Friday, June 28, 2013

Polygamists Hope Supreme Court Rulings Will Pave Way to Decriminalization | Vision to America

Polygamists Hope Supreme Court Rulings Will Pave Way to Decriminalization | Vision to America: "Polygamists nationwide are cheering the Supreme Court’s rulings on Wednesday, which paved the way for gay marriage in California and federal recognition for married same-sex couples."

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Supreme Court Announces America’s Death Sentence

Supreme Court Announces America’s Death Sentence: "Homosexuals across the land are celebrating in force as the US Supreme Court voted 5-4 to strike down the Defense of Marriage Act, thus opening the door to nationwide same-sex marriage."

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Supreme Court: Christianity Is False, Immoral, and Socially Destructive | Godfather Politics

Supreme Court: Christianity Is False, Immoral, and Socially Destructive | Godfather Politics: "’ve seen a lot of praise for Antonin Scalia in his dissenting minority opinion against the majority that struck down one part of the defense of marriage act. But I don’t think, as insightful as Scalia was, that he really has drilled down to the essence of what the Kennedy-led majority has done."

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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Obama's War on Warming is War on Economy | Godfather Politics

Obama's War on Warming is War on Economy | Godfather Politics: ""It’s tantamount to kicking the ladder out from beneath the feet of many Americans struggling in today’s economy," Sen. Mitch McConnell said about President Obama's announcement of his strategy for fighting the phantom menace of global warming on Tuesday."

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The Next Sexual Domino to Fall: Monogamy is Not ‘Natural’ | Godfather Politics

The Next Sexual Domino to Fall: Monogamy is Not ‘Natural’ | Godfather Politics: "For decades those opposed to homosexual normalcy and homosexual marriage have made it clear that there’s a larger agenda in view. Polygamy, pedophilia, and now the end of monogamy are on the table."

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Obama’s Energy Policy: Kill Jobs And Raise Costs To “Save the Planet” | Godfather Politics

Obama’s Energy Policy: Kill Jobs And Raise Costs To “Save the Planet” | Godfather Politics: "Only in politics can you win people’s support by telling them that you want to take more of their money and jobs away. Tell them it’s the “fair” thing to do. And the moral thing to do."

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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Toddler Forced To Watch Execution Of Parents While Chained By Obama-Backed Syrian Rebels : Freedom Outpost

Toddler Forced To Watch Execution Of Parents While Chained By Obama-Backed Syrian Rebels : Freedom Outpost: "Looking away won’t make this problem disappear. Your government is in bed with terrorists. If you can look at this picture without wanting to vomit then you are obviously tougher than most. "

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Putin: "Like Shearing a Pig: There's Lots of Squealing and Little Fleece" - Katie Pavlich

Putin: "Like Shearing a Pig: There's Lots of Squealing and Little Fleece" - Katie Pavlich: "The Obama administration continues to be embarrassed by the Russians today as Edward Snowden continues to hide out in the communist state "at the airport." How does Russian President Vladimir Putin feel about the issue? "

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Supreme Court Strikes Down DOMA Provision Denying Benefits to Same Sex Couples - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update

Supreme Court Strikes Down DOMA Provision Denying Benefits to Same Sex Couples - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update: "In a big day for gay-rights advocates, the Supreme Court on Wednesday struck down a federal provision denying benefits to legally married gay couples and issued a separate ruling that paves the way for same-sex marriages to resume in California."

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Things That Will Cost More Under Obama's Climate Change Plan

Things That Will Cost More Under Obama's Climate Change Plan: "President Obama doesn’t “have time for a meeting of the flat-Earth society.” And he probably considers you a member if you disagree with him on his crushing regulatory approach to climate change."

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The Next Sexual Domino to Fall: Monogamy is Not ‘Natural’

The Next Sexual Domino to Fall: Monogamy is Not ‘Natural’: "For decades those opposed to homosexual normalcy and homosexual marriage have made it clear that there’s a larger agenda in view. Polygamy, pedophilia, and now the end of monogamy are on the table. The latest Supreme Court decision made that clear.

There is no longer a basis for morality and law in America. Five people have said so."

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War on coal? Obama orders new rules on coal-fired plants | Conservative ByteConservative Byte

War on coal? Obama orders new rules on coal-fired plants | Conservative ByteConservative Byte: "Joe needs to look at his party and realize they are not good for the country.
Check it out:"

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NOAA: Rare Tsunami Hit East Coast Earlier This Month « CBS Connecticut

NOAA: Rare Tsunami Hit East Coast Earlier This Month « CBS Connecticut: "Tsunami"

Here is the meaning of the word Tsunami.
This article talks about a Tsunami that was almost 1 ft high.  Doesn't make sense to me.

Catastrophic ocean wave, usually caused by a submarine earthquake. Underwater or coastal landslides or volcanic eruptions also may cause tsunamis. The term tsunami is Japanese for “harbour wave.” The term tidal wave is a misnomer, because the wave has no connection with the tides.

5 Senators Who Support Immigration Bill Don't Know Answer to Key Question About It | The Weekly Standard

5 Senators Who Support Immigration Bill Don't Know Answer to Key Question About It | The Weekly Standard: "Obamacare poses a tricky problem for supporters of the Senate's comprehensive immigration reform bill. It would be too politically toxic to give illegal immigrants amnesty and taxpayer subsidies under Obamacare, so the Senate bill prohibits "registered provisional immigrants" (individuals who are now residing illegally in the United States granted legal status under the bill) from receiving Obamacare subsidies. But in so doing the Senate's immigration bill would create a big financial incentive for some employers to hire non-citizens granted legal status over American citizens."

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The PJ Tatler » Texas AG Tells Janine Turner that SCOTUS Voting Rights Act Decision Is a ‘Huge Win for Equality’

The PJ Tatler » Texas AG Tells Janine Turner that SCOTUS Voting Rights Act Decision Is a ‘Huge Win for Equality’: "Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott responded to today’s Supreme Court decision striking down Section 4 of the 1965 Voting Rights Act by implementing Texas’ voter ID law. The Texas legislature had passed that law in 2011, only to have the Obama-Holder Justice Department put it on ice while challenging it under the Voting Rights Act."

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Mick Jagger zings President Obama at DC concert | Twitchy

Mick Jagger zings President Obama at DC concert | Twitchy:

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IG: IRS credit cards used for wine, pornography

IG: IRS credit cards used for wine, pornography: "Poor oversight by the Internal Revenue Service allowed workers to use agency credit cards to buy wine for an expensive luncheon, dorky swag for managers' meetings and, for one employee, romance novels and diet pills, an agency watchdog said Tuesday."

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WH Climate Adviser: ‘A War on Coal Is Exactly What’s Needed’

WH Climate Adviser: ‘A War on Coal Is Exactly What’s Needed’: "Daniel P. Schrag, a White House climate adviser and director of the Harvard University Center for the Environment, tells the New York Times ”a war on coal is exactly what’s needed.” Later today, President Obama will give a major “climate change” address at Georgetown University."

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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Kahr Arms Considers Moving HQ from New York | OutdoorHub

Kahr Arms Considers Moving HQ from New York | OutdoorHub: "Kahr Arms may be the latest company to uproot in the wake of tough new gun control laws. The company’s headquarters is located in New York, the first state to pass a gun law after the Newtown shooting last year. "

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Peace Talks With Taliban While They Murder Foreign Tourists

Peace Talks With Taliban While They Murder Foreign Tourists: "There has been talk lately that the White House wants to hold peace talks with Taliban leaders in hopes of ending the 12 year war the US has been fighting in Afghanistan.  The talks were to be held in Qatar where the Taliban has an official office."

