal preschool program, says it “promotes the school readiness of children ages birth to 5 from low-income families by enhancing their cognitive, social and emotional development.” But the government’s own evaluations have shown that it just does not do this."
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Sunday, January 13, 2013
Obama Wants Men With Guns Around At All Times to Protect His Daughters, But Not Yours!
Obama Wants Men With Guns Around At All Times to Protect His Daughters, But Not Yours!: "President Barack Obama wants to leave every American home unprotected except their own. They want to take all of our guns away, despite the numerous reports of law abiding citizens using their guns to protect themselves and their children. Yet, back in December, Obama told an ABC Nightline interviewer that one of the benefits of being re-elected is having men around at all times to protect his daughters."
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Payroll Tax Hike Sparks Shock, Outrage | Conservative Byte
Payroll Tax Hike Sparks Shock, Outrage | Conservative Byte: "On Friday, millions of Americans began getting a taste of higher taxes as the expiration of the payroll tax holiday took a bigger bite out of their paychecks, leaving them with less cash in their wallets."
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Indicted Businessman Names Harry Reid as Alleged Recipient of Massive Bribe |
Indicted Businessman Names Harry Reid as Alleged Recipient of Massive Bribe | "A Utah businessman is rocking both state and national politics after claiming Utah Attorney General John Swallow helped him broker a deal with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to make a federal investigation into his company quietly disappear, the Salt Lake Tribune reports."
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Saturday, January 12, 2013
Radio host Michael Savage calls for 'Nationalist' third party to challenge GOP |
Radio host Michael Savage calls for 'Nationalist' third party to challenge GOP | "Conservative radio host Michael Savage spoke out against Republicans and Democrats alike on Sunday for pulling a "charade" on the American people, and called for a third political party."
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Can Barack Obama Ban Guns By Executive Order?
Can Barack Obama Ban Guns By Executive Order?: "This week Vice President Joe Biden alluded to Barack Obama possibly using executive order to impose gun control. Biden said this during a meeting surrounded by several gun control groups and gun violence victims. The question on many people’s minds is, “Can this actually happen?”"
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Washington Will Be Seeing Red From Outraged Americans This Month
Washington Will Be Seeing Red From Outraged Americans This Month: "January 22, 2013 will be the fortieth memorial of the 1973 Supreme Court decision in the Roe v. Wade case that legalized the murder of the unborn"
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So What Is an ‘Assault Rifle’ Really? We Look at the Definitions and How the Term Is ‘Demonized’ | Video |
So What Is an ‘Assault Rifle’ Really? We Look at the Definitions and How the Term Is ‘Demonized’ | Video | "“Make a promise to yourself that you will stop calling rifles ‘assault weapons.’”
That’s what Glenn Beck said on his morning radio show Thursday as he discussed AR-15s. But why? Is an AR-15 not an assault rifle? Does the “AR” in AR-15 not stand for “assault rifle”?"
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That’s what Glenn Beck said on his morning radio show Thursday as he discussed AR-15s. But why? Is an AR-15 not an assault rifle? Does the “AR” in AR-15 not stand for “assault rifle”?"
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Taxes Went Up Today. Paychecks Will be Smaller
Taxes Went Up Today. Paychecks Will be Smaller: "Gabriella Hoffman’s paycheck is a little lighter today, thanks to a payroll tax increase that is forcing millions of Americans to make the kind of tough budget cuts their representatives in Washington lawmakers seem unwilling to tackle."
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Obama Signs Law Giving Himself Armed Guards For Life | Conservative Byte
Obama Signs Law Giving Himself Armed Guards For Life | Conservative Byte: "President Barack Obama signed a bill into law on Thursday guaranteeing himself Secret Service protection for the rest of his life."
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Republicans Begin Gun Cave | Conservative Byte
Republicans Begin Gun Cave | Conservative Byte: "Right here it is, folks. It was Phil Gingrey, the Republican from Marietta, Georgia. He was speaking at the Smyrna area council of the Cobb Chamber of Commerce breakfast. It took place yesterday at the Smyrna Community Center."
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England’s Crime Rate Nearly Four Times Higher than United States
England’s Crime Rate Nearly Four Times Higher than United States: "I’ll give Piers Morgan credit for one thing: He’s not afraid to interview people who have strong disagreements with him. He’s giving them a platform for views that rarely see the light of day on liberal networks."
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Pharmacist Saves Mother, Store in Deadly Shootout
Pharmacist Saves Mother, Store in Deadly Shootout: "Pharmacist Bryan Lee used his gun to save himself and his mother after two men targeted his store after hours. After his last customer left, two men in masks stormed in through the back door and started shooting, hitting Mr. Lee’s mother in the leg."
