Sunday, June 28, 2015

I've Never Said This – But It's Time For You To Start Buying Guns and Ammo » Louder With Crowder

I've Never Said This – But It's Time For You To Start Buying Guns and Ammo » Louder With Crowder: "Now before you label this as a “crazy” post, I’m not talking about, nor am I predicting some doomsday scenario. Don’t expect me to be selling you seeds, food preserves or bomb shelters anytime soon. That is not what I am suggesting here."

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Bundy Ranch 2.0: Obama Seizes Farmer’s Crop, Won't Give It Back… Supreme Court Issues Decision

Bundy Ranch 2.0: Obama Seizes Farmer’s Crop, Won't Give It Back… Supreme Court Issues Decision: "The United States Supreme Court on Monday ruled in favor of California farmers Marvin and Laura Horne in their efforts to keep the Obama administration from seizing a large share of their crop in accordance with an antiquated federal law used to keep crop prices high."

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Tuesday, June 16, 2015

The Obama Administration Declares That Muslim Jihadists Can Join American Military Forces To Be Trained By US Soldiers - Freedom Outpost

The Obama Administration Declares That Muslim Jihadists Can Join American Military Forces To Be Trained By US Soldiers - Freedom Outpost: "The Obama administration has now given an invitation to jihadists to join military forces in the Middle East to be trained by US troops so that they can learn how to fight against Bashar al-Assad. Middle East analyst Robert Olson reports on the story:"

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Monday, June 15, 2015

Advanced Climate Station Data Shows U.S. In A Cooling Trend | The Daily Caller

Advanced Climate Station Data Shows U.S. In A Cooling Trend | The Daily Caller: "Data from America’s most advanced climate monitoring system shows the U.S. has undergone a cooling trend over the last decade, despite recent claims by government scientists that warming has accelerated worldwide during that time."

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Sunday, June 14, 2015

Mid-level DWI change in state could put many in handcuffs -

Mid-level DWI change in state could put many in handcuffs - "The penalties for driving sloppy drunk in Minnesota get substantially tougher in August, a change that could affect thousands of drivers each year.

The Legislature this year lowered the threshold for a gross misdemeanor drunken driving offense to a blood-alcohol concentration (BAC) of .16 percent. That’s still twice the legal limit for misdemeanor DWIs, but it’s four percentage points lower than the previous trigger for seriously impaired driving violations."

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COMMON CORE: “Who Are The Idiots Who Designed This” Asks Professor

COMMON CORE: “Who Are The Idiots Who Designed This” Asks Professor: "tudents are turning to their parents for help but finding that their parents, in spite of advanced education, have no idea how to help their children with their homework. The Common Core Math component is particularly troublesome as it appears that the program has taken what were once simple math problems and turned them into some sort of abstract thinking exercise that eludes even the best of us."

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What Does These Two Homes Say About the Presidential Candidates Who Live There?

What Does These Two Homes Say About the Presidential Candidates Who Live There?: "The home circled in red in the picture on the left belongs to Marco Rubio. The castle on the right belongs to Hillary Clinton. You can see how close she is with the neighbors."

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Wednesday, June 10, 2015

State Dept says Muslim Ramadan More Important than 4th of July? » Liberty Alliance

State Dept says Muslim Ramadan More Important than 4th of July? » Liberty Alliance: "Over the past couple of decades, liberals have been downplaying American patriotism in favor of globalism and other countries. A number of schools, especially in the southwest, have discriminated against displaying the American flag for fear it offends Hispanics. Some students have been suspended for wearing t-shirts with the American flag on May 5 (Cinco de Mayo – a Mexican holiday that has nothing to do with Mexican independence as so many think)."

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Friday, June 5, 2015

VIDEO: John Wayne Mops the Floor With Liberal Lady Spouting Off About How Great Socialism Is

VIDEO: John Wayne Mops the Floor With Liberal Lady Spouting Off About How Great Socialism Is: "On screen, the Duke was legendary for taking down legions of bandits and desperadoes. Off screen, Wayne was known for taking down progressives and communists as one of Hollywood’s most outspoken conservatives."

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Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Baltimore Rioters Now Want Back The Police They Hated... » Louder With Crowder

Baltimore Rioters Now Want Back The Police They Hated... » Louder With Crowder: "How does the adage go? Be careful what you wished for, for wishes may come true? Well… meet Baltimore. When the Baltimore mayor said she wanted to “give those who wished to destroy space to do that” she clearly meant it. Because the city of Baltimore has done just that. Baltimore has suffered from its most violent on record in a long, long time."

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