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Monday, June 24, 2013

John Kerry and the Taliban: The secret emails revealed | Conservative ByteConservative Byte

John Kerry and the Taliban: The secret emails revealed | Conservative ByteConservative Byte: "These seem to be pretty accurate of our clown administration.
Check it out:

On June 3, 2013, Secretary of State John Kerry initiated an email exchange with the Taliban in order to lay the groundwork for peace talks that would help enable the United States to leave Afghanistan after over a decade of war."

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IRS Secretary Arrested for Racking Up $8,515 of Personal Items on Agency Credit Card

IRS Secretary Arrested for Racking Up $8,515 of Personal Items on Agency Credit Card: "Once the cork popped on the sacred establishment known as the Internal Revenue Service, it seems that almost every day some new scandal or problem surfaces."

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Here’s the Ugly Story of What Happened to One Woman Who Didn’t Want to Give a Store Her Zip Code (And Why You Probably Shouldn’t) | Video |

Here’s the Ugly Story of What Happened to One Woman Who Didn’t Want to Give a Store Her Zip Code (And Why You Probably Shouldn’t) | Video | "When Jo Anna Davis declined to provide a retail store with her zip code information, she wasn’t prepared for what happened next."

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Sunday, June 23, 2013

Statutory Rape if Straight – Okay If Gay?

Statutory Rape if Straight – Okay If Gay?: "The criminal offense of statutory rape is committed when an adult sexually penetrates a person who, under the law, is incapable of consenting to sex."

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Barack Obama: Catholicism & Protestantism Encourage Division, Not Cooperation : Freedom Outpost

Barack Obama: Catholicism & Protestantism Encourage Division, Not Cooperation : Freedom Outpost: "While In Ireland this past week, Barack Obama caught flak from many in the media over his comments about Catholics and Protestants and division and rightly so. He said:"

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Recent polls...evidence of low-information voters

Recent polls...evidence of low-information voters: "I often visit the web site Real Clear Politics to look at the latest polls on the president's approval rating and some of the special elections going on. They also have polls recently taken for future races and elections taking place next year. I looked at some of the recent polls RCP has listed today and I”m instantly reminded, we have a very SERIOUS low information voter problem, how else to explain where voters are leaning in these polls?"

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Saturday, June 22, 2013

Why People Think Democrats Care | Conservative ByteConservative Byte

Why People Think Democrats Care | Conservative ByteConservative Byte: "It comes down to their lies being believed. Their liberal utopia where everything does the right thing just isn’t how the world works.
Check it out:"

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IRS Sent $46M in Refunds to 23K Illegals at 1 Atlanta Address | Conservative ByteConservative Byte

IRS Sent $46M in Refunds to 23K Illegals at 1 Atlanta Address | Conservative ByteConservative Byte: "The Internal Revenue Service sent 23,994 tax refunds worth a combined $46,378,040 to “unauthorized” alien workers who all used the same address in Atlanta, Ga., in 2011, according to the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA)."

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Obama Solves Mass-Layoff Problem by Laying Off Mass-Layoff Statistics Guys at BLS - John Ransom - Townhall Finance Conservative Columnists and Financial Commentary - Page full

Obama Solves Mass-Layoff Problem by Laying Off Mass-Layoff Statistics Guys at BLS - John Ransom - Townhall Finance Conservative Columnists and Financial Commentary - Page full: "The “Help Wanted” sign is out again in America.

But it’s not what you think.

A report from the newswire Reuters says that massive hiring is in effect for Obamacare with state and federal agencies hiring both directly and issuing grants to community organizations to act as kind of insurance agents, signing up as many people to Obamacare as possible under the law."

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Showing photos of terrorists is racism, says Jim McDermott | The Daily Caller

Showing photos of terrorists is racism, says Jim McDermott | The Daily Caller: "Always-unfiltered Rep. Jim McDermott penned a letter to FBI Director Robert Mueller Wednesday claiming a Joint Terrorism Task Force ‘Faces of Global Terrorism’ ad is racist."

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Illegal Aliens Receiving Billions in Tax RETURNS - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update

Illegal Aliens Receiving Billions in Tax RETURNS - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update: "n May of 2012, a concerned taxpayer approached Indianapolis NBC affiliate Investigative television reporter Bob Segall concerning a multibillion-dollar tax-fraud scheme that has been going on for several years — of which the IRS has done nothing."

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Thursday, June 20, 2013

Farm Bill | Washington Is Cuckoo for Food Stamps

Farm Bill | Washington Is Cuckoo for Food Stamps: "UPDATE: The U.S. House defeated the $940 billion food stamp and farm bill by a vote of 195 to 234. Today’s win should be considered a victory for taxpayers and a reaffirmation of fiscal responsibility."

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Financial Markets Freak When The Fed Hints It May Slow The Pumping

Financial Markets Freak When The Fed Hints It May Slow The Pumping: "U.S. financial markets are exhibiting the classic behavior patterns of an addict. Just a hint that the Fed may start slowing down the flow of the “juice” was all that it took to cause the financial markets to throw an epic temper tantrum on Wednesday."

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Jimmy Carter Wants to Ease Sanctions on Terror Groups | Conservative ByteConservative Byte

Jimmy Carter Wants to Ease Sanctions on Terror Groups | Conservative ByteConservative Byte: "Liberals and terrorists. Buddies that go together like peas and carrots.
Check it out:

Former President Jimmy Carter is trying to convince the US government to ease up the sanctions on terrorists groups so peace groups are able to work with them. Carter and other do-gooders have petitioned Secretary of State John Kerry to exempt peace organizations from rules that “make it a crime to offer negotiation training and humanitarian law classes to terror groups.”"

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IRS: Are You Now, or Have You Ever Been a Christian?

IRS: Are You Now, or Have You Ever Been a Christian?: "The IRS abused its power in targeting conservatives for harassment and probably leaking information to liberal groups during the presidential election cycle."

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Liberals Succeed in Destroying Marriage

Liberals Succeed in Destroying Marriage: "Around 1900, the liberal progressives determined three key things that were necessary to change America into their type of country.  They had to undermine Christianity, marriage and the traditional family unit.  All three were originally based upon biblical principles of which were the conservative foundations of our nation."

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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Guess Who's Getting $70 Million in Bonuses? - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update

Guess Who's Getting $70 Million in Bonuses? - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update: "Despite being under heavy scrutiny from both Democrats and Republicans on Capitol Hill and all over the country for inappropriately targeting conservative groups, IRS employees are about to receive $70 million in bonuses."

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U.S. To Provide Almost 1 Billion to Syrian Rebels - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update

U.S. To Provide Almost 1 Billion to Syrian Rebels - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update: "State Department Spokeswoman Jen Psaki joined her White House colleague Jay Carney in announcing $300 million in additional aid to the Syrian rebels on Tuesday. National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes told reporters that this would make the total financial “humanitarian” aid from the United States to the Syrian rebels to over $800 million."

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Immigration CBO Score: Congress Is Trying to Fool You

Immigration CBO Score: Congress Is Trying to Fool You: "Congress is trying to fool you.
Here’s how they do business. A piece of legislation is going to cost trillions of dollars, but Members of Congress don’t want the public to see that. Instead, they have the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) look at the bill for just the first 10 years—and they move any costly items off into the future on purpose."

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3 Things You Should Know About the Supreme Court and Voter ID

3 Things You Should Know About the Supreme Court and Voter ID: "Yesterday, the Supreme Court handed down one of its first major decisions of this term, striking down Arizona’s measure requiring proof of citizenship for voter registration. Media reports are already off base in interpreting this decision, says Heritage legal expert Hans von Spakovsky. Here are three things to know about the decision."