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Armed Grandmother Stops Robbery, Knife Slashing at Grocery Store – Patriot Update
Armed Grandmother Stops Robbery, Knife Slashing at Grocery Store – Patriot Update: "When CNN’s Piers Morgan goes on his anti-Second Amendment rants, he never acknowledges the drop in the overall U.S. violent crime rate. In the past ten years, more people than ever have received concealed carry permits and are arming themselves in their homes and on their property. As a result, rape, murder and assault are down. Responsible armed citizens stop violent crimes from happening everyday. The latest news comes from Wisconsin where an armed grandmother stopped the robbery of a grocery story and saved herself from a knife slashing in the process."
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Illinois Wants To Know Who Owns Precious Metals
Illinois Wants To Know Who Owns Precious Metals: "Living in Saint Louis, I seem to be hearing a lot of local news stories about the gridlock in the Illinois legislature trying to fix their underfunded pensions. While they have proven failures in that area, I can only wonder if they will prove more effective in passing SB3341."
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Friday, January 11, 2013
Executive Order Banning Guns Prohibited by…Obamacare?
Executive Order Banning Guns Prohibited by…Obamacare?: "Many on the right have been focusing on a provision hidden deep within the 2,800 page Obamacare legislation that prohibits the Feds from regulating guns and ammo and collecting data on legal gun-owners. CNN called it a “gift to the nation’s powerful gun lobby.” But does it really prohibit Obama from issuing a sweeping executive order banning guns?"
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Wyoming Lawmakers Try to Head Off Federal Gun Grab
Wyoming Lawmakers Try to Head Off Federal Gun Grab: "Rather than wait and see what the Obama Administration and a complacent Congress choose to foist on American gun owners, Wyoming legislators are proposing a Firearms Protection Act."
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» Brown: Is This The Scandal That Will Bring Obama Down? » Commentary -- GOPUSA
» Brown: Is This The Scandal That Will Bring Obama Down? » Commentary -- GOPUSA: "It's even worse than we previously thought. A retired four-star admiral is now claiming that Barack Obama intentionally conspired with America's enemies to stage a bogus attack and the kidnapping of an American ambassador so he could "negotiate" the release of a "hostage" and bolster his mediocre approval ratings just prior to the election?"
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NRA Membership Soars
NRA Membership Soars: "The National Rifle Association has gained more than 100,000 new members in the past 18 days, the organization told POLITICO’s Playbook on Thursday."
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U.S. and China: Chinese Investment in 2012 Shatters Records
U.S. and China: Chinese Investment in 2012 Shatters Records: "China set a record with its investments around the world in 2012. And in the United States, China shattered its previous investment record.
Before people start panicking, it’s important to know: This is not a bad thing."
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Before people start panicking, it’s important to know: This is not a bad thing."
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Piers Morgan’s Gun Arguments Utterly Destroyed
Piers Morgan’s Gun Arguments Utterly Destroyed: "Fox News’ 19 investigative reporter Ben Swann takes on the aftermath of the Alex Jones / Piers Morgan clash and demolishes the CNN host’s gun homicide statistics."
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Thursday, January 10, 2013
Beware: 5 Terrible Tax Surprises – Patriot Update
Beware: 5 Terrible Tax Surprises – Patriot Update: "The tax law is complex and difficult for even experts to negotiate. Just when you think you’ve followed all the rules and researched all the angles, a tax regulation blindsides you."
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Guns Don’t Even Make The Top Ten List Of Big Killers
Guns Don’t Even Make The Top Ten List Of Big Killers: "The national debate on guns and gun control heat up every time there is a mass murder, but how many people even know what the rates are and just how many people die due to causes in other ways that have substantially huge numbers compared to the use of guns?"
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Biden Confirms Plans to Go Around Congress to Take Your Guns
Biden Confirms Plans to Go Around Congress to Take Your Guns: "The Obama Administration is preparing to bypass Congress and take Americans’ guns by executive order, Vice President Joe Biden admitted today."
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American Taxpayer Money To Foreign Electric Carmakers
American Taxpayer Money To Foreign Electric Carmakers: "Back when GM needed to be bailed out, it was considered unthinkable that America would not have its own car companies. The big three auto makers were given the status of the Statue of Liberty or the Jefferson Memorial. When Romney was running his alleged opposition to the bailout was used against him."
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Gun Rights vs. Gun Laws
Gun Rights vs. Gun Laws: "Judge Andrew Napolitano has done a great service with his recent article, “Guns and Freedom.” While the American debate on guns and governments continues, Napolitano makes the case, by appealing to the notion of natural law, that our individual right to self-defense does not come from government, but from God. Napolitano rightly states that:"
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Iowa Lawmaker Calls for Outright Confiscation of Guns
Iowa Lawmaker Calls for Outright Confiscation of Guns: "In an interview with the Daily Times Herald in Carroll, Iowa, state Rep. Dan Muhlbauer said governments should start confiscating semi-automatic rifles and other firearms."