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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Clinton: Israel Must Make Peace or Disappear | Conservative ByteConservative Byte

Clinton: Israel Must Make Peace or Disappear | Conservative ByteConservative Byte: "In a speech that will no doubt incentivize Palestinians to continue their campaign of terror and warfare against Israel, former President Bill Clinton told Israel that it would have to make peace with the Palestinians if it wanted to remain Jewish and democratic. He said that thanks to demographic changes, Israel will have to separate from the Palestinian population in order to maintain its majority."

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Obama Supporting Syrian Rebels Who Sing “We Destroyed America With A Civilian Airplane” : Freedom Outpost

Obama Supporting Syrian Rebels Who Sing “We Destroyed America With A Civilian Airplane” : Freedom Outpost: "Word has come that Barack Obama is going to send support to Syrian rebels (aka Al-Qaeda). In other words, the United States is no longer saying “You are with us or you are with the terrorists,”"

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Michelle Obama Spending Your Money On Unnecessary Irish Vacation : Freedom Outpost

Michelle Obama Spending Your Money On Unnecessary Irish Vacation : Freedom Outpost: "If you haven’t already heard, Michelle Obama checked into a lavish $3500 per night suite at Dublin’s Shelbourne Hotel on Monday."

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Obama Announces "Peace" Talks With Taliban Savages : Freedom Outpost

Obama Announces "Peace" Talks With Taliban Savages : Freedom Outpost: "he Obama Administration announced that it will meet with the Taliban in Doha for “peace talks.” The Taliban continue to orchestrate insider attacks, killing our soldiers."

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Tiny Protests Explode as 200K Brazilians Rage - Anti-government protesters take to streets in 8 cities

Tiny Protests Explode as 200K Brazilians Rage - Anti-government protesters take to streets in 8 cities: "What began as a protest over a small hike in bus fares has mushroomed into a massive protest movement sweeping Brazil. Up to 200,000 anti-government protesters marched in at least eight cities across the country yesterday, voicing their anger at corruption, high taxes, and.."

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Russia Hits Back at U.S. Over Syria -

Russia Hits Back at U.S. Over Syria - "The Kremlin criticized the U.S. decision to arm Syrian opposition fighters and said Washington's evidence that the Syrian regime is using chemical weapons was unconvincing, but said Friday that Moscow is "not yet" discussing its plans to deliver of air-defense missiles to the regime."

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Monday, June 17, 2013

Sen. Boxer: Take Money To Build Border Fence And Spend It On Immigrant Healthcare

Sen. Boxer: Take Money To Build Border Fence And Spend It On Immigrant Healthcare: "California Senator Barbara Boxer has a great idea. Let’s take all that darn money away from border security and instead spend it on freebie healthcare for illegals. Great, huh?"

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Benghazi Scandal Takes Another Turn Against Obama and Clinton

Benghazi Scandal Takes Another Turn Against Obama and Clinton: "It seems that in the wake of the IRS and NSA scandals that the Benghazi scandal has almost been forgotten.  However the recent admission of Martin Dempsey, Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff, is certain to bring it all back into the limelight."

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Sunday, June 16, 2013

Palin on Syria: 'Let Allah Sort It Out' - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update

Palin on Syria: 'Let Allah Sort It Out' - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update: "Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin said until the United States has a Commander-in-Chief who knows what he is doing, America should stay out of the mess in the Middle East."

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Saturday, June 15, 2013

US High School Recites Pledge In Arabic: “One Nation Under Allah” : Freedom Outpost

US High School Recites Pledge In Arabic: “One Nation Under Allah” : Freedom Outpost: "Well now, here is evidence of what I’ve been saying all along and that is that you cannot be religiously neutral. It just can’t happen. Religion is at our very core and if we will not honor the true and living God as God, then we will fill that vacuum with a false god. Exhibit A: Rocky Mountain High School in Colorado. "

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Emergency manager: Detroit won't pay $2.5B it owes

Emergency manager: Detroit won't pay $2.5B it owes: "A team led by a state-appointed emergency manager said Friday that Detroit is defaulting on about $2.5 billion in unsecured debt and is asking creditors to take about 10 cents on the dollar of what the city owes them.

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Doctors dump health insurance plans, charge patients less

Doctors dump health insurance plans, charge patients less: "Thirty-two-year old family physician Doug Nunamaker of Wichita, Kan., said after five years of dealing with the red tape of health insurance companies and the high overhead for the staff he hired just to deal with paperwork, he switched to a system of charging his patients a monthly fee plus the price of an office visit or test, CNN/Money reported."

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Taxpayer Dollars Are Funding a "War Against Christianity in Middle East," Says Sen. Rand Paul

Taxpayer Dollars Are Funding a "War Against Christianity in Middle East," Says Sen. Rand Paul: "During the the three-day Faith and Freedom Conference, hosted by the Faith and Freedom Coalition, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) insisted America was funding a war on Christianity in Egypt."

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Syrian rebels pledge loyalty to al-Qaeda | Conservative ByteConservative Byte

Syrian rebels pledge loyalty to al-Qaeda | Conservative ByteConservative Byte: "A Syrian rebel group’s April pledge of allegiance to al-Qaeda’s replacement for Osama bin Laden suggests that the terrorist group’s influence is not waning and that it may take a greater role in the Western-backed fight to topple Syrian President Bashar Assad."

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US troops on Syria border as Obama arms rebels | Conservative ByteConservative Byte

US troops on Syria border as Obama arms rebels | Conservative ByteConservative Byte: "Three hundred US Marines have been deployed to northern Jordan to pave the way for the West to arm Syrian rebels."

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Obama State Department Spends $450,000 Promoting Gay Rights Overseas

Obama State Department Spends $450,000 Promoting Gay Rights Overseas: "$450,000 of YOUR tax dollars will be spent by the State Department’s Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor (DRL) to “to support programs that increase protection of transgender persons who face acute forms of violence and harassment.”
Yes, you read that correctly…"

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Reid Blocks Amendment Securing the US Border as Part of Immigration Reform

Reid Blocks Amendment Securing the US Border as Part of Immigration Reform: "On Wednesday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) blocked a vote on the border security amendment to the “Gang of Eight” immigration bill offered by Senate Judiciary Committee ranking member Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA)."

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Obama Considers Resettling Thousands of Syrians to the US; Many With Ties to al Qaeda

Obama Considers Resettling Thousands of Syrians to the US; Many With Ties to al Qaeda: "The Obama administration is considering resettling thousands of refugees who left Syria during the country’s ongoing civil war to multiple towns and cities across the United States, the L.A. Times reports."

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Obama’s Egyptian Buddies Prove He’s Guilty of High Treason!

Obama’s Egyptian Buddies Prove He’s Guilty of High Treason!: ")  Has President Barack Hussein Obama committed treason according to the US Constitution?"

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Friday, June 14, 2013

The Affordable Care Act is So Unaffordable, Members of Congress and Their Aides are Quitting Because They Can't Afford It! | Conservative ByteConservative Byte

The Affordable Care Act is So Unaffordable, Members of Congress and Their Aides are Quitting Because They Can't Afford It! | Conservative ByteConservative Byte: "Ladies and gentlemen, this is truly outrageous. There’s a headline in The Politico today: “Obamacare? We Were Just Leaving…” And when I saw the headline, I thought it was gonna be an article about how Democrats are afraid of losing their seats because of all the skyrocketing costs of health premiums and all the other negatives associated with Obamacare."

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Nothing to Fear…Except our Government | Conservative ByteConservative Byte

Nothing to Fear…Except our Government | Conservative ByteConservative Byte: "Our government is really getting scary.
Check it out:

When it comes to the government monitoring and ultimately STEALING your data, it’s good to keep things in perspective.

And in doing so, it’s not a stretch to compare it to the Nazis."

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Bill Cosby Wants Americans to be More Like Muslims

Bill Cosby Wants Americans to be More Like Muslims: "I grew up watching Bill Cosby on the television show I Spy back in the 1960’s.  I also heard many of his comedy routines like Noah, Parents, Little Tiny Hairs and Fat Albert.  In the early 1970s, I saw Cosby on a talk show and was impressed with his goals."

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Importing Jihad: Obama Considers Bringing Syrian Refugees To America : Freedom Outpost

Importing Jihad: Obama Considers Bringing Syrian Refugees To America : Freedom Outpost: "More of Obama’s immigration war on America. Obama supports the jihadist opposition in Syria — al Qaeda elements. And he is bringing those savages here? "

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Russia Hits Back at U.S. Over Syria -

Russia Hits Back at U.S. Over Syria - "MOSCOW—The Kremlin criticized the U.S. decision to arm Syrian opposition fighters and said Washington's evidence that the Syrian regime is using chemical weapons was unconvincing, but said Friday that Moscow is "not yet" discussing its plans to deliver of air-defense missiles to the regime."

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Thursday, June 13, 2013

Obama ‘Strongly Objects’ to Religious Liberty Amendment

Obama ‘Strongly Objects’ to Religious Liberty Amendment: "The Obama Administration “strongly objects” to a proposed amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act on Wednesday that would have protected the religious rights of soldiers – including evangelical Christian service members who are facing growing hostility towards their religion."

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Irony: IRS Can’t Account For All Their Expenses At Lavish Conference

Irony: IRS Can’t Account For All Their Expenses At Lavish Conference: "Last year alone, the IRS audited nearly 1.5 million people. If you take a lot of tax deductions, you might get audited by the IRS too. And when they audit you, you’d better be able to come up with original receipts or supporting documentation showing the deductions you took were justified"

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Pelosi: Late-Term Abortions 'Sacred' | The Weekly Standard

Pelosi: Late-Term Abortions 'Sacred' | The Weekly Standard: "At a Thursday press conference, House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi condemned a bill that would prohibit abortions during the final four months of pregnancy with exceptions for when the life or physical health of the mother was at stake."

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Obama Tells Senior UN Official “The United States Will be a Muslim Country by 2016″ «

Obama Tells Senior UN Official “The United States Will be a Muslim Country by 2016″ « "On the surface, the fact that the U.S. Commerce Department is considering granting “disadvantaged minority” business status to Arab Americans doesn’t appear to elicit a cause for alarm."

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Obama's Family Trip to Africa Will Cost Up to $100 Million - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update

Obama's Family Trip to Africa Will Cost Up to $100 Million - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update: "President Obama and his family will be going to Africa later this month. But the trip won’t be cheap; it’s expected to cost American taxpayers $60 to $100 million, according to the Washington Post."

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Corporate Sponsors Dumping Boyscouts - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update

Corporate Sponsors Dumping Boyscouts - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update: "On Thursday, Caterpillar announced it would pull support from the Boy Scouts thanks in part to the Scouts’ decision to allow openly homosexual scouts but not scoutmasters. Spokeswoman Rachel Potts said that the Caterpillar Foundation thinks that the policy is discriminatory, but refused to say that the policy was the whole reason for support being pulled."

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Obama Implements Communist Goals By Discrediting The American Constitution : Freedom Outpost

Obama Implements Communist Goals By Discrediting The American Constitution : Freedom Outpost: "Well America, here we are again one step closer to the ever approaching, abysmal pit…. of tyranny. There were a lot of things reported today that likely went completely unnoticed. The Santa Monica shooter for instance, it turns out he was a Muslim and seven years ago he was actually investigated by California police for having bomb making material in his apartment."

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It's Either Us or Islam - Our Government Says "Islam" : Freedom Outpost

It's Either Us or Islam - Our Government Says "Islam" : Freedom Outpost: "I wrote an article recently on Russ Baker’s book “Family of Secrets.” The article is essentially about America’s connection to Saudi oil. The relationship began a long time ago in the early 1900s and through FDR. From that point, it grew into what it has become: Saudi oil to America in exchange for supporting the Saudis."

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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Jeff Duncan questions IRS rifle usage - Tal Kopan -

Jeff Duncan questions IRS rifle usage - Tal Kopan - "Rep. Jeff Duncan wants to know why IRS law enforcement agents are training with AR-15 rifles.

As chairman of the House Homeland Security oversight subcommittee, Duncan (R-S.C.) toured a federal law enforcement facility in late May and noticed agents training with the semi-automatic weapons at a firing range. They identified themselves as IRS, he said."

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EU warns US of 'grave consequences' from intel scandal - FRANCE 24

EU warns US of 'grave consequences' from intel scandal - FRANCE 24: "The EU has warned President Barack Obama's administration of "grave adverse consequences" to the rights of European citizens from a huge US Internet surveillance programme, officials said Wednesday."

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» DHS Wants Equipment For “Riot Control Situations” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

» DHS Wants Equipment For “Riot Control Situations” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!: "The Department of Homeland Security is purchasing hundreds of items of protective gear for its fleet of Federal Protective Service officers in order to prepare for “riot control situations,” increasing concerns that the federal agency is readying for domestic unrest."

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Ann Coulter - June 12, 2013 - IF THE GOP IS THIS STUPID, IT DESERVES TO DIE: "Democrats terrify Hispanics into thinking they'll be lynched if they vote for Republicans, and then turn around and taunt Republicans for not winning a majority of the Hispanic vote.

This line of attack has real resonance with our stupidest Republicans. (Proposed Republican primary targets: Sens. Kelly Ayotte, Jeff Flake, Lindsey Graham and Marco Rubio.) Which explains why Republicans are devoting all their energy to slightly increasing their share of the Hispanic vote while alienating everyone else in America. "

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Reid Blocks Senate Vote on Border Security Amendment to Immigration Bill

Reid Blocks Senate Vote on Border Security Amendment to Immigration Bill: "On Wednesday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) blocked a vote on the border security amendment to the “Gang of Eight” immigration bill offered by Senate Judiciary Committee ranking member Sen. "

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Fox News Analyst: NSA Whistleblower Deserves Death Penalty

Fox News Analyst: NSA Whistleblower Deserves Death Penalty: "If you’re like Lindsey Graham, and you think that there’s nothing at all wrong with our over bloated, corrupt, scandal-ridden government snooping on, collecting, and storing electronic data on every single American, then you’ll call NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden a traitor who has threatened America’s national security."

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Spread the Word About What the Senate Is Doing on Immigration

Spread the Word About What the Senate Is Doing on Immigration: "The Senate voted yesterday to move forward on the Gang of Eight’s immigration plan—which would grant amnesty to 11 million illegal immigrants.
Insanity is often defined as doing the same thing over and over yet expecting a different result. As Heritage’s David Inserra points out, “Instead of new ideas, the current bill is essentially just recycling the flawed and failed ideas of the past.”"

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Obama: ‘We Owe’ Young Illegals a Path to Citizenship

Obama: ‘We Owe’ Young Illegals a Path to Citizenship: "President Barack Obama said Tuesday that America “owes” it to certain illegal aliens to pass legislation providing a “pathway to citizenship.”"

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We're All Depressed, Folks... But the Country is Up for Grabs: We Must Stop Amnesty and Hold the House in 2014 - The Rush Limbaugh Show

We're All Depressed, Folks... But the Country is Up for Grabs: We Must Stop Amnesty and Hold the House in 2014 - The Rush Limbaugh Show: "RUSH: I got an e-mail that I want to read to you.  This is from a subscriber at Rush 24/7, the website.