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America and Economic Freedom: 2013 Index of Economic Freedom
America and Economic Freedom: 2013 Index of Economic Freedom: "Economic freedom is the fundamental right of every human to control his or her own labor and property. In an economically free society, individuals are free to work, produce, consume, and invest in any way they please, with that freedom both protected by the state and unconstrained by the state."
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Oops: Obamacare Amendment Forbids Gun Registration | Conservative Byte
Oops: Obamacare Amendment Forbids Gun Registration | Conservative Byte: "Good news — it has become known that hidden deep within the massive 2800-page bill called Obamacare there is a Senate Amendment protecting the right to keep and bear arms."
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Watchdog calls tax code ‘unconscionable burden,’ asks Congress to reform system | Conservative Byte
Watchdog calls tax code ‘unconscionable burden,’ asks Congress to reform system | Conservative Byte: "The country’s top taxpayer advocate urged Congress on Wednesday to simplify the tax code, saying it is the most serious problem facing taxpayers and that individuals and businesses spend about 6.1 billion hours annually complying with tax-filing requirements."
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The Real Gun Violence Problem | RedState
The Real Gun Violence Problem | RedState: "Piers Morgan has been in the news a lot lately with his interviews on gun control. He’s made it his cause of late. He interviewed my friend Larry Pratt a couple of weeks ago and really attacked Larry. The other night he interviewed that conspiracy crank Alex Jones and many conservatives and gun owners have lamented a perception that Alex Jones will become the face of gun owners."
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Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Economy Grows, Revenues Increase After Texas Slashes Spending | Conservative Byte
Economy Grows, Revenues Increase After Texas Slashes Spending | Conservative Byte: "The Texas state comptroller estimated Texas will generate $96.2 billion in revenue for the 2014-2015 fiscal cycle and reported Texas collected $8.8 billion more in revenue than expected during the last fiscal year."
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Illinois Passes Drivers Licenses for Illegal Immigrants | Conservative Byte
Illinois Passes Drivers Licenses for Illegal Immigrants | Conservative Byte: "After a vote on January 8, Illinois is set to join only two other states, New Mexico and Washington, to allow illegal immigrants to apply for state drivers licenses. A third state, Utah, allows illegals to drive on temporary permits."
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Obama EPA Kills 15 Power Plants, 480 Jobs In Georgia | Conservative Byte
Obama EPA Kills 15 Power Plants, 480 Jobs In Georgia | Conservative Byte: "Georgia Power asked state regulators for permission to shut down 15 power plants yesterday, claiming new regulations from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) make the plants too expensive to run."
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Vermont Town Hall Erupts Over Gun Ban | Conservative Byte
Vermont Town Hall Erupts Over Gun Ban | Conservative Byte: "A passionate crowd – many in blaze orange – packed City Hall Monday night. Most of whom were there to voice concern and contest the proposed change to the city charter."
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Planned Parenthood: Over 333,000 Babies Aborted in 2011
Planned Parenthood: Over 333,000 Babies Aborted in 2011: "And the American genocide continues, with 333,964 murders in 2011. That’s the figure proudly released by Planned Parenthood Federation of America in their report delineating how many abortions they performed in fiscal 2011. Doing some simple math reveals that the number of abortions performed equates to one abortion every 94 seconds."
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Hobby Lobby and the HHS Mandate: Defying the Obama Administration
Hobby Lobby and the HHS Mandate: Defying the Obama Administration: "Hobby Lobby gained national attention when its leadership announced they would not bow to the Obama Administration’s violation of their religious liberty. Thousands of Americans pledged to shop at the retailer over the weekend to show their appreciation for this stand—a stand that could cost the company up to $1.3 million in fines per day."
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Hobby Lobby being prevented free exercise of religion - Elgin Courier News
Hobby Lobby being prevented free exercise of religion - Elgin Courier News: "One example is the case of Hobby Lobby. Hobby Lobby is a Christian-run company and follows Christian principles. Obamacare forces companies to provide contraceptives and abortion-inducing drugs, specifically the morning-after pill in their health insurance policies."
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Facts Anti-Gun Advocates Don’t Want You to Know
Facts Anti-Gun Advocates Don’t Want You to Know: "After last summer’s shooting in Aurora, Colorado and last month’s shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut, anti-gun advocates want you to believe that America is a nation infected with violent crimes and murders. They want you to believe that we are one, if not the, most violent nation in the world and that we have to rid the nation of guns to solve the problem."
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