Dear Rush,

I'm at a point where I'm torn as to what to do.  Where this country stands there's little point in listening to your show and subscribing to your Web page until maybe the 2014 elections, if we get the Senate. "

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Taxpayers Spend $41.3 Million in a Year to Advertise Food Stamps - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update

Taxpayers Spend $41.3 Million in a Year to Advertise Food Stamps - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update: "Spending on advertising and outreach for food stamps has increased six-fold since 2000 — reaching $41.3 million in 2011, according to a new GOP report.

According to calculations released by Alabama Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions Budget Committee staff, using data from the Agriculture Department’s Economic Research Service, in the year 2000 spending on advertising for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) — or food stamps — was approximately $6.5 million"

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State Dept. Accused of Covering Up Sex, Prostitution Investigation - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update

State Dept. Accused of Covering Up Sex, Prostitution Investigation - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update: "The U.S. State Department’s ability to investigate wrongdoing by its staff is under question after a report that the agency tried to cover up several crimes committed has surfaced."

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Awesome Video: Senator Obama Debates President Obama On Government Surveillance | Conservative ByteConservative Byte

Awesome Video: Senator Obama Debates President Obama On Government Surveillance | Conservative ByteConservative Byte: "Embarrassed by national-security leaks of historic proportions, the White House rebutted accusations Monday by the disillusioned former government contractor who leaked the surveillance secrets that President Obama is no different than President George W. Bush in his anti-terrorism tactics"

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Tuesday, June 11, 2013

President Obama’s Brother Works With And For Islamic Terrorists

President Obama’s Brother Works With And For Islamic Terrorists: "President Barack Hussein Obama’s older half-brother is Malik Obama.  Malik is the child of Obama’s father Barack Obama Sr and his first wife Kezia.  He was born and raised in Kenya, where he received a degree in accounting at the University of Nairobi."

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Obamacare and Medicaid: Don't Take the Money and Run

Obamacare and Medicaid: Don't Take the Money and Run: "You may have heard that Obamacare’s main plan for getting people health insurance is to put them on Medicaid.
Medicaid—which is supposed to be the federal-state partnership that serves low-income children, disabled Americans, pregnant women, and some seniors"

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Liberal media spin Benghazi scandal to protect Team Obama | Fox News

Liberal media spin Benghazi scandal to protect Team Obama | Fox News: "In the real world, when you cover up four murders after the fact, you likely go to jail. In government, you retire with dignity and run for president with full media support."

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11 Year Old Boy Suspended for Talking About Guns on Bus

11 Year Old Boy Suspended for Talking About Guns on Bus: "An 11-year-old student in Maryland received a 10-day suspension because he was talking about guns on his bus ride home."

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Obama Mockingly Tells Americans What He’ll Do With Gun Control Laws

Obama Mockingly Tells Americans What He’ll Do With Gun Control Laws: "When the Founding Fathers wrote the Second Amendment they knew how important it was for the people of America to be well armed to prevent the type of tyrannical government control that they had experienced under the British."

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Two 7-Year-Olds Suspended For Playing With Pencils

Two 7-Year-Olds Suspended For Playing With Pencils: "Just because these kinds of cases have become so commonplace doesn’t mean we should be any less outraged by them. Any time we see them, we should be angered at the sheer stupidity of government schoolteachers and officials who have deluded themselves into believing that they’re actually performing a public service. These are the kinds of things they do with taxpayers’ money."

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School Principal: Playing With Toy Guns Leads To Real Gun Violence

School Principal: Playing With Toy Guns Leads To Real Gun Violence: "The stated goal of real gun buyback programs usually hosted by local police departments is to reduce gun violence by getting guns off the streets. Maybe they should do a pressure cooker buyback so that we can get pressure cookers off the streets and thereby reduce the threat of terrorism."

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Monday, June 10, 2013

A Review of the Obama Scandals - The Rush Limbaugh Show

A Review of the Obama Scandals - The Rush Limbaugh Show: "RUSH: I mentioned in the first hour that I wanted to go through some of the scandals, or if you will, some of the irregularities.  Here's a brief summation.  You might call it Scandalgate.  Whatever you want to call it, these are clearly irregularities.  These are occurrences that, had they happened either individually or collectively, under any other administration, a far different reaction would have taken place to any and all of them. "

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Obama Returns to the War on Women - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Obama Returns to the War on Women - The Rush Limbaugh Show: " Guess what he's out doing today?  He's back on the War on Women.  He's revving that back up.  It's some 50th anniversary of the Equal Pay Act or some such thing and he's out there talking about women bringing home the bacon but they don't get the bacon.  I've got the sound bites.  Here's Obama this morning in Washington at the White House, 50th anniversary of the Equal Pay Act."

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Report: Air Force Orders Airmen Not To Read Obama-Scandal News - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update

Report: Air Force Orders Airmen Not To Read Obama-Scandal News - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update: "President Obama has said the outrage over the federal government’s decision to monitor citizens’ phone activity is all “hype.”

He might want to share his opinion with the U.S. Air Force, which is ordering members of the service not to look at news stories about it."

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Report: Air Force Orders Airmen Not To Read Obama-Scandal News - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update

Report: Air Force Orders Airmen Not To Read Obama-Scandal News - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update: "President Obama has said the outrage over the federal government’s decision to monitor citizens’ phone activity is all “hype.”

He might want to share his opinion with the U.S. Air Force, which is ordering members of the service not to look at news stories about it."

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Obamacare Forces Employees Hours to be Cut in Indiana Schools - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update

Obamacare Forces Employees Hours to be Cut in Indiana Schools - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update: "Obamacare regulations are forcing employers to cut employee hours at Indiana schools, according to the Courier-Journal.

“Schools across Indiana are cutting back the hours of teacher assistants, bus drivers, cafeteria workers and other aides to avoid having to offer them health insurance under the federal health care employer mandate that begins next year,” reports the paper."

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IRS Caught on Tape Telling Nonprofit: “Keep Your Faith to Yourself” - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update

IRS Caught on Tape Telling Nonprofit: “Keep Your Faith to Yourself” - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update: "The IRS scandal is deepening as a new tape has been released today showing IRS staff making a phone conversation that the Internal Revenue Service placed to a non-profit organization."

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Sheriff Arrested For Defending Citizen’s 2nd Amendment Rights

Sheriff Arrested For Defending Citizen’s 2nd Amendment Rights: "Recently, there have been groups of sheriffs from around the country banding together in their opposition to federal and state gun control efforts. They’re coming together and announcing that they won’t be enforcing any unconstitutional laws that pertain to people’s 2nd Amendment rights."

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AP Takes Blow-Torch to Obama Presidency | Conservative ByteConservative Byte

AP Takes Blow-Torch to Obama Presidency | Conservative ByteConservative Byte: "As a candidate, Barack Obama vowed to bring a different, better kind of leadership to the dysfunctional capital. He’d make government more efficient, accountable and transparent. He’d rise above the “small-ball” nature of doing business. And he’d work with Republicans to break Washington paralysis."

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Do You Trust the Obama Administration?

Do You Trust the Obama Administration?: "The Obama Administration has a few problems. From Benghazi to the IRS to the phone records of journalists and everyday Americans, it’s not difficult to call up a scandal with investigations pending in Washington."

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PRISM Whistleblower Comes Forward; No Longer Believes in Obama’s Promises

PRISM Whistleblower Comes Forward; No Longer Believes in Obama’s Promises: "The individual responsible for one of the most significant leaks in US political history is Edward Snowden, a 29-year-old former technical assistant for the CIA and current employee of the defence contractor Booz Allen Hamilton. Snowden has been working at the National Security Agency for the last four years as an employee of various outside contractors, including Booz Allen and Dell."

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The IRS Prepares to Enforce Obamacare’s Contraception Mandate

The IRS Prepares to Enforce Obamacare’s Contraception Mandate: "On August 1, the one-year “safe harbor” for religious charities objecting to provisions of Obamacare will end. Starting then, these nonprofit employers will be forced to violate their religious beliefs or pay large fines. In charge of collecting the fines will be our recently newsworthy friends at the Internal Revenue Service."

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Ethanol Use Creates a Spike in Global Food Prices

Ethanol Use Creates a Spike in Global Food Prices: "At the turn of the 21st century, biofuels appeared to be a solution to mounting concerns over greenhouse gas emissions, climate change, skyrocketing fuel prices and dependence on foreign energy. When Congress passed the Energy Policy Act (EP Act) in 2005 with a renewable fuel standard (RFS) provision mandating that producers add ethanol to gasoline, it is unlikely that lawmakers thought the act would increase hunger and social unrest in the world's poorest countries. However, unintended consequences frequently accompany even the most well-intentioned policies, says Sherzod Abdukadirov, a research fellow with the Mercatus Center."

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Sunday, June 9, 2013

Obama’s Lies About Immigration Reform | Conservative ByteConservative Byte

Obama’s Lies About Immigration Reform | Conservative ByteConservative Byte: "Can Obama tell anything that is the truth? Lying must just be in his nature. It must not be his fault if he was born to lie.
Check it out:"

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Homeschooling Rate Surges | Conservative ByteConservative Byte

Homeschooling Rate Surges | Conservative ByteConservative Byte: "As dissatisfaction with the U.S. public school system grows, apparently so has the appeal of homeschooling. Educational researchers, in fact, are expecting a surge in the number of students educated at home by their parents over the next ten years, as more parents reject public schools."

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FBI: Texas woman admits sending Obama ricin letter

FBI: Texas woman admits sending Obama ricin letter: "TEXARKANA, Texas - The FBI says a Texas woman admitted sending ricin-tainted letters to President Barack Obama and New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, but only after trying to pin it on her husband."

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IRS Also Targeted Religious, Pro-Life, Pro-Marriage Groups - Christian News, Commentary

IRS Also Targeted Religious, Pro-Life, Pro-Marriage Groups - Christian News, Commentary: "- Susan Martinek founded Coalition for Life of Iowa because she wanted the pro-life movement to do bigger things in Cedar Rapids. Churches in the town of about 120,000 already held their own events, but Martinek thought coordinating resources would lead to greater outreach. The small-business owner sought tax-exempt status with the Internal Revenue Service in October 2008. Like the head of most fledging nonprofits, she knew more donors would be inclined to give if they could claim tax deductions."

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Homeschool enrollment explodes

Homeschool enrollment explodes: "Absolutely no one I know is satisfied with the education their children are getting in public schools. But most of the people I talk to with young kids have two parents that work full time outside the house and are unable to homeschool their children"

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Catholic Archbishop: Wake Up! Religious Liberty at Risk in USA | CNS News

Catholic Archbishop: Wake Up! Religious Liberty at Risk in USA | CNS News: "- Roman Catholic Archbishop Charles J. Chaput is calling on Americans to wake up and recognize that the Founding Fathers' vision of religious freedom is now threatened by the federal government."

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Saturday, June 8, 2013

Obama '04: Govt. Must Tell Citizens They're Being Investigated | Conservative ByteConservative Byte

Obama '04: Govt. Must Tell Citizens They're Being Investigated | Conservative ByteConservative Byte: "Somehow watching terrorists to watching everyone is now ok.
Check it out:

In 2004, then-State Senator Barack Obama on Illinois Public Radio answering constituents’ questions during his campaign for United Sates Senator:"

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“Hate is Not a Crime” – Unless Directed at a Muslim or Homosexual

“Hate is Not a Crime” – Unless Directed at a Muslim or Homosexual: "Christian ministers who stand in the pulpit and preach what the Bible says about homosexuality are being accused of hate crimes based solely on what they said.  In the public schools, children are being reprimanded and sometimes accused of hate crimes for speaking out against homosexuality and that the Bible says it’s a sin."

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California Elementary School Holds Toy Gun Buyback… - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update

California Elementary School Holds Toy Gun Buyback… - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update: "An elementary school will hold a toy gun exchange Saturday, offering students a book and a chance to win a bicycle if they turn in their play weapons."

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KS Gov Signs Law: Stops Govt From Using Public Money For Gun Control Lobbying : Freedom Outpost

KS Gov Signs Law: Stops Govt From Using Public Money For Gun Control Lobbying : Freedom Outpost: "Kansas Governor Sam Brownback, who signed into law the The Second Amendment Protection Act, which has been referred to as the strongest Second Amendment legislation in the nation, has gone a step further. Now Brownback has signed a bill into law that would prohibit any state employee, municipality or school district from using taxpayer dollars to lobby in support of or against gun control."

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Limbaugh Advertisers Return in Droves

Limbaugh Advertisers Return in Droves: "After talk radio titan Rush Limbaugh mocked left-wing/birth control activist Sandra Fluke as a “slut” (something for which he later apologized) the organized left thought they could finally silence The Most Listened To Talk Show Host in America by picking off his advertisers. The boycott, organized mostly by the left-wing Media Matters, can now officially be called a failure with the news that advertisers have not only returned, but that the show is pacing ahead of last year:"

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Matt Birk stands for life

"BALTIMORE, June 6, 2016 ( – For many athletes the chance to meet the president of the United States of America is a once-in-a-lifetime, never-to-be-missed opportunity. But not for Ravens Super Bowl champ Matt Birk."

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Friday, June 7, 2013

App to Prevent Government Eavesdropping On Cell Phones - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update

App to Prevent Government Eavesdropping On Cell Phones - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update: "The developers of a new mobile app may have just caught a break — and found a new group of potential customers — with the revelation that government is secretly snooping on Verizon cell phone users."

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OBAMA OUT OF CONTROL: Tap Your Phones, Take Your Guns, Flip Your Health Care, Unleash The IRS On You | Conservative ByteConservative Byte

OBAMA OUT OF CONTROL: Tap Your Phones, Take Your Guns, Flip Your Health Care, Unleash The IRS On You | Conservative ByteConservative Byte: "Reports that the Obama administration has been collecting the phone records of millions of Verizon customers in the U.S. could contradict statements made by top officials who previously claimed the government was not holding data on Americans."

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OBAMA’S WAR ON CHRISTIANS: "Scandal.” That one word pretty much summarizes the Obama administration’s second term – from Benghazi-gate, to the IRS’s all-out war on hundreds of conservative organizations, to the Justice Department’s “criminalization of journalism” through targeting, harassing and seizing the records of news reporters and editors."

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Could a Christian Baker Who Refused to Make Wedding Cake for a Gay Couple Really Go to Jail? |

Could a Christian Baker Who Refused to Make Wedding Cake for a Gay Couple Really Go to Jail? | "Should bakers and other vendors be allowed to refuse service to gays and lesbians, specifically when it comes to marital ceremonies? “No,” argues one gay couple who have filed a discrimination complaint against a Colorado baker who refused to provide them with a wedding cake."

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Four Words to Watch in the Immigration Debate

Four Words to Watch in the Immigration Debate: "The Senate will begin debate on the Gang of Eight’s immigration proposal next week. Here are four words to watch out for as the Senators make their case—and warnings about what they might mean."

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Susan Rice Fails Up, Becomes National Security Adviser

Susan Rice Fails Up, Becomes National Security Adviser: "U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice, famed as the chief purveyor of the Obama Administration’s false talking points on the Benghazi attack, will become Barack Obama’s new National Security Adviser following the resignation of Tom Donilon. Obama previously tried to promote her to Secretary of State, but that required confirmation, so the effort collapsed."

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The stunning decline of Barack Obama: 2013. Ten key reasons why the Obama presidency is in meltdown – Telegraph Blogs

The stunning decline of Barack Obama: 2013. Ten key reasons why the Obama presidency is in meltdown – Telegraph Blogs: "The last few weeks have been among the worst of Barack Obama’s time in office, recalling earlier periods of turmoil for the president in 2010 and 2011, when his ratings also plummeted."

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80% of Nearly $1 Trillion Farm Bill Goes to Food Stamps | Conservative ByteConservative Byte

80% of Nearly $1 Trillion Farm Bill Goes to Food Stamps | Conservative ByteConservative Byte: "To liberals, farm means food so of course this is where food stamps should be paid for. Idiots.
Check it out:

Roughly 80% of the Senate’s $955 billion farm bill, which is expected to pass this week, will go to bankroll food stamps over the next ten years."

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Now FBI wants back door to all software | Conservative ByteConservative Byte

Now FBI wants back door to all software | Conservative ByteConservative Byte: "The FBI is unhappy that there are communications technologies that it cannot intercept and wants to require that software makers and communications companies create a back door so they can listen in when they desire."

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House Votes To Limit Amount Of Ammo 'Homeland Security' Can Purchase - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update

House Votes To Limit Amount Of Ammo 'Homeland Security' Can Purchase - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update: "The House late Wednesday voted to stop the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) from entering into new contracts to buy millions of rounds of ammunition until the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) reports to Congress on the need for the ammo, and its cost."

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Thursday, June 6, 2013

Obama’s Benghazi Scapegoat to Become National Security Adviser

Obama’s Benghazi Scapegoat to Become National Security Adviser: "On September 11, 2012, between 125 - 200 Islamic militants attacked the US Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.  After nearly eight hours of fighting, US Ambassador Christopher Stevens, US Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith, embassy security officers Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty were dead and ten others were wounded."

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White House defends snooping of Verizon phone records | Security & Privacy - CNET News

White House defends snooping of Verizon phone records | Security & Privacy - CNET News: "The Obama administration calls the NSA's practice of gathering phone records "a critical tool in protecting the nation from terrorist threats," reports the AP and Reuters."

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Missouri Governor Vetoes Bill Banning Sharia Law Over Fear of Endangering Foreign Adoptions | Christian News Network

Missouri Governor Vetoes Bill Banning Sharia Law Over Fear of Endangering Foreign Adoptions | Christian News Network: "ST. LOUIS – Missouri Governor Jay Nixon has vetoed a bill that would have prevented judges in the state from using Sharia Law in their judgments, citing fears of endangerment of foreign adoptions and other international concerns."

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Harry Reid's Ploy to Plow Through the Farm Bill

Harry Reid's Ploy to Plow Through the Farm Bill: "The U.S. Senate is expected to vote this morning on a measure that will effectively end debate on the misnamed “farm” bill, cutting off opportunities to fix the deeply flawed legislation.
At a cost of a nearly $1 trillion — 80 percent of which goes to the food-stamp program — American taxpayers deserve a robust debate. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) won’t let that happen."

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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The 9/11, 2013 Million Muslim March- Commemorating Islamic Victory in Ameria With Assault on Liberty - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update

The 9/11, 2013 Million Muslim March- Commemorating Islamic Victory in Ameria With Assault on Liberty - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update: "s Muslims continue their murderous jihad against innocent people in America and around the world (lets see, the count is over 21 thousand Islamic deadly terror attacks since 911) they moan, groan, and demand respect from American citizens for their barbaric, violent, “religion” and its accompanying Sharia Law."

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Child Interrogated Over Cap Gun Until He Wets His Pants, Suspended 10 Days - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update

Child Interrogated Over Cap Gun Until He Wets His Pants, Suspended 10 Days - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update: "In the latest incident of anti-gun hysteria to erupt in a school setting, a kindergarten boy has been suspended from school for 10 days because he showed a friend his cowboy-style cap gun on the way to school."

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Cruz Calling for the IRS to be Permanently ABOLISHED - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update

Cruz Calling for the IRS to be Permanently ABOLISHED - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update: "Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz is a conservative’s conservative, and the IRS’s rampant political favoritism has brought him back to one of this signature campaign issues: getting rid of the tax collection agency for good."

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Bam! Megyn Kelly crushes IRS victim-blaming creep Rep. McDermott; He sneers, screams ‘stop it!’ | Twitchy

Bam! Megyn Kelly crushes IRS victim-blaming creep Rep. McDermott; He sneers, screams ‘stop it!’ | Twitchy: "Bam! Megyn Kelly crushes IRS victim-blaming creep Rep. McDermott; He sneers, screams ‘stop it!’"

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The 9/11, 2013 Million Muslim March- Commemorating Islamic Victory in Ameria With Assault on Liberty - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update

The 9/11, 2013 Million Muslim March- Commemorating Islamic Victory in Ameria With Assault on Liberty - Patriot UpdatePatriot Update: "As Muslims continue their murderous jihad against innocent people in America and around the world (lets see, the count is over 21 thousand Islamic deadly terror attacks since 911) they moan, groan, and demand respect from American citizens for their barbaric, violent, “religion” and its accompanying Sharia Law.
Disregarding and disrespecting the mass loss of life at the hands of their religion, Muslims choose 9/11, 2013 as the date to march one million strong to shove their important message down the throats of the American people..
I get the message… do you? Do I really need to spell it out for you?"

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73,441,399 Gun Purchase Background Checks Under Obama; NJ Spikes 41% in May | CNS News

73,441,399 Gun Purchase Background Checks Under Obama; NJ Spikes 41% in May | CNS News: "There have been 73,441,399 background checks for gun purchases since President Obama took office, according to data released by the FBI."

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IRS Employees: We Targeted Conservative Groups on Orders from Washington

IRS Employees: We Targeted Conservative Groups on Orders from Washington: "Ahead of new hearings on the IRS abuse scandal, the House Government Oversight and Reform Committee has released transcripts of depositions it has taken with IRS employees. The employees directly contradict IRS honcho Lois Lerner’s claim that the targeting was merely the work of “rogue” employees in the IRS Cincinnati office."

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John McTernan's Insights » Presidential Proclamation — Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month, 2013

John McTernan's Insights » Presidential Proclamation — Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month, 2013: "Obama signed a proclamation declaring June as “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month”. When I read this proclamation I was shocked to see it was dated May 31, 2013. This was the date of the massive tornado storm that severely damaged Oklahoma and Missouri."

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Got Hypocrisy? CAIR Demands School Accomodate Muslim Prayer; Attacks Voluntary Bible Lessons | Independent Journal Review

Got Hypocrisy? CAIR Demands School Accomodate Muslim Prayer; Attacks Voluntary Bible Lessons | Independent Journal Review: "In October of 2009, CAIR-Michigan demanded that Huron Park Elementary School in Roseville, Michigan stop handing out permission slips for students to participate in voluntary Bible lessons – off school property. Not only did the school acquiesce and stop the practice; it apologized for doing so."

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Climate Change Science Is Biased

Climate Change Science Is Biased: "The majority of developed nations fund research scientists and rely on them for policy guidance. It is in the best interest of these government-funded scientists to ensure their fields, and therefore their jobs, are deemed of great importance, says Patrick J. Michaels, the director of the Center for the Study of Science at the Cato Institute."

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Deaf Child ‘Forced’ To Change Gun-Like Signing Name Not Actually Forced To Change Name | Mediaite

Deaf Child ‘Forced’ To Change Gun-Like Signing Name Not Actually Forced To Change Name | Mediaite: "here’s a ridiculous story being passed around the conservative blogosphere that says a 3 year-old deaf boy in Nebraska is being forced to change his individualized sign language name, because the sign he uses resembles a gun."

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Bombshell: 'Proof' IRS committed felony | Conservative ByteConservative Byte

Bombshell: 'Proof' IRS committed felony | Conservative ByteConservative Byte: "A witness at a congressional hearing today on IRS targeting of conservative organizations claims he has proof the agency illegally leaked confidential information."

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Gov't Motors Bailout: $10 Billion Loss | Conservative ByteConservative Byte

Gov't Motors Bailout: $10 Billion Loss | Conservative ByteConservative Byte: "The U.S. Treasury said Wednesday it plans to sell 30 million additional shares of General Motors stock in a new public offering in conjunction with GM’s return to the S&P 500 index on Thursday."

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Black Mob Violence: Obama and Media Silent – Why?

Black Mob Violence: Obama and Media Silent – Why?: "On January 20, 2009, America officially swore in its first black president.  I must note here that Obama’s mother was Caucasian, so at the most, he is only half black, even though he appears to be all black.  He was elected not for his political views or promises.  He was elected because a large number of ethnic people in our country wanted a black president."

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Government Wrong Again – Americans’ Wealth Still Down 55%

Government Wrong Again – Americans’ Wealth Still Down 55%: "Most Americans saw large portions of their wealth, savings, investments and retirement accounts disappear by the beginning of 2009.  It all started with the collapse of housing market in early 2008.  "

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Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Congressman Delivers Epic Indictment of Obama - in 1 Minute | Conservative ByteConservative Byte

Congressman Delivers Epic Indictment of Obama - in 1 Minute | Conservative ByteConservative Byte: "This is about the best cliff notes version of the Obama regime ever.
Check it out:"

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DHS flags tweets about 'militia,' but not 'jihad' | Conservative ByteConservative Byte

DHS flags tweets about 'militia,' but not 'jihad' | Conservative ByteConservative Byte: "How anyone can think this would be reasonable shows the complete insanity of liberals.
Check it out:

You can thank the Electronic Privacy Information Center for forcing the Department of Homeland Security to release its list of “keywords” that are used to by its agents to monitor you on Twitter, Facebook and other social networking sites."

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Forgotten Scandal: Gibson Guitars Still Being Persecuted for Doing No Wrong | Conservative ByteConservative Byte

Forgotten Scandal: Gibson Guitars Still Being Persecuted for Doing No Wrong | Conservative ByteConservative Byte: "The recent scandals surrounding this administration raise a number of questions about who they choose to target and why. The arrogance and lack of transparency displayed by this President and his cabinet officials in events such as the raids on Gibson Guitar and the IRS targeting of conservative groups show a complete disregard for the rule of law."

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Student Suspended For Saving Fellow Student’s Life

Student Suspended For Saving Fellow Student’s Life: "We’ve been hearing a number of reports this past year about students being suspended for being kids and standing up for their constitutional rights.  Kindergartners, first and second graders are being punished for pretend shooting with their fingers or supposedly chewing a toaster pastry into the shape of a gun. But have you ever heard of a student being suspended for saving the life of another student?"

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Black Mob Violence: Obama and Media Silent – Why?

Black Mob Violence: Obama and Media Silent – Why?: "On January 20, 2009, America officially swore in its first black president.  I must note here that Obama’s mother was Caucasian, so at the most, he is only half black, even though he appears to be all black.  He was elected not for his political views or promises.  He was elected because a large number of ethnic people in our country wanted a black president."

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Labor Department Tries to Strong Arm Press for $1 Million

Labor Department Tries to Strong Arm Press for $1 Million: "The “most transparent administration in history” has struck again.

This time it was the Department of Labor, which tried to charge the Associated Press more than $1 million for providing a list of secret email addresses of political appointees."

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12 Stunning Silhouette Shots

12 Stunning Silhouette Shots: "One of our most popular posts on this site is How to Photograph Silhouettes.

Today I thought I’d add to the theory of the topic by posting some examples of silhouettes to give a little inspiration to take some of your own."

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Internet Sales Tax Will Kill My Small Business

Internet Sales Tax Will Kill My Small Business: "I own a small business in Virginia called Peace Frogs. My three dozen employees and I make T-shirts and other cool stuff. We’re a positive company that loves being able to do all our work from Gloucester, VA, where I grew up."

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Report Finds IRS Spent $50 Million on Conferences

Report Finds IRS Spent $50 Million on Conferences: "A government watchdog has found that the Internal Revenue Service spent about $50 million to hold at least 220 conferences for employees between 2010 and 2012, a House committee said Sunday."

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IRS Employees: We Targeted Conservative Groups on Orders from Washington

IRS Employees: We Targeted Conservative Groups on Orders from Washington: "Ahead of new hearings on the IRS abuse scandal, the House Government Oversight and Reform Committee has released transcripts of depositions it has taken with IRS employees. The employees directly contradict IRS honcho Lois Lerner’s claim that the targeting was merely the work of “rogue” employees in the IRS Cincinnati office."

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‘It’s Not a Hate Thing’: Boy Scouts Face Monumental Loss After Choice to Allow Openly-Gay Members | Video |

‘It’s Not a Hate Thing’: Boy Scouts Face Monumental Loss After Choice to Allow Openly-Gay Members | Video | "The Boy Scouts of America’s decision to allow openly-gay young men to participate in the organization is already spawning some major membership problems."

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Homosexual Lobby Admits Defeat in Illinois : Freedom Outpost

Homosexual Lobby Admits Defeat in Illinois : Freedom Outpost: "What we are starting to see are more people starting to break free from politically correct circles. People are simply starting to say “NO” resoundingly. Maybe the PC mentality has begun to wear out its welcome."

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Monday, June 3, 2013

US Ignored 2 Warnings About Boston Bomber

US Ignored 2 Warnings About Boston Bomber: "First we hear that Russia had intelligence on Tamerlan Tsarnaev in 2011, but the FBI says they investigated and found nothing that caused them any concern.  In fact, the FBI stated that they had run an extensive background check on Tamerlan and found nothing."

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Taxpayers Fund Over $500,000 For Stop Smoking Study Of LGBT Population

Taxpayers Fund Over $500,000 For Stop Smoking Study Of LGBT Population: "Remember just a few short months ago when the sequestration took place?  Democrats said the world would end because of the required massive budget cuts that were imposed by President Barack Obama (sequestration was his idea and he signed it into law)."

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Bill Clinton’s Half-Million Dollar Speech Is Drawing Outrage in Israel |

Bill Clinton’s Half-Million Dollar Speech Is Drawing Outrage in Israel | "Senior Israeli media figures are voicing outrage at a revelation this weekend that former U.S. President Bill Clinton received $500,000 for a gala speech later this month in honor of Israeli President Shimon Peres’s 90th birthday."

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Obamacare's Negative Impact on Medicare Will Hurt Seniors

Obamacare's Negative Impact on Medicare Will Hurt Seniors: "Medicare’s Part A trust fund is projected to be insolvent by 2026 and the total program has a long-term unfunded obligation of more than $35 trillion. This means the government has made $35 trillion worth of benefit promises to current and future seniors that are not yet paid for — a staggering amount that is more than double the nation’s total current debt."

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Obama, IRS Smoking Gun in Plain Sight

Obama, IRS Smoking Gun in Plain Sight: "As the Obama administration descends into a whirlpool of scandals, a race has begun among Congressional committees and news organizations to find the proverbial smoking gun "

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Harry Reid: We Need More Money For Obamacare : Freedom Outpost

Harry Reid: We Need More Money For Obamacare : Freedom Outpost: "While many of us been saying that the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare, was a trainwreck, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) still has not taken the “red pill” and affirmed that is what it is. However, Reid told radio host Rusty Humphries that it could become one if it’s not implemented properly."